What Enabled the Last Ice Age


So why did Greenland freeze while North America thawed during the past

1 million

You are aware that south coastal parts of Greenland were warmer about a thousand years ago than now?
When the Vikings had settlements there.
Climate(s) are not stagnant, they are always in flux/change.
Warmer ocean and air currents back then were the factor.
You are aware that south coastal parts of Greenland were warmer about a thousand years ago than now?
When the Vikings had settlements there.

The Greenland ice age, which began 1-2 million years ago, had not yet gotten to the southern tip when the Vikings were farming it. That area is now buried under ice today. Greenland/Vikings were a big part of Global Cooling fraud of 1970s.
The Greenland ice age, which began 1-2 million years ago, had not yet gotten to the southern tip when the Vikings were farming it. That area is now buried under ice today. Greenland/Vikings were a big part of Global Cooling fraud of 1970s.
Because of Da Jooooos, right?
You have a beak and a birdbrain...

and you have zero evidence to back up what you claim....

and you have zero ability to refute the link....

They have correlated the ice cores from Antarctica with those of the North pole, and they coincide.
So they know for certain that ice ages and warming cycles are global, not continental.
You can also tell climate from fossils to a degree.
Told you it was the oceans.

That is only related to how the ice is positioned within the globe, and it not the cause of the cooling or warming.
The oceans are important because they are a huge heat sink, but the oceans do not change the totality into being warmer or colder.
The IDIOCY of the CO2 FRAUD on full display...

What causes ice?


except it isn't cold enough to do that....

The circulation of ocean water is what spreads or restricts the heat that hits the planet, so whether or not you have cold spots is dependent upon ocean currents.

If you had uniform circulation of ocean heat all over the globe, then there would be no ice anywhere.
The formation of ice then is dependent upon restriction of ocean currents.
They have NO EVIDENCE of that water freezing and they know it.

All to stop the truth of the actual data, that....


which rules out Sun and atmosphere, and hence CO2 in atmosphere, as suspects...

No, both Greenland and the rest of North American thawed together for 40,000 years, and there was a short 1k period of orbit deviation where both Greenland and the rest of North American cooled together as well.

The Younger Dryas (YD, Greenland Stadial GS-1)[2] was a period in Earth's geologic history that occurred circa 12,900 to 11,700 years Before Present (BP).[3] It is primarily known for the sudden or "abrupt" cooling in the Northern Hemisphere, when the North Atlantic Ocean cooled and annual air temperatures decreased by ~3 °C (5.4 °F) over North America, 2–6 °C (3.6–10.8 °F) in Europe and up to 10 °C (18 °F) in Greenland, in a few decades.[4] Cooling in Greenland was particularly rapid, taking place over just 3 years or less.[1][5] At the same time, the Southern Hemisphere experienced warming.[4][6] This period ended as rapidly as it began, with dramatic warming over ~50 years, which transitioned the Earth from the glacial Pleistocene epoch into the current Holocene.[1]

The Younger Dryas onset was not fully synchronized; in the tropics, the cooling was spread out over several centuries, and the same was true of the early-Holocene warming.[1] Even in the Northern Hemisphere, temperature change was highly seasonal, with much colder winters, cooler springs, yet no change or even slight warming during the summer.[7][8] Substantial changes in precipitation also took place, with cooler areas experiencing substantially lower rainfall, while warmer areas received more of it.[4] In the Northern Hemisphere, the length of the growing season declined.[8] Land ice cover experienced little net change,[9] but sea ice extent had increased, contributing to ice–albedo feedback.[4] This increase in albedo was the main reason for net global cooling of 0.6 °C (1.1 °F).[4]

Younger Dryas - Wikipedia
What landmass on Earth today inside of 600 miles to a pole is not in ICE AGE?

The heating and cooling changes happen millions of times faster than land masses can move under tectonic migration. Tectonic movements are well mapped from the magnetic field lines imposed on fresh lava. No tectonic plate movement is at all involved in any ice age and warming cycle.
Again, ice ages and warming together are only 110k years long, while plate tectonics takes tens of millions of years.
Did man made climate change start 19,000 years ago?

Europe and the US were covered in ice, sea level was 120 metres lower. Then things started to thaw out.

So when did man made climate change start according to your expert opinion?

No, the ice age killed the plants, they rotted and return their carbon to the atmosphere, and that is what caused the warming that ended the ice age.

The problem is that the ending of the ice age was only about 20k years ago, so we are just slightly after the warmest period of the cycle, and it should be getting colder again now, as plants use up the atmospheric carbon once again. But instead of getting colder again, it is getting hotter. That is because we almost doubled the amount of carbon in the sky, by digging up and burning fossil fuel.
So we are adding a NEW and artificial warming period on top of the natural and normal warming period.
That double warming never happened ever before.
We do not know what will result.
The Greenland ice age, which began 1-2 million years ago, had not yet gotten to the southern tip when the Vikings were farming it. That area is now buried under ice today. Greenland/Vikings were a big part of Global Cooling fraud of 1970s.

Ice ages happen about every 50k years, NOT a million years ago.
The southern tip of Greenland is NOT buried under ice today.
It is about the same as it was when the Vikings were there.
There was a short warming period however, but it was due to orbit deviation.
Warming has also been proven elsewhere during this period and is called the "Medieval Warm Period".
The temperature changes that occur in Greenland are mostly due to changes in ocean currents.

1. From 700 to 750 people belonging to the Late Dorset Culture move into the area around Smith Sound, Ellesmere Island and Greenland north of Thule.
2. Norse settlement of Iceland starts in the second half of the 9th century.
3. Norse settlement of Greenland starts just before 1000.
4. Thule Inuit move into northern Greenland in the 12th century.
5. Late Dorset culture disappears from Greenland in the second half of the 13th century.
6. The Western Settlement disappears in mid 14th century.
7. In 1408 is the Marriage in Hvalsey, the last known written document on the Norse in Greenland.
8. The Eastern Settlement disappears in the mid-15th century.
9. John Cabot is the first European in the post-Iceland era to visit Labrador - Newfoundland in 1497.
10. "Little Ice Age" from c. 1600 to mid 18th century.
11. The Norwegian priest Hans Egede arrives in Greenland in 1721.

The last couple million years correlates exactly with CO2 causing ice age and warming cycles.
The reason it does not when you go back further is that the earth likely had a lot more volcanic activity and cloud cover, that altered what later became the normal cycle.
So why did Greenland freeze while North America thawed during the past

1 million


It didn't.
If Greenland would have frozen, then so would Iceland, and it didn't.
The Vikings did not abandon Greenland over temperature, but conflicts with the natives.
You are aware that south coastal parts of Greenland were warmer about a thousand years ago than now?
When the Vikings had settlements there.
Climate(s) are not stagnant, they are always in flux/change.
Warmer ocean and air currents back then were the factor.

No, Greenland is warmer now.
The Vikings left around 1350, when it was a little colder than now.

When you speak of rapid changes in less than 100 years, that is not climate but simply weather.
Weather is random.
When there is a cold front from weather, then the clouds block the sun and the snow reflects the sun, so it can get even colder.
But that is not climate.
It is just weather.
Weather is local movement of hot or cold, but climate is the sum total of all the local weather.
They have correlated the ice cores from Antarctica with those of the North pole, and they coincide.


Explain how we get "temperature" of "Earth" 1000 years ago from an ice core...

And indeed, the most hilarious "correlation" is that


which blows up the entire CO2 FRAUD narrative and rules out atmosphere, CO2 in atmosphere, and Sun as suspects.

So they know for certain that ice ages and warming cycles are global, not continental.

already 100% disproven by Greenland/North America divergence
If you had uniform circulation of ocean heat all over the globe, then there would be no ice anywhere.

Complete bullshit. 600 miles to the pole and land is in ice age, 100% correlation.

Jurassic had little to no ice because there was no land near the poles...

Earth ice today

Antarctica 90%
Greenland 7%

Both were totally unfrozen until they got to 600 miles to the pole.
both Greenland and the rest of North American thawed together for 40,000 years


3 million years ago there was 5+ million cubic miles of ice on North America and only ice on mountain tops on Greenland. North America, moving SW, moved out of 600 miles to North Pole (except Ellesmere, 0.3% of Earth ice) while Greenland moved inside 600 miles.


1 million years

take your pick
Greenland is warmer now.
The Vikings left around 1350,


The Vikings were farming on the Southern Tip until the 1400s. The Southern Tip where they farmed is now buried under 500+ years of ice layers.

This was the CENTRAL TALKING POINT of the Global COOLING FRAUD of the 1970s.
If Greenland would have frozen, then so would Iceland, and it didn't.

Iceland is outside of 600 miles to the pole.

Alaska is outside of 600 miles to the pole.

Greenland is not.

Greenland buried under ice age glacier head to toe.

Alaska and Iceland not so...

and indeed TODAY Greenland is frozen and Iceland is not... duh...

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