What else will Obama do on his way out...


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Well lets see, I'll put on my progressive left-wing liberal hat on, OK here we go...

Empty Guantanamo Bay detention facility/base and give the property to Cuba as a gift...

Federally legalized marijuana...

Do the opposite of Bush and bug the shit out of Trump for the next 8 years...

OK hat off.

Just wanted to put that out there in case the Obongo comes up with more exec orders...

Feel free to add...
He's not through hurting America yet, that for sure. I just hope someone can hold him accountable.
OP- Sounds great. He's Pres. until Jan. 20. The problem is he can't make the rich pay their fair share and invest in America, dupes. No one wants to free the few ones left.
Obama Administration Set for One Last Strike at Israel
A Paris “peace conference” and a Turtle Bay aftermath.
January 4, 2017
P. David Hornik


As international-law scholar Eugene Kontorovich notes in the Washington Post:

The…condemnation of any Jewish presence whatsoever in eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank is a unique rule invented for Israel. There has never been a prolonged belligerent occupation—from the U.S. occupation of West Berlin to Turkey’s ongoing occupation of Cyprus to Russia’s of Crimea—where the occupying power has blocked its citizens from living in the territory under its control. Moreover, neither the United Nations nor any other international body has ever suggested they must do so. What is being demanded of Israel in its historical homeland has never been demanded of any other state, and never will be.

The Obama administration’s stepped-up diplomatic and verbal assault on Israel in the last weeks of its tenure has not gone unnoticed, sparking bitter criticism even from Democratic lawmakers and mainstream American Jewish organizations that are far from any right-wing agenda.

But the extent to which the administration listens to such protests, or can be budged from its wholesale endorsement of Palestinian claims regarding the West Bank and Jerusalem, can be gauged from the fact that the Obama-Kerry team has still more in store for Israel.


American Jewish leaders have demanded that France call off this “ill-conceived, poorly timed and damaging” event, also pointing to “the impending transition to a new US administration, just five days later.”

But according to The Times of Israel, that—the Obama administration’s exploitation of its last days in office to do more harm to Israel—is exactly what Prime Minister Netanyahu is concerned about.

The Times of Israel cites an Israeli news broadcast saying Netanyahu believes the Middle East Quartet—which includes the U.S., UN, Russia, and the EU—“will coordinate positions at the Paris summit, and then return to the Security Council in the very last days of Obama’s presidency to cement these new parameters on Mideast peacemaking.”

“Cement these new parameters” would, of course, mean another Security Council resolution that is ruinous to Israel’s stance in favor of a negotiated settlement, tars it as a rogue state and international outlaw, and gives another major boost to the ongoing international effort to delegitimize and ultimately dismantle the Jewish state.

The Obama administration that came into office calling for “daylight” between the U.S. and Israel and slamming “natural growth” in Israeli communities, will be leaving office having learned nothing about the real sources of Middle Eastern violence and instability, Palestinian intransigence and outright rejection of Israel in any contours, and Israel’s unique nature in its region as a stable, faithfully pro-U.S. democracy seeking a genuine peace that would not merely imperil it.

Instead the administration appears bent on compounding ignorance and incorrigibility by cementing a lasting legacy of shame.

Obama Administration Set for One Last Strike at Israel


Welcoming Castro's Spies
How Obama is exposing U.S. defense information to the world's worst intelligence traffickers.
January 4, 2017
Humberto Fontova


Now, thanks to Obama’s “normalization” with the Castro-Family-Crime-Syndicate (commonly and grotesquely mislabeled as “Cuba” by the media and Obama State Dept.) Gustavo Machin is a regular visitor and main operative in the newly-opened Cuban embassy in Washington D.C.

“From Machin’s perspective, it certainly would be a Cuban spy-handler’s dream,” says retired Lt. Col. Chris Simmons, who helped nab both Montes and Machin along with 14 other Cuban spies and is widely hailed as America’s top Cuba spycatcher. “Hundreds of media, politicians, academics and Castro apologists all in one place at the same time. The DI (Cuba’s Directorio de Intelligencia) staff embedded within the /Embassy will certainly be working overtime – I expect they also brought in temporary help within the “30-member delegation of diplomatic, cultural and other leaders” that arrived for the Embassy opening.”

"All Cuban personnel now working in the (U.S) Interests Section (in Havana) work for Cuban State Security,” revealed high-ranking Cuban intelligence defector Pedro Riera Escalante last year. “All housing for (U.S.) officials may have microphones and other devices installed.”

"Virtually every member of Cuba's U.N mission is an intelligence agent," revealed Alcibiades Hidalgo, who defected to the U.S. in 2002 after serving as Raul Castro's Chief of Staff and himself as Cuba's ambassador to the U.N.

"Cuba is intelligence trafficker to the world," stresses Chris Simmons. "Among many others, the U.S. military secrets stolen by Castro’s spies have been sold to former regimes in Iraq, Panama and Grenada, alerting these dictatorships to U.S. military plans against them and costing untold American lives.

Last January 26th the U.S. military’s Southern Command held the “Caribbean regional security conference” to which Gustavo Machin was kindly invited to participate as leader of a delegation of numerous other KGB-trained Cuban spies.

A few months later in April 2016—again on Obama’s orders--4 top Cuban Military and Intelligence officials were given an in-depth educational tour and a detailed briefing of this same vital Defense Dept. facility—described as the U.S. Defense Department’s “command center on the war on drugs.”

In brief, if Obama’s so worried about Russian spying why does he invite their closest allies (Cubans) to infest our capitol and inspect our vital defense facilities?

Welcoming Castro's Spies
Obama Feeds Cuba’s Firing Squads

The Radical-in-Chief kills hope for Cubans fleeing their totalitarian hellhole.
January 13, 2017
Matthew Vadum

As a final sop to his friends and fans in Communist Cuba, President Obama yesterday abruptly ended the two decade-old compassionate immigration policy that allowed any Cuban who made it to U.S. soil to remain in this country and become a legal resident.

This middle finger to the Cuban community is likely part of a series of last-minute policy changes Obama makes on his way out of office. In addition to an expected avalanche of eleventh-hour executive orders and regulations, media reports indicate the White House is seriously considering commuting the 35-year prison term handed out to traitor Bradley Manning for leaking classified documents. Other possible clemency recipients include Hillary Clinton, Bowe Bergdahl, Edward Snowden, and terrorist Omar Abdel-Rahman, also known as the Blind Sheikh.

Cubans remain desperate to escape their miserable, impoverished nation and get into the United States. Since October 2012, more than 118,000 Cubans have shown up at border ports of entry, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The 118,000 figure includes more than 48,000 people who presented themselves at the border between October 2015 and November 2016.

Obama moved after reportedly reaching an agreement with Cuban officials Thursday.

Cuban officials praised Obama’s action, calling the new agreement "an important step in advancing relations" between the U.S. and Cuba that "aims to guarantee normal, safe and ordered migration." Ordered migration is apparently a Cuban euphemism for no migration.

"For this to work, the Cubans had to agree to take people back," said Ben Rhodes, Obama's deputy national security adviser who both lied about the loophole-ridden Iranian nuclear nonproliferation pact and worked with journalists to generate fake news stories about it to win support for it.

Fleeing Cuba is a crime. Whether the Cubans sent back to Cuba under Obama’s new fiat will be tortured, jailed, or executed is an open question but not one that Obama cares about.

After all, Cuba can’t afford to be losing the native-born slaves that it needs to feed its precarious economy and move forward, Rhodes may as well have argued.

"It's important that Cuba continue to have a young, dynamic population that are clearly serving as agents of change," he said.

The rescission of the "wet foot, dry foot" immigration policy in place for those fleeing Cuba wasn’t entirely unexpected. Raul Castro’s dictatorship and the Obama regime had been negotiating over the demise of the policy enacted by President Clinton in 1995 for months after full diplomatic relations were restored between the two countries.

"Effective immediately, Cuban nationals who attempt to enter the United States illegally and do not qualify for humanitarian relief will be subject to removal, consistent with U.S. law and enforcement priorities," Obama said yesterday in a statement. "By taking this step, we are treating Cuban migrants the same way we treat migrants from other countries. The Cuban government has agreed to accept the return of Cuban nationals who have been ordered removed, just as it has been accepting the return of migrants interdicted at sea."

In other words, it’s all about Obama’s phony, arbitrary vision of “fairness.” Open borders are now okay for everyone except Cubans. The free ride will continue for non-Cubans sneaking across the country’s southern land border.


When he becomes president in a week Donald Trump, who has criticized the current administration for cozying up to the leaders of the tropical workers’ paradise, could reverse Obama’s decisions.

Obama Feeds Cuba’s Firing Squads
I wouldn't be surprised if he pardoned Charles Manson.

He can't, that would be up to the State of CA.

But with that said, the EPA just announced new mileage standards for small cars of 51 MPG. Auto makers says the technology doesn't exist to meet it.
With days left in office, President Obama ushers in dozens of policies. But will they stay seated?
9 / 26

The Washington Post
Juliet Eilperin, Brady Dennis 4 hrs ago

In the past week, the Obama administration overturned a decades-old policy toward Cuban immigrants, forged two major agreements to address racial bias in big-city police departments and approved an unexpected cut in mortgage rates for hundreds of thousands of low-income and first-time home buyers.

Officials even made time, after years of lobbying, to add the rusty patched bumble bee to the list of endangered species.

In the final days before President Obama leaves office, administration officials are rushing to complete dozens of tasks that will affect millions of lives and solidify the president’s imprint on history. But in many cases, their permanence is uncertain, and President-elect Donald Trump is already pledging to undo some of them after taking office.

“He is clearly using executive power aggressively and trying to do as much as possible in his final days,” Princeton University history and public affairs professor Julian Zelizer said in an email. “It is clear that a president who was once reluctant to use the power of his own office has changed his heart, especially now that he sees a radically conservative Congress and Republican president-elect are getting ready to dismantle much of what he has done.”


But even as Obama was churning out his final actions, Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill were taking a first step toward repealing the president’s signature health care law, starting to erase his legacy even before his time in office ends.

With days left in office, President Obama ushers in dozens of policies. But will they stay seated?


America's half/breed clown and doper, I'M being politically correct...
ROLMAO now that's a real libtart beatch...

Ryan: Obama’s Manning commutation ‘outrageous’

The Hill

Mark Hensch 2 hrs ago

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Tuesday forcefully condemned President Obama's commutation of former Army soldier Chelsea Manning's prison sentence for leaking classified information.

"Chelsea Manning's treachery put American lives at risk and exposed some of our nation's most sensitive secrets," Ryan said in a statement. "This is just outrageous."

Ryan added Obama's decision would embolden others who previously feared punishment for leaking classified materials.

"President Obama now leaves in place a dangerous precedent that those who compromise our national security won't be held accountable for their crimes."

Manning was serving a 35-year-prison sentence before Obama's commutation Tuesday, the longest ever imposed for a leak conviction.



Obama announced Manning's grant in a batch of 209 commutations and 64 pardons overall, which came as he finishes the last four days of his presidency. Civil liberties groups applauded the move, but congressional Republicans have been swift in rejecting it.


Ryan: Obama’s Manning commutation ‘outrageous’
Obama Lifts Sudan Sanctions
While President Bashir perpetrates Jihad.
January 18, 2017
Lt. General Abakar M. Abdullah and Jerry Gordon

Add to the list of foreign policy failures by the departing Obama Administration is his last minute executive order partially lifting sanctions on agricultural and transportation trade. It also unfreezes assets in the US of the corrupt regime of indicted war criminal President Omar Bashir. The sanctions for Darfur will remain with the only condition left to the incoming Trump Administration a so-called 180 day ‘look back’ provision that might ‘snap back’ sanctions. The move by the Obama administration was “welcomed” by the Arab League in a Qatar Tribune report. This was a dramatic ‘sea change’ from a President Obama who campaigned during his 2008 election on “ending the slaughter in Darfur.”


Obama Lifts Sudan Sanctions
Obama Frees Marxist Terrorist From Cop-Killing Terror Group
January 18, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Obama is going to free as many terrorists, Al Qaeda from Gitmo and domestic Marxist terrorists, as he can before being escorted out of the building with a box full of his best bribes and trophies for participation.

The pardon for FALN terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera is utterly unsurprising. Rivera had been one of the left's causes for a while. Right after Mumia. Bernie Sanders campaigned on a promise to pardon him. Bernie didn't get it. Neither did Hillary, whose husband aided plenty of FALN terrorists, so Obama did it for them.

And here's the beneficiary of his latest attack, and hopefully last attack, on America.

Lopez Rivera conspired to transport explosives with intent to destroy federal government property and committed other related crimes — or that the FALN was deemed responsible for a reign of terror that killed six people and injured 130 others in at least 114 bombings.

They includes the 1975 bombing of historic Fraunces Tavern in the city’s Financial District, which left four people dead and wounded more than 50 others, and a New Year’s Eve 1982 bombing at Police Headquarters that maimed three NYPD cops who tried to defuse the explosives.

On January 24, 1975, a ten-pound dynamite bomb planted by the FALN at Fraunces Tavern in lower Manhattan exploded, killing his father, 33-year-old Frank Connor.

In 2011, Joe Connor attended a parole hearing for López Rivera in Terre Haute, Indiana. He and the other survivors of the FALN’s murder spree offered López Rivera “multiple opportunities” to express remorse. He rebuffed all of them.

Rivera has been very clear that he has no regrets. It's why even Bill Clinton couldn't free him. Even in prison, he was part of an escape plot that included the potential murder of prison guards.


Obama Frees Marxist Terrorist From Cop-Killing Terror Group
Obama Sends $221 Million To Terrorist-Funding Palestinian Authority
Ten percent will likely go to pay salaries of proud convicted killers and "martyrs."
January 25, 2017
Ari Lieberman

In just over a 10-week period during the transition, Barack Obama has transformed himself into a one-man wrecking ball. It is astonishing to watch just how much damage one man can inflict during such a short period of time. In fairness, Obama had some assistance from his dim-witted sidekick, Secretary of State John Kerry, who dutifully obeyed his master’s orders.

Despite full throated denials, which later turned into meek, half-hearted denials, there is clear and convincing evidence that the Obama administration orchestrated and secured the passage of the immoral and perfidious United Nations Security Council resolution 2334, in direct defiance of bipartisan congressional wishes. Under resolution 2334, it is a “flagrant violation of international law” for Israel to reconstruct East Jerusalem synagogues and other religious institutions dynamited by the Jordanians (for no apparent reason other than pure anti-Semitism) during their 19-year occupation of the Old City. That gives one a good sense of just how absurd this rancid resolution, bearing Obama’s fingerprints, is.

After securing the passage of resolution 2334, Obama continued to jab at Israel, America’s closest ally in the region and arguably, the world. Hauling Israel before the world’s greatest purveyors of anti-Semitism wasn’t enough for the lame duck president. He had to ensure that the Mideast’s only democracy was thoroughly tarnished as well and just days later, had his secretary of state launch a scathing 75-minute attack speech against the Jewish state.

Kerry’s long-winded and somewhat incoherent screed paid mere lip service to Palestinian terrorism and incitement and focused almost exclusively on “Israeli settlements.” The Obama administration even challenged the legitimacy of Israel’s democratically elected government, characterizing it as the “most right-wing” government in Israel’s history.

Kerry’s trashing of Israel at Obama’s behest proved too much to bear and provoked a rare but stern rebuke from the United Kingdom. In an unusually harsh tone, British Prime Minister Theresa May stated, “We do not... believe that the way to negotiate peace is by focusing on only one issue, in this case the construction of settlements, when clearly the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians is so deeply complex.” May also criticized Kerry’s negative characterization of Israel’s government stating that it was inappropriate “to attack the composition of the democratically-elected government of an ally.”

Australia’s Prime Minister Julie Bishop also voiced strong support for Israel. Even Russia, not known for warmth toward Israel, criticized Kerry’s speech as unhelpful.


Not content with fundamentally altering decades of U.S. policy by shamefully permitting the passage of a rabidly anti-Israel UNSC resolution, the Obama administration took its final parting shot at Israel and Congress by authorizing the release $221 million to the Palestinian Authority that Republican members of Congress had been blocking. Written notification of the transfer was issued on January 20, just hours before Donald trump assumed the presidency.


While the release of the funds was technically legal, it demonstrates the utter disdain Obama has for Congress and the system of checks and balances. This has been a common theme throughout his tenure. More importantly, Obama’s unilateral anti-Israel actions during the transitional period placed encumbrances on the incoming administration and severely undermined the interests of a long-time, reliable and vital strategic ally. That he would take these harmful actions at a time when the U.S. faces infinitely more daunting and pressing international challenges, speaks volumes about the man and his nefarious agenda. His final act as president represents an ignominious end to a disastrous presidency. Good riddance.

Obama Sends $221 Million To Terrorist-Funding Palestinian Authority

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