What Does Santa Claus Have To Do With Christianity?

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Santa Clause is not a Christian symbol. Santa Clause is a legendary character with Christian origins.
Seeing as republicans freed the slaves from democrats I would say they are safe from us enslaving them again....To bad they went the other way back into chains.
a half truth..the Lincoln republicans freed the slaves....not the "modern" republicans..your comparison is false, as evidenced by the complexion of the republican party since then.

LOL so freeing them from government entanglement and offering them better better opportunities for success means enslaving them? LMAO
on what planet did the republican party do that ? not this one.
He's morphed from St. Nicholas, who was a Greek philanthropist in the..third? Fourth? Century. He gave his wealth to the needy....he was made a saint, and his saint day is in December.

This isn't rocket science ppl.
a half truth..the Lincoln republicans freed the slaves....not the "modern" republicans..your comparison is false, as evidenced by the complexion of the republican party since then.

LOL so freeing them from government entanglement and offering them better better opportunities for success means enslaving them? LMAO
on what planet did the republican party do that ? not this one.

This one and every one since Lincoln.....Your ignorance is astounding.
"No, current day Santa has nothing to do with Christianity, but giving does, and today's Santa is based on Saint Nicolas, who gave gifts and performed miracles in the 4th century."

Giving your kid an iphone or the latest "Grand Theft Auto" video game, or your spouse an ipad or piece of jewelry is supposed to celebrate and honor the memory of someone who liquidated their entire fortune and spent it on relieving the suffering of the poor is "a miracle"?

I in no way whatsoever suggested that giving gifts was a miracle. What kind of backasswards thinking caused you to reach that conclusion? The comparison is between Christmas and Santa. Saint Nicolas, the original, and Christ both reputedly performed miracles: that is the connection. Duh.
unfucking real. Just because someone is depicted white does not mean they are wrong and evil. Jesus you fools keep letting the progressives control you by using stupid fucking issues like this.
on what planet did the republican party do that ? not this one.

This one and every one since Lincoln.....Your ignorance is astounding.

The point is that the Republican party today is not in any way connected with the Republican party at the time of the Civil War. It's ludicrous for today's Republicans to try and take credit for freeing the slaves. Totally ludicrous and quite pathetic. It means you have so little to be proud of, you filch from others for something to brag about. Hilarious and pathetic.

What they are not is racist democrats....Treated everyone as a individual isnt even remotly racist.
LOL so freeing them from government entanglement and offering them better better opportunities for success means enslaving them? LMAO
on what planet did the republican party do that ? not this one.

This one and every one since Lincoln.....Your ignorance is astounding.
no that would be you...the republican party you belong to would make Lincoln puke..your denial of that fact prove my point!
Is Santa Claus a Christian symbol?

If so, please break it down for me by showing me how.

As it stands, I don't see how a mythical character is a symbol for Christianity.

In fact, I believe it distorts it, certainly if and/or when it's used as symbol for Christianity.

I look forward to your responses.

Whats does Marxism have to do with blacks and why do you wish to keep your people in chains to their democrat slave masters?

Thread shark jumped here ^^

He's morphed from St. Nicholas, who was a Greek philanthropist in the..third? Fourth? Century. He gave his wealth to the needy....he was made a saint, and his saint day is in December.

This isn't rocket science ppl.

And to honor and memorialize his memory and his selfless charitable giving, we give our kids "Grand Theft Auto 3" or a barbie doll, our spouses a diamond necklace, and our boss a bottle of fine whiskey.
The bottom line is what christians have done to christmas is no different then what they have done to jesus, his message and his memory.
unfucking real. Just because someone is depicted white does not mean they are wrong and evil. Jesus you fools keep letting the progressives control you by using stupid fucking issues like this.
not the letting progressives control you ploy!again.
Jesus (if he actually existed) was not white portraying him as such is inaccurate and a fraud.
The only thing that has been *done* to Christmas is that it has survived, and people love it and use it in the same manner any holiday is used...to celebrate God, Christ, to enjoy their loved ones, to focus on particular things.

I love Christmas.
unfucking real. Just because someone is depicted white does not mean they are wrong and evil. Jesus you fools keep letting the progressives control you by using stupid fucking issues like this.
not the letting progressives control you ploy!again.
Jesus (if he actually existed) was not white portraying him as such is inaccurate and a fraud.

Pfft. Why are you people so obsessed with skin color?

He's morphed from St. Nicholas, who was a Greek philanthropist in the..third? Fourth? Century. He gave his wealth to the needy....he was made a saint, and his saint day is in December.

This isn't rocket science ppl.
true, but he wasn't a white guy either..

He didn't wear a red suit nor having flying reindeer either.
yes he did! how do you explain the reindeer shit on my roof?
This one and every one since Lincoln.....Your ignorance is astounding.

The point is that the Republican party today is not in any way connected with the Republican party at the time of the Civil War. It's ludicrous for today's Republicans to try and take credit for freeing the slaves. Totally ludicrous and quite pathetic. It means you have so little to be proud of, you filch from others for something to brag about. Hilarious and pathetic.

What they are not is racist democrats....Treated everyone as a individual isnt even remotly racist.
right! next you'll claim most republicans are not homophobic!:eusa_liar:
Is Santa Claus a Christian symbol?

If so, please break it down for me by showing me how.

As it stands, I don't see how a mythical character is a symbol for Christianity.

In fact, I believe it distorts it, certainly if and/or when it's used as symbol for Christianity.

I look forward to your responses.

Whats does Marxism have to do with blacks and why do you wish to keep your people in chains to their democrat slave masters?

Thread shark jumped here ^^


Not trolls you dumb f*** .. This is me pointing out the absurdity of this stupid thread

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