What Does "6MWE" Have To Do With So-Called Voter Fraud?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The horned protester is a known promoter of QAnon, a right-wing conspiracy theory based on the cryptic posts of an individual or group named "Q" -- His name is Jake Angeli and he has been a regular at right-wing political rallies in Arizona, where he is from, since 2019. Tim Gionet, known as "Baked Alaska", is a white nationalist activist who was part of the group that entered offices in the Capitol -- he livestreamed himself from inside [the Capitol] -- He is known for holding neo-Nazi and white supremacist views, supporting Mr Trump and promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories online. A man standing by the Capitol steps wearing a hoodie branded with "Camp Auschwitz: Work brings freedom" on the front, and "staff" on the back was trending on Twitter --- Oren Segal, vice president of the Anti-Defamation League's Centre on Extremism, said he saw members of several white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups among the pro-Trump crowds in Washington."

: What does "6 Million Jews Were Not Enough", "Camp Auscwhitz" and Confederate flags have to do with a so-called "rigged election" -- a so-called rigged election that still to this day, Trump and his sycophants have not produced ANY EVIDENCE of.....Hell, at the height of the Civil War, never in their wildest dreams could the Robert E. Lee's and Jefferson Davis types think they would be raising their flag on in the Capitol building of the country they were fighting AGAINST -- but because a bunch of right wing ammosexuals had a sad about losing the election; the Confederate flag was finally raised in the Capitol building...so how does Neo-Nazi and Neo-Confederate cosplay factor into a so-called rigged election??

Last time a bunch of Lost cause Confederates lost an election that resulted in people of color taking the highest offices -- it resulted in the racist Insurrection of Wilmington, NC in 1898 -- funny how history repeats...Because for today's reactionary right-wing fragile minded cucks -- this overwhelming electoral defeat will be their new lost cause strategy to explain away their political failures for the next 100 years.....


"The horned protester is a known promoter of QAnon, a right-wing conspiracy theory based on the cryptic posts of an individual or group named "Q" -- His name is Jake Angeli and he has been a regular at right-wing political rallies in Arizona, where he is from, since 2019. Tim Gionet, known as "Baked Alaska", is a white nationalist activist who was part of the group that entered offices in the Capitol -- he livestreamed himself from inside [the Capitol] -- He is known for holding neo-Nazi and white supremacist views, supporting Mr Trump and promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories online. A man standing by the Capitol steps wearing a hoodie branded with "Camp Auschwitz: Work brings freedom" on the front, and "staff" on the back was trending on Twitter --- Oren Segal, vice president of the Anti-Defamation League's Centre on Extremism, said he saw members of several white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups among the pro-Trump crowds in Washington."
View attachment 439256View attachment 439257

: What does "6 Million Jews Were Not Enough", "Camp Auscwhitz" and Confederate flags have to do with a so-called "rigged election" -- a so-called rigged election that still to this day, Trump and his sycophants have not produced ANY EVIDENCE of.....Hell, at the height of the Civil War, never in their wildest dreams could the Robert E. Lee's and Jefferson Davis types think they would be raising their flag on in the Capitol building of the country they were fighting AGAINST -- but because a bunch of right wing ammosexuals had a sad about losing the election; the Confederate flag was finally raised in the Capitol building...so how does Neo-Nazi and Neo-Confederate cosplay factor into a so-called rigged election??

Last time a bunch of Lost cause Confederates lost an election that resulted in people of color taking the highest offices -- it resulted in the racist Insurrection of Wilmington, NC in 1898 -- funny how history repeats...Because for today's reactionary right-wing fragile minded cucks -- this overwhelming electoral defeat will be their new lost cause strategy to explain away their political failures for the next 100 years.....

they are very special people, and trump loves them.

"The horned protester is a known promoter of QAnon, a right-wing conspiracy theory based on the cryptic posts of an individual or group named "Q" -- His name is Jake Angeli and he has been a regular at right-wing political rallies in Arizona, where he is from, since 2019. Tim Gionet, known as "Baked Alaska", is a white nationalist activist who was part of the group that entered offices in the Capitol -- he livestreamed himself from inside [the Capitol] -- He is known for holding neo-Nazi and white supremacist views, supporting Mr Trump and promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories online. A man standing by the Capitol steps wearing a hoodie branded with "Camp Auschwitz: Work brings freedom" on the front, and "staff" on the back was trending on Twitter --- Oren Segal, vice president of the Anti-Defamation League's Centre on Extremism, said he saw members of several white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups among the pro-Trump crowds in Washington."
View attachment 439256View attachment 439257

: What does "6 Million Jews Were Not Enough", "Camp Auscwhitz" and Confederate flags have to do with a so-called "rigged election" -- a so-called rigged election that still to this day, Trump and his sycophants have not produced ANY EVIDENCE of.....Hell, at the height of the Civil War, never in their wildest dreams could the Robert E. Lee's and Jefferson Davis types think they would be raising their flag on in the Capitol building of the country they were fighting AGAINST -- but because a bunch of right wing ammosexuals had a sad about losing the election; the Confederate flag was finally raised in the Capitol building...so how does Neo-Nazi and Neo-Confederate cosplay factor into a so-called rigged election??

Last time a bunch of Lost cause Confederates lost an election that resulted in people of color taking the highest offices -- it resulted in the racist Insurrection of Wilmington, NC in 1898 -- funny how history repeats...Because for today's reactionary right-wing fragile minded cucks -- this overwhelming electoral defeat will be their new lost cause strategy to explain away their political failures for the next 100 years.....

they are very special people, and trump loves them.
I just want for once, a Trumper to simply say -- "Altho I support Trump, I don't support any Neo Nazi or any Neo-Confederate -- and we shouldn't be pandering to them just to hang onto power"

But for some reason, they can't........

I am progressive, I am for judicial reform, I am for police reform -- which is why I can be consistent and say the woman who was shot at the Capitol building didn't deserve to be shot and the cop who did it, should face consequences.....period.......Trumpers can't have that type of consistency because they don't give a fuck about reforms if it means "those other people" benefit from it too...
I am progressive, I am for judicial reform, I am for police reform -- which is why I can be consistent and say the woman who was shot at the Capitol building didn't deserve to be shot and the cop who did it, should face consequences.....period.......Trumpers can't have that type of consistency because they don't give a fuck about reforms if it means "those other people" benefit from it too...
You're opinion of Trump supporters, which I am not one of, is biased and formed by the media-
I am progressive, I am for judicial reform, I am for police reform -- which is why I can be consistent and say the woman who was shot at the Capitol building didn't deserve to be shot and the cop who did it, should face consequences.....period.......Trumpers can't have that type of consistency because they don't give a fuck about reforms if it means "those other people" benefit from it too...
You're opinion of Trump supporters, which I am not one of, is biased and formed by the media-
When you see your fellow "Trump supporters" demonize anyone who supports BLM, demonize anyone who is for true judicial reform (including reform for the people you don't like), demonize anyone who is against the police murdering unarmed men, women and children of color -- do you push back against them -- or do you join along because it's easier??

When I start seeing you and your fellow "Trump supporters" be consistent about your supposed opposition to wrongful police actions -- then talk to me about bias
When I start seeing you and your fellow "Trump supporters" be consistent about your supposed opposition to wrongful police actions -- then talk to me about bias
You see what you want to see. Period. Read my sig line, stupid- I live it- I'm an equal despiser.
When I start seeing you and your fellow "Trump supporters" be consistent about your supposed opposition to wrongful police actions -- then talk to me about bias
You see what you want to see. Period. Read my sig line, stupid- I live it- I'm an equal despiser.
Your sig line doesn't erase the numerous times I seen your dic sucking ass on here larping for Trump -- fuck that weak attempt at "both sides are the same" sig line you got.....

Both sides ain't the same.......

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