what do you expect to see in the first year of a trump presidency?

just curious as to where people think the us will go from here? i would love to see the predictions....

mine: i do not think trump will do much of what he has said he will do....i think he is just as shocked as everyone else at this turn of events...i do think he will toss out obamacare without replacing it with anything......i think he will cripple the economy ...and appoint a cabinet of his peers and let the avenge he has promised begin....and he will appoint ussc justices who will overturn roe vs wade but not stop the pharm companies from making a fortune off chemical abortions.....get ready for the 1% to run...

your turn....

He can't "toss out" The Affordable Care Act on his own. He won't have that power.

He will totally FU the economy, I agree.

He has made many, many promises he won't keep because he actually has no grounded plan to make them happen. He was just saying what his people wanted to hear. How they couldn't hear that it was all a lot of rubbish he was spouting just to con them into believing him, I don't know. What a load of morons.

He can only appoint one Supreme Court justice. He can't appoint any others unless one of the current ones die: and there is no guarantee that any will in the near future.

He won't get Roe vs Wade overturned.

He will seek revenge on anyone he can, if he can get away with it.

He will antagonize our allies and make love to our enemies, like Putin.

He will ruin our standing world wide...no one will respect us or trust us.

He will shame and embarrass the Americans who have a brain and sensibilities.

What an absulute, fucking nightmare.
AIn 4 years, a Democrat will run against him and win the presidency back because Tramp won't be hard to beat: he'll be among the absolute worst presidents we have ever had. In fact, the very worst. Unless, of course, someone takes him out first.
You just described the last 8 years.
You are blinded by partisanship.

Our economy has improved since Obama took over. Our standing with the rest of the world has improved: Bush left it in a shambles. And Obama did not spend his time and energy seeking revenge on anyone. What I described, in fact, bears absolutely no relationship to Obama. He has already been listed by presidential historians as the 18th best president we have had, as opposed to GW Bush who is 30 something. You need to get off the acid and get a real life

End of Term Presidential Approval Ratings

Reagan 63
Clinton 60
Kennedy 58
Eisenhower 58
Ford 53
GHW Bush 44
Johnson 44
George W Bush 32
Truman 32
Carter 31
Nixon 24

Obama is in no way one of the worst presidents we have had. In no way.

Right, an you aren't blinded by partisanship? Lol! You are very funny.
And you're not?

Stupid question, try following the conversation, idiot!
The mass elimination of rights for Americans he and the Republicans don't believe have the same rights as other humans. That is their agenda now. And stuffing the pockets of the wealthy like there is a fire sale on million dollar bills.

Pretty much all the stuff that is opposite of what Jesus Christ taught.
The mass elimination of rights for Americans he and the Republicans don't believe have the same rights as other humans. That is their agenda now. And stuffing the pockets of the wealthy like there is a fire sale on million dollar bills.

Pretty much all the stuff that is opposite of what Jesus Christ taught.

You guys actually believe that stupid shit in your tiny pea brains, don't you? You guys are really fucking stupid....
The economy going down the drain, human rights abuses, and eventually war.

Do you actually believe that stupidity...or do you just repeat it as the democrat party member moves your mouth and speaks for you?
I'm not a Democratic Party member and I was never registered as one, nor was I ever a registered Republican.

I do my own thinking, unlike you.
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As opposed to a Mama's boy who never did a day's work in his life and doubled the national debt?
You mean, a person who has spent 30 years enriching herself by selling influence and government access to anyone and everyone willing to pay for it, even countries who sponsor terrorism, throw homosexuals off buildings, and stone women. Public service? She served herself and that's why she'll never occupy the WH.

Oh yeah mean your best friend Saudi Arabia? I hope she took money from them. I hope she took milllions. 10s of millions. Because at least the Clinton FOundation is putting that money to good use including helping those who Saudi Arabia despise. What has Trump done or Bush do except get on their knees and suck them off?

Who got access and for what?

Doubled the national debt? you mean the clusterfuck he inherited from Bush? You should be on your knees kissing his feet that the US hasnt' become a third world nation thanks to the disaster that was the Bush presidency.
I hope to see infrastructure spending. We need a wall. I hope to see sanity returned to our health care system.
The rumor is that after 2020 Trump will issue Infrastructure T-Bills.
Doubled the national debt? you mean the clusterfuck he inherited from Bush?
You mean the clusterfuck he doubled?
You should be on your knees kissing his feet that the US hasnt' become a third world nation thanks to the disaster that was the Bush presidency.
You WERE on your knees but you weren't kissing his feet, you were sucking his dick. And if it weren't for Trump we WOULD be a third world nation thanks to the disaster that was the Obama presidency. Thank God for Donald Trump!

Oh look. The cluster fuck starts with the GFC that Obama inherited. Then it reduces markedly over the next years and starts to rise in his last year and starts getting worse when the Buffoon takes office.

Oh look. The cluster fuck starts with the GFC that Obama inherited. Then it reduces markedly over the next years and starts to rise in his last year and starts getting worse when the Buffoon takes office.
Republicans as fiscal conservatives is a myth. They are the big wasters.

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