What greed has done.

Only radicals say stupid stuff like "Democrats see businesses as demonic"

Many Democrats are extremely successful businessman, so that's a load of crap.

Democrats, rightfully see the evil side of businesses and call it out.

Republicans and other radicals apply the "see no evil...." philosophy to business, and on top of that, treat businesses as gods and as if they can do no wrong.

That's why the OP is so apropos and so so correct.
Bill Moyers interview with Chris Hedges on the destruction of America's manufacturing base as well as the effect that unfettered and unregulated capitalism has had on the poor and vulnerable.

This is a perfect example of what happens when capitalism goes left unchecked.

The top 1/10th of 1 % own more wealth than the bottom 92%.

It would likely be better and more equal if we ALL Americans were subject to free market capitalism. However those who own and operate the transnational corporations and the big banks, are NOT subject to free market capitalism. They have a protection racket set up with Uncle Sam. So, they are protected. The rest of us are on our own.

We do not have “unfettered and unregulated capitalism” today. There are plenty of regulations in effect, but the regulations are purposely designed by Uncle Sam to protect their donors, the transnational capitalist class.

It’s a scam, but it seems few Americans see it.
Only radicals say stupid stuff like "Democrats see businesses as demonic"

Many Democrats are extremely successful businessman, so that's a load of crap.

Democrats, rightfully see the evil side of businesses and call it out.

Republicans and other radicals apply the "see no evil...." philosophy to business, and on top of that, treat businesses as gods and as if they can do no wrong.

That's why the OP is so apropos and so so correct.
Agreed on the demonic part.

There is no logical reason to make this issue a partisan one. Clearly both political parties are in on the scam. Both are controlled by their wealthy donors. Both do the bidding of the transnational capitalist class and in turn, protect them from competition, litigation, regulations, etc.

Americans of all stripes need to recognize this scam. It’s not partisan. It’s our entire federal government colluding with big business. If we come together on this, the bastards in the Imperial Capital and the canyons of Wall Street are toast.
crony capitalism is bad enough as it is . lets call for more government and giant multinationals globohomo state totalitarianism with socialism
where did camden NJ come from?
and id only get out of the car at night strapped

if youve ever gone through camden into Philly UH boy
i dont think it was capitalism that got to camden ......democrats got to camdem
Agreed on the demonic part.

There is no logical reason to make this issue a partisan one. Clearly both political parties are in on the scam. Both are controlled by their wealthy donors. Both do the bidding of the transnational capitalist class and in turn, protect them from competition, litigation, regulations, etc.

Americans of all stripes need to recognize this scam. It’s not partisan. It’s our entire federal government colluding with big business. If we come together on this, the bastards in the Imperial Capital and the canyons of Wall Street are toast.
I have to push back on the false equivalency part of your statement.

You have one party that is totally dedicated to propping up business, right or wrong, and turning a blind-eye to all of it's misdeeds and wrongdoings, and you have one party that has SOME of it's members doing that, and has other members that are fighting against it.

How can you fairly equate the two?
Agreed on the demonic part.

There is no logical reason to make this issue a partisan one. Clearly both political parties are in on the scam. Both are controlled by their wealthy donors. Both do the bidding of the transnational capitalist class and in turn, protect them from competition, litigation, regulations, etc.

Americans of all stripes need to recognize this scam. It’s not partisan. It’s our entire federal government colluding with big business. If we come together on this, the bastards in the Imperial Capital and the canyons of Wall Street are toast.
I have to push back on the false equivalency part of your statement.

You have one party that is totally dedicated to propping up business, right or wrong, and turning a blind-eye to all of it's misdeeds and wrongdoings, and you have one party that has SOME of it's members doing that, and has other members that are fighting against it.

How can you fairly equate the two?
And here I thought you might not be a silly partisan. Well you proved me wrong.

How you could think that after what Obama did in bailing out the TBTF banks, is beyond me. Then he passed a HC plan that was designed to enrich big hospital, big pharma, and big insurance.

He and his party support corporatism as much or more than any R.
Corporatism is a poor word choice, especially in the global sense. The focus here should remain on corporate monopolies, cartels, and the stateless billionaire oligarchs sheltered by them. Our supposed "representatives" from both major political parties have been so busy dialing and pampering these assholes for campaign dollars in recent decades it's no wonder little to nothing of practical use ever gets accomplished. But hard to blame them in a system that continues most rewarding those with the biggest campaign chests. Limits are absolutely required and corporations are not people.
And here I thought you might not be a silly partisan. Well you proved me wrong.

How you could think that after what Obama did in bailing out the TBTF banks, is beyond me. Then he passed a HC plan that was designed to enrich big hospital, big pharma, and big insurance.

He and his party support corporatism as much or more than any R.
This is empirically not true.

Talk about partisan.
And here I thought you might not be a silly partisan. Well you proved me wrong.

How you could think that after what Obama did in bailing out the TBTF banks, is beyond me. Then he passed a HC plan that was designed to enrich big hospital, big pharma, and big insurance.

He and his party support corporatism as much or more than any R.
This is empirically not true.

Talk about partisan.
Good God. That’s hilarious. You obamabots are really in denial. Yet you have the nerve to criticize Trumpsters, but you are no different.
And here I thought you might not be a silly partisan. Well you proved me wrong.

How you could think that after what Obama did in bailing out the TBTF banks, is beyond me. Then he passed a HC plan that was designed to enrich big hospital, big pharma, and big insurance.

He and his party support corporatism as much or more than any R.
This is empirically not true.

Talk about partisan.

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