If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

If you can't afford the rent, you move somewhere you can afford to live. It is not up to the landlord to lower rent to keep you as a tenant.
People depending on Social Security alone have never been “doing OK”. Social Secursory is survival money.

Social Security is not enough to live well. That is for sure.

If you are living on SS, you need to find the cheapest apartment, and still get a roommate.
Those are all necessities.
Listen, commie. There is nothing in the constitution that guarantees you a place to live. There are all kinds of things that could be claimed as a necessity, the landlord has no obligation to provide you with them. Life is tough, it is tougher when you're stupid. And for the umpteenth time, I am not a landlord--nor would I ever be due to parasites like you.
We've been through this topic before. However, that wasn't when I received a $96/month rent increase. For seniors, retired and barely surviving on Social Security and a pension, rent increases like $96/month (I just received one), are devastating & demoralizing.

Here we are looking for ways to increase our income, cut our costs, and along comes the dear landlord with a $96/month takeaway (less than a month advance notice).

This is like going put on the street and being mugged for $96, once a month, every month, ongoing.

People, stop crabbing about gas prices. Stop crabbing about food prices, clothing, cell phones. Those are all trivial compared to your MOST EXPENSIVE, CONSTANTLY ONGOING EXPENSE, which is HOUSING. Gas, food, et al stuff isn't going up $96/month.

You get a letter stuck in your door whining about "operational costs", and just like that, your annual operational budget is $1,152 less. Of course this letter doesn't specify what these so-called "operational costs" are, nor offer any proof that they even exist. For all we know this rent increase might be nothing more than somebody (who we never see, don't know their name) wanting more money to buy something like this >>
View attachment 928464
There is only one way to top this madness. Republicans & Democrats need to join together and enact rent control (with roll backs to 2015 levels). Over the last few years, I have seen housing rents skyrocket like nothing before in my lifetime. I moved twice to void massive rent increases, but they keep on coming, with nothing stopping them.

I recommend we call "our" state legislators & governors, and demand rent control laws, with no increases above $50/month allowed. If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.
Interest rates under the Carter administration went to 17%. I was building spec houses. Ouch.

You're a socialist.
I'm a CAPITALIST, owner of 2 businesses, and that's WHY I'm for rent control. That's why the Florida heavily Republican legislature voted for a rent control bill in 2023.

You dont get it do you ? You are not tuned in to what's going on here. Neither are these other jimokes.
Listen, commie. There is nothing in the constitution that guarantees you a place to live. There are all kinds of things that could be claimed as a necessity, the landlord has no obligation to provide you with them. Life is tough, it is tougher when you're stupid. And for the umpteenth time, I am not a landlord--nor would I ever be due to parasites like you.
Listen, business enemy. There are many things in US laws that are not in the Constitution. Something doesnt have to be in the Constitution to be a law.

2. "all kinds of things that could be claimed as a necessity" are not equal to SHELTER (#1 element of human survival according to anthropologists).

3. No, the landlord has no obligation to provid us with shelter. But when he is doing that, then YES, he Does have an obligation to make it be accessible to people of average incomes, and not just sell it to the rich. If somebody want to sell jewelry or violins, or yachts to the rich fine, buy not shelter. Not housing on a mass scale, thereby keeping average incomes from renting those units.

4. Oh you're not a landlord, huh ? So then what is your dog in this fight ? What's your vested interest that has you coming in here, in direct opposition to millions of renters and business owners ? You just happen to love landlords, because they're so cute and cuddly, is that it ?
You have some attachment to this, but you're too much of a gutless coward to stand up straight and tall and say what it is.

5. As for "parasites", the worst ones in America, are the rent-gouging landlords, sucking every penny they can out of renters, and destroying millions of businesses at the same time, taking away their sale$$ and their money.

6. I put your words in blue, since you are so negative against the business community. Got your Biden button yet ?

7. HA HA.You got a Winner from Winter Born. :laugh: Now go get your medal from Kamala Harris.
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Listen, business enemy. There are many things in US laws that are not in the Constitution. Something doesnt have to be in the Constitution to be a law.

2. "all kinds of things that could be claimed as a necessity" are not equal to SHELTER (#1 element of human survival according to anthropologists).

3. No, the landlord has no obligation to provid us with shelter. But when he is doing that, then YES, he Does have an obligation to make it be accessible to people of average incomes, and not just sell it to the rich. If somebody want to sell jewelry or violins, or yachts to the rich fine, buy not shelter. Not housing on a mass scale, thereby keeping average incomes from renting those units.

4. Oh you're not a landlord, huh ? So then what is your dog in this fight ? What's your vested interest that has you coming in here, in direct opposition to millions of renters and business owners ? You just happen to love landlords, because they're so cute and cuddly, is that it ?
You have some attachment to this, but you're too much of a gutless coward to stand up straight and tall and say what it is.

5. As for "parasites", the worst ones in America, are the rent-gouging landlords, sucking every penny they can out of renters, and destroying millions of businesses at the same time, taking away their sale$$ and their money.

6. I put your words in blue, since you are so negative against the business community. Got your Biden button yet ?

7. HA HA.You got a Winner from Winter Born. :laugh: Now go get your medal from Kamala Harris.

Yet Republicans oppose universal healthcare. Florida is really confused.
Listen, business enemy. There are many things in US laws that are not in the Constitution. Something doesnt have to be in the Constitution to be a law.

2. "all kinds of things that could be claimed as a necessity" are not equal to SHELTER (#1 element of human survival according to anthropologists).

3. No, the landlord has no obligation to provid us with shelter. But when he is doing that, then YES, he Does have an obligation to make it be accessible to people of average incomes, and not just sell it to the rich. If somebody want to sell jewelry or violins, or yachts to the rich fine, buy not shelter. Not housing on a mass scale, thereby keeping average incomes from renting those units.

4. Oh you're not a landlord, huh ? So then what is your dog in this fight ? What's your vested interest that has you coming in here, in direct opposition to millions of renters and business owners ? You just happen to love landlords, because they're so cute and cuddly, is that it ?
You have some attachment to this, but you're too much of a gutless coward to stand up straight and tall and say what it is.

5. As for "parasites", the worst ones in America, are the rent-gouging landlords, sucking every penny they can out of renters, and destroying millions of businesses at the same time, taking away their sale$$ and their money.

6. I put your words in blue, since you are so negative against the business community. Got your Biden button yet ?

7. HA HA.You got a Winner from Winter Born. :laugh: Now go get your medal from Kamala Harris.

"3. No, the landlord has no obligation to provid us with shelter. But when he is doing that, then YES, he Does have an obligation to make it be accessible to people of average incomes, and not just sell it to the rich. If somebody want to sell jewelry or violins, or yachts to the rich fine, buy not shelter. Not housing on a mass scale, thereby keeping average incomes from renting those units."

No, he does not have an obligation to make it accessible to people of average incomes. Who ever told you talk lied to you.
I'm a CAPITALIST, owner of 2 businesses, and that's WHY I'm for rent control. That's why the Florida heavily Republican legislature voted for a rent control bill in 2023.

You dont get it do you ? You are not tuned in to what's going on here. Neither are these other jimokes.

Rent control is simply the gov't telling me what I can charge for something I own. I bought it. I paid taxes on it. And now the gov't is going to restrict what I can earn from it?

That is absolutely NOT capitalism.
Rent control is simply the gov't telling me what I can charge for something I own. I bought it. I paid taxes on it. And now the gov't is going to restrict what I can earn from it?

That is absolutely NOT capitalism.
It's "Capitalism, now with bonus free shit™ for qualified dementia patients"
We've been through this topic before. However, that wasn't when I received a $96/month rent increase. For seniors, retired and barely surviving on Social Security and a pension, rent increases like $96/month (I just received one), are devastating & demoralizing.

Here we are looking for ways to increase our income, cut our costs, and along comes the dear landlord with a $96/month takeaway (less than a month advance notice).

This is like going put on the street and being mugged for $96, once a month, every month, ongoing.

People, stop crabbing about gas prices. Stop crabbing about food prices, clothing, cell phones. Those are all trivial compared to your MOST EXPENSIVE, CONSTANTLY ONGOING EXPENSE, which is HOUSING. Gas, food, et al stuff isn't going up $96/month.

You get a letter stuck in your door whining about "operational costs", and just like that, your annual operational budget is $1,152 less. Of course this letter doesn't specify what these so-called "operational costs" are, nor offer any proof that they even exist. For all we know this rent increase might be nothing more than somebody (who we never see, don't know their name) wanting more money to buy something like this >>
View attachment 928464
There is only one way to top this madness. Republicans & Democrats need to join together and enact rent control (with roll backs to 2015 levels). Over the last few years, I have seen housing rents skyrocket like nothing before in my lifetime. I moved twice to void massive rent increases, but they keep on coming, with nothing stopping them.

I recommend we call "our" state legislators & governors, and demand rent control laws, with no increases above $50/month allowed. If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.
I have been both the renter and the landlord. I had my rent increased by $100 per month 3 years ago. I did not whine. I paid the rent. I have notified Renters in the past their rent went up. Landlords also have increasing expenses.

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