What do you uninformed people think companies will do with their repatriated trillions?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Longtime Apple analyst Gene Munster has weighed in, and expects the Mac maker to repatriate $214 billion at the 15.5% rate. Once that cash is brought home, Apple will likely allocate most of it toward its aggressive capital return program.
How Much Cash Will Apple, Inc. Repatriate Under New Tax Law?

An estimated $2.6 trillion in American corporate profits is sitting in overseas bank accounts, about half of that in cash.

So what will Apple et.al. do?
Now uninformed people don't seem to comprehend there are ONLY positive values at play.
One of the myths these uninformed believe is "oh that money will just go back to buy shares back"!
What's wrong with that?
Who owns those shares that will be bought back? Wealthy people of course BUT also trillions of dollars
in 401Ks and pensions among the less than 1%ers own.
In fact,
Total retirement assets near $25 trillion mark
Total retirement assets near $25 trillion mark

And who owns that $25 Trillion???
That's for the next comment!

In 2015, about 54 million American workers were active 401(k) participants, and there were nearly 550,000 401(k) plans.
ICI - 401(k) Plan Research: FAQs
So that works out dividing $25 trillion by 54 million or $462,262 per person.
Now at 5% earnings per year...$23,148 without touching the principle.
Try to sell shit in Asia, as the west abandons free trade.

So you don't think China will buy oil from the USA once they understand their "global warming" CO2 demands force reduction of coal utilities?
We've been through this before.

(hint - it DIDN'T "trickle down")
U.S. exports of agricultural products to China totaled $21 billion in 2016, our 2nd largest agricultural export market.
The People's Republic of China | United States Trade Representative
You don't think they will continue to buy? They have to feed nearly 2 billion people you know!

China is in the process of gaining the rights to build a railway to connect all of the grain producing regions of Brazil. They are not doing that just for the fun of it, they are doing that looking elsewhere for their grains since trade agreements with the US are no longer stable.

At the same time they are also buying up beef operations in Brazil. For the same reason as the grain.

I hate to be a downer, but we need the rest of the world more than they need us when it comes to trade.
U.S. exports of agricultural products to China totaled $21 billion in 2016, our 2nd largest agricultural export market.
The People's Republic of China | United States Trade Representative
You don't think they will continue to buy? They have to feed nearly 2 billion people you know!

China is in the process of gaining the rights to build a railway to connect all of the grain producing regions of Brazil. They are not doing that just for the fun of it, they are doing that looking elsewhere for their grains since trade agreements with the US are no longer stable.

At the same time they are also buying up beef operations in Brazil. For the same reason as the grain.

I hate to be a downer, but we need the rest of the world more than they need us when it comes to trade.

They never were stable! They were ONE sided! That's what you do when you are "leading from behind"!
We've been through this before.

(hint - it DIDN'T "trickle down")
Indeed. What year was it that Reagan came into power again?

In 2015, about 54 million American workers were active 401(k) participants, and there were nearly 550,000 401(k) plans.
ICI - 401(k) Plan Research: FAQs
So that works out dividing $25 trillion by 54 million or $462,262 per person.
Now at 5% earnings per year...$23,148 without touching the principle.

CORRECTION! I was wrong.

As of September 30, 2017, 401(k) plans held an estimated $5.3 trillion in assets and represented 19 percent of the $27.2 trillion in US retirement assets,
ICI - 401(k) Plan Research: FAQs
What is the average 401(k) plan account balance?
When looking at 401(k) account balances it is important to account for participant age and tenure. Account balances tended to be higher the longer 401(k) plan participants had been working for their current employers and the older the participant.
In the EBRI/ICI 401(k) database, at year-end 2014, participants in their thirties with more than two to five years of tenure had an average 401(k) plan account balance of close to $25,000,
compared with an average 401(k) plan account balance of nearly $275,000 among participants in their sixties with more than 30 years of tenure.
U.S. exports of agricultural products to China totaled $21 billion in 2016, our 2nd largest agricultural export market.
The People's Republic of China | United States Trade Representative
You don't think they will continue to buy? They have to feed nearly 2 billion people you know!

China is in the process of gaining the rights to build a railway to connect all of the grain producing regions of Brazil. They are not doing that just for the fun of it, they are doing that looking elsewhere for their grains since trade agreements with the US are no longer stable.

At the same time they are also buying up beef operations in Brazil. For the same reason as the grain.

I hate to be a downer, but we need the rest of the world more than they need us when it comes to trade.

They never were stable! They were ONE sided! That's what you do when you are "leading from behind"!

Is leading from behind worse than not leading at all? Taking your ball and going home is not leading.

The globe is a big place and I think many Americans are under the mistaken idea that the world needs us. China can find their grain elsewhere and can find people to buy their products also.
U.S. exports of agricultural products to China totaled $21 billion in 2016, our 2nd largest agricultural export market.
The People's Republic of China | United States Trade Representative
You don't think they will continue to buy? They have to feed nearly 2 billion people you know!

China is in the process of gaining the rights to build a railway to connect all of the grain producing regions of Brazil. They are not doing that just for the fun of it, they are doing that looking elsewhere for their grains since trade agreements with the US are no longer stable.

At the same time they are also buying up beef operations in Brazil. For the same reason as the grain.

I hate to be a downer, but we need the rest of the world more than they need us when it comes to trade.

They never were stable! They were ONE sided! That's what you do when you are "leading from behind"!

Is leading from behind worse than not leading at all? Taking your ball and going home is not leading.

The globe is a big place and I think many Americans are under the mistaken idea that the world needs us. China can find their grain elsewhere and can find people to buy their products also.
Agreed. But could they find someone to cover what we get from them?
We are talking around 550B a year..
U.S. exports of agricultural products to China totaled $21 billion in 2016, our 2nd largest agricultural export market.
The People's Republic of China | United States Trade Representative
You don't think they will continue to buy? They have to feed nearly 2 billion people you know!

China is in the process of gaining the rights to build a railway to connect all of the grain producing regions of Brazil. They are not doing that just for the fun of it, they are doing that looking elsewhere for their grains since trade agreements with the US are no longer stable.

At the same time they are also buying up beef operations in Brazil. For the same reason as the grain.

I hate to be a downer, but we need the rest of the world more than they need us when it comes to trade.

They never were stable! They were ONE sided! That's what you do when you are "leading from behind"!

Is leading from behind worse than not leading at all? Taking your ball and going home is not leading.

The globe is a big place and I think many Americans are under the mistaken idea that the world needs us. China can find their grain elsewhere and can find people to buy their products also.

Whoever said that was going to happen? Trump like most logical and rational people want what is best for America. NAFTA was one-sided with USA getting shafted.
Oh wow... how absolutely SCARY!
Let's see:
The U.S. debt to China is $1.2 trillion as of October 2017. That's 19 percent of the $6.3 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. The rest of the $20 trillion national debt is owned by either the American people or by the U.S. government itself. China holds more than the $1.1 trillion held by Japan.
How Much Does the U.S. Owe China?

How much does China OWE the USA???
But currently, the People’s Republic of China owes a debt of over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding these full faith and credit sovereign bonds (many of them denominated in gold) sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars. The debt owed to the American people should be paid. The U.S. government could dollar for dollar offset bond interest we owe China with interest, principal and penalties China owes us.

It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States

OK... So the USA will forgive China's $750 Billion in debt to American Citizens... and the USA will pay off the remaining $450 billion.
That's for the next comment!

What a remarkably unpleasant thread title. Probably a leftist --- they have no manners.

So whatever we say, we're automatically uninformed for you to mock? Sheeeesh.

And you are assuming that only one thing will happen to all those dollars? And you know what that is?

I don't know what will happen to repatriated monies, because I'm not a fortuneteller. My guess is that you can't tell the future either. If you could, you'd be rich, but I sure bet you aren't. If you can tell the future, why didn't you let someone know about 9/11 about to happen? And the Japanese tsunami? And the invasion of Europe summer 2015 by all the Muslims? And Brexit and who would win the Trump/Hillary election? What, you know the future and you didn't say ANYTHING? Unhelpful as well as rude.
That's for the next comment!

What a remarkably unpleasant thread title. Probably a leftist --- they have no manners.

So whatever we say, we're automatically uninformed for you to mock? Sheeeesh.

And you are assuming that only one thing will happen to all those dollars? And you know what that is?

I don't know what will happen to repatriated monies, because I'm not a fortuneteller. My guess is that you can't tell the future either. If you could, you'd be rich, but I sure bet you aren't. If you can tell the future, why didn't you let someone know about 9/11 about to happen? And the Japanese tsunami? And the invasion of Europe summer 2015 by all the Muslims? And Brexit and who would win the Trump/Hillary election? What, you know the future and you didn't say ANYTHING? Unhelpful as well as rude.

I want you to comment on this hateful deplorables' market place and the EFFECT it will have on the GDP!
TheStreet's founder and Action Alerts PLUS Portfolio Manager Jim Cramer wonders if Walmart's (WMT - Get Report) fresh round of employee bonuses and wages increases, announced Thursday, will boost gross domestic product.
"This is the kind of thing that reminds me of Henry Ford - when he started paying his workers $5 a day and boosted the whole GDP and Walmart has 2 million workers," Cramer noted.
Jim Cramer: Will Walmart's Bonuses and Wage Increases Affect GDP?

YES! Walmart raising minimum. Giving maternity, etc. leaves. Giving up to $1,000 bonus!
Again I want you uninformed people that hate corporations. That said as Pelosi et.al. did it was just for the benefit of the wealthy!

See people like you are the ones I've described as "uninformed"!

Because you've let the MSM form your opinions and never did any independent research as most of us who DON"T hate those evil corporations have done!
We know from research that these businesses that Obama did everything to bankrupt...(remember Obama said..
" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” That kind of sentiment leading to the most prolific rules and regulations that all but
destroyed especially small businesses is the exact antithesis of President Trump!
Longtime Apple analyst Gene Munster has weighed in, and expects the Mac maker to repatriate $214 billion at the 15.5% rate. Once that cash is brought home, Apple will likely allocate most of it toward its aggressive capital return program.
How Much Cash Will Apple, Inc. Repatriate Under New Tax Law?

An estimated $2.6 trillion in American corporate profits is sitting in overseas bank accounts, about half of that in cash.
Why big American companies stash cash overseas

So what will Apple et.al. do?
Now uninformed people don't seem to comprehend there are ONLY positive values at play.
One of the myths these uninformed believe is "oh that money will just go back to buy shares back"!
What's wrong with that?
Who owns those shares that will be bought back? Wealthy people of course BUT also trillions of dollars
in 401Ks and pensions among the less than 1%ers own.
In fact,
Total retirement assets near $25 trillion mark

Total retirement assets near $25 trillion mark

And who owns that $25 Trillion???
That's for the next comment!

there is no such thing as trickle down... it has never worked.

what I think they do is give golden parachutes to their already beyond rich CEO's.

good little hack.
That's for the next comment!

What a remarkably unpleasant thread title. Probably a leftist --- they have no manners.

So whatever we say, we're automatically uninformed for you to mock? Sheeeesh.

And you are assuming that only one thing will happen to all those dollars? And you know what that is?

I don't know what will happen to repatriated monies, because I'm not a fortuneteller. My guess is that you can't tell the future either. If you could, you'd be rich, but I sure bet you aren't. If you can tell the future, why didn't you let someone know about 9/11 about to happen? And the Japanese tsunami? And the invasion of Europe summer 2015 by all the Muslims? And Brexit and who would win the Trump/Hillary election? What, you know the future and you didn't say ANYTHING? Unhelpful as well as rude.

the thread title was written by the shill who started it.

and you seem to be the one with no manners and an awful lot of stupid, since you spewed before you even noted who wrote the thread title... .or more likely from trumptard lowlives, didn't care what reality is.

thanks for confirming that you're useless as boobs on a bull.
U.S. exports of agricultural products to China totaled $21 billion in 2016, our 2nd largest agricultural export market.
The People's Republic of China | United States Trade Representative
You don't think they will continue to buy? They have to feed nearly 2 billion people you know!

China is in the process of gaining the rights to build a railway to connect all of the grain producing regions of Brazil. They are not doing that just for the fun of it, they are doing that looking elsewhere for their grains since trade agreements with the US are no longer stable.

At the same time they are also buying up beef operations in Brazil. For the same reason as the grain.

I hate to be a downer, but we need the rest of the world more than they need us when it comes to trade.

They never were stable! They were ONE sided! That's what you do when you are "leading from behind"!

Is leading from behind worse than not leading at all? Taking your ball and going home is not leading.

The globe is a big place and I think many Americans are under the mistaken idea that the world needs us. China can find their grain elsewhere and can find people to buy their products also.

Who's ball is it in the first place?
At this point China needs the USA more than the USA needs China's financing the US Debt!
Simply call China on the $750 billion owed to US citizens
But currently, the People’s Republic of China owes a debt of over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding these full faith and credit sovereign bonds (m
It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States
Let's settle that 60 year old issue and then go on from there!

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