What ever happened to the progressive narrative on "Corporate Welfare"?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
For people who claim to vehemently oppose "Corporate Welfare", progressives sure seem to support it and defend it 24x7. When Barack Obama throws trillions of dollars at the auto industry and Wall Street, they celebrate. When he throws billions of dollars at Solyndra and Elon Musk, they defend it.

I've realized that progressives literally cannot figure out which way is up. They contradict themselves from one breath to the next.

Conservative Group, Liberal Bloggers Clash Over Elon Musk
Its not just the left that can be partisan hypocrites. Its pretty abundant on the right, too.
Its not just the left that can be partisan hypocrites. Its pretty abundant on the right, too.
He only thing in a singularity of blame.....Everything is a progressive....Yet Donald Trump is a progressive..Anyone that thinks of improving is a progressive....Like Flo...
As long as it's their corporation, or if it's their guy handing out tax dollars, all is well.

Their hearts in the right place and that's all that matters, don't cha know...
Its not just the left that can be partisan hypocrites. Its pretty abundant on the right, too.
He only thing in a singularity of blame.....Everything is a progressive....Yet Donald Trump is a progressive..Anyone that thinks of improving is a progressive....Like Flo...
i really feel sorry for FLO, I would of thought that by 2008, Penthouse would of been begging her to pose naked.
Its not just the left that can be partisan hypocrites. Its pretty abundant on the right, too.
He only thing in a singularity of blame.....Everything is a progressive....Yet Donald Trump is a progressive..Anyone that thinks of improving is a progressive....Like Flo...
i really feel sorry for FLO, I would of thought that by 2008, Penthouse would of been begging her to pose naked.
I know, but she's almost 60 now...
Its not just the left that can be partisan hypocrites. Its pretty abundant on the right, too.
He only thing in a singularity of blame.....Everything is a progressive....Yet Donald Trump is a progressive..Anyone that thinks of improving is a progressive....Like Flo...
i really feel sorry for FLO, I would of thought that by 2008, Penthouse would of been begging her to pose naked.
I know, but she's almost 60 now...
shes not that old! I think shes about 46, but still, Id pay to see her naked.
Its not just the left that can be partisan hypocrites. Its pretty abundant on the right, too.
He only thing in a singularity of blame.....Everything is a progressive....Yet Donald Trump is a progressive..Anyone that thinks of improving is a progressive....Like Flo...
i really feel sorry for FLO, I would of thought that by 2008, Penthouse would of been begging her to pose naked.
I know, but she's almost 60 now...
shes not that old! I think shes about 46, but still, Id pay to see her naked.
She was in soaps during the 1980's..
Its not just the left that can be partisan hypocrites. Its pretty abundant on the right, too.
He only thing in a singularity of blame.....Everything is a progressive....Yet Donald Trump is a progressive..Anyone that thinks of improving is a progressive....Like Flo...
i really feel sorry for FLO, I would of thought that by 2008, Penthouse would of been begging her to pose naked.
I know, but she's almost 60 now...
shes not that old! I think shes about 46, but still, Id pay to see her naked.
She was in soaps during the 1980's..
ive seen her without make-up,,,,,,she was cute in her 30's,,,,,why did they have to glue 1/2 inch of make up on her?
Its not just the left that can be partisan hypocrites. Its pretty abundant on the right, too.
With RINO's maybe. But not with true conservatives. Besides, that's not what this thread is about. If you want to discuss right-wing hypocrisy, then start a thread on it. This one is about how progressives feign outrage over something that they created, support, and defend.
Its not just the left that can be partisan hypocrites. Its pretty abundant on the right, too.
With RINO's maybe. But not with true conservatives. Besides, that's not what this thread is about. If you want to discuss right-wing hypocrisy, then start a thread on it. This one is about how progressives feign outrage over something that they created, support, and defend.
Just pointing out your own hypocrisy. Enjoy your circle jerk.
Its not just the left that can be partisan hypocrites. Its pretty abundant on the right, too.
With RINO's maybe. But not with true conservatives. Besides, that's not what this thread is about. If you want to discuss right-wing hypocrisy, then start a thread on it. This one is about how progressives feign outrage over something that they created, support, and defend.
Just pointing out your own hypocrisy. Enjoy your circle jerk.
But you haven't done that, nitwit. You've yet to even state one example, much less prove one. Any other stupid things you'd like to say?
Its not just the left that can be partisan hypocrites. Its pretty abundant on the right, too.
With RINO's maybe. But not with true conservatives. Besides, that's not what this thread is about. If you want to discuss right-wing hypocrisy, then start a thread on it. This one is about how progressives feign outrage over something that they created, support, and defend.
Just pointing out your own hypocrisy. Enjoy your circle jerk.
But you haven't done that, nitwit. You've yet to even state one example, much less prove one. Any other stupid things you'd like to say?
Are you that fucking retarded, that I would actually need to?
You partisans are all from the same grove, just different trees.
Liberals call tax breaks corporate welfare and that's highlarious, because they have no problem with the fact that 45% of the population doesn't pay income taxes at all. Another problem with corporate tax is the assumption that it actually is payed by the company its aimed at and not added to the price of the goods and services. If you think of it that way it turns into a thinly veiled federal sales tax.

I definitely have no issue at all with tax breaks for for Elon Musk's SpaceX company not since the Obama administration canceled the Space Shuttle program. I don't care for the US relying on the Russians to get our Astronaut's into space. Commercial development of space is going to have huge benefits for all in the future and the private industry can do things cheaper, faster, and more efficient than any government run bureaucracy.
For people who claim to vehemently oppose "Corporate Welfare", progressives sure seem to support it and defend it 24x7. When Barack Obama throws trillions of dollars at the auto industry and Wall Street, they celebrate. When he throws billions of dollars at Solyndra and Elon Musk, they defend it.

I've realized that progressives literally cannot figure out which way is up. They contradict themselves from one breath to the next.

Conservative Group, Liberal Bloggers Clash Over Elon Musk
Trump's corporate welfare's chief spokesman. LOL
I saw this bumper sticker that was brilliant..."I will believe corporations are a person when Texas executes one".

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