What do Rightwingers think of the left's hatred of Fox News?

Do they get it? Do they understand why we would hate it? I mean are Rightwingers aware of just how distorted it is? Are they aware it is more a propaganda machine than it is a news source?

I mean sure it is fair to compare MSNBC to Fox News, but there really isn't another liberal source that even comes close to FN's bullshit. Do conservatives grasp that fact? Are they smart enough to grasp that fact?
There are no 'news' programs on MSNBC. It is all punditry, no reporting. And that difference is what makes Fox News so egregious.

The issue here is that liberals are too stoopid to be able to tell the difference between a news reporting program and a pundit program. They believe them to be one in the same when they are not. News is news. Opinion is opinion. Now, you may be confused because Fox covers news that the rest of the media won't, but that doesn't make it not news. I would think an intelligent person wanting to be informed would appreciate an outlet that reports all the news as opposed to only the news that makes the president and his party look good.
I'm a Liberal and I pointed out that MSNBC is not a news broadcasting service but strictly punditry. I figured it out long ago. Liberals are a lot smarter than you think. For one: we are not Conservatives. That should point out our intelligence right there!

If you want your news delivered with plenty of right wing spin, if your want your news to sugar coat the errors of Conservatism and belittle the virtues of Liberalism, Fox News is definitely your outlet for propaganda. If, on the other hand, you want unbiased information and the chance to arrive at your own conclusions without coercion from the media, I would turn off Fox News and never look back.
libs are losers with lots of boogeymen that frighten them

i.e Fox, karl rove, the Kochs. rush, coulter, hannity, murdoch, norquist....etc

silly lib crybabies!
libs are losers with lots of boogeymen that frighten them

i.e Fox, karl rove, the Kochs. rush, coulter, hannity, murdoch, norquist....etc

silly lib crybabies!
Project much? George Soros says BOO! Michael Moore wants to eat your children. Hillary is going to institute a Gulag system of political re-education. William Ayres plans to train a cadre of snipers. Jeremiah Wright wants to re-write your personal bible.

Tell me all about the boogeyman.
libs are losers with lots of boogeymen that frighten them

i.e Fox, karl rove, the Kochs. rush, coulter, hannity, murdoch, norquist....etc

silly lib crybabies!
Project much? George Soros says BOO! Michael Moore wants to eat your children. Hillary is going to institute a Gulag system of political re-education. William Ayres plans to train a cadre of snipers. Jeremiah Wright wants to re-write your personal bible.

Tell me all about the boogeyman.

its' all good leftard; it's comical watching losers like you do the bidding for millionaires like moore and billionaires like soros

the right isnt ashamed of rich people; doesnt begrudge them; isnt petty

dont you think it's much worse for pandering idiots like you to be used as dupes for a billionaire like george soros?
libs are losers with lots of boogeymen that frighten them

i.e Fox, karl rove, the Kochs. rush, coulter, hannity, murdoch, norquist....etc

silly lib crybabies!
Project much? George Soros says BOO! Michael Moore wants to eat your children. Hillary is going to institute a Gulag system of political re-education. William Ayres plans to train a cadre of snipers. Jeremiah Wright wants to re-write your personal bible.

Tell me all about the boogeyman.

i'm not a rightwinger, but i find the left's obsession and whines about fox news hilarious...one news station leans right and all you get is weeping and nashing of gnashing of teeth and utter silence about all the lefty news orgs out there....cnn, msnbc....

whiny hypocrites
There are no 'news' programs on MSNBC. It is all punditry, no reporting. And that difference is what makes Fox News so egregious.

The issue here is that liberals are too stoopid to be able to tell the difference between a news reporting program and a pundit program. They believe them to be one in the same when they are not. News is news. Opinion is opinion. Now, you may be confused because Fox covers news that the rest of the media won't, but that doesn't make it not news. I would think an intelligent person wanting to be informed would appreciate an outlet that reports all the news as opposed to only the news that makes the president and his party look good.
I'm a Liberal and I pointed out that MSNBC is not a news broadcasting service but strictly punditry. I figured it out long ago. Liberals are a lot smarter than you think. For one: we are not Conservatives. That should point out our intelligence right there!

If you want your news delivered with plenty of right wing spin, if your want your news to sugar coat the errors of Conservatism and belittle the virtues of Liberalism, Fox News is definitely your outlet for propaganda. If, on the other hand, you want unbiased information and the chance to arrive at your own conclusions without coercion from the media, I would turn off Fox News and never look back.

Evidently you aren't as clever as you give yourself credit for. Fox's opinion shows are full of opinion, just like MSNBC. Their news reporting is news reporting. That you can't tell the difference says more about you than them.
The issue here is that liberals are too stoopid to be able to tell the difference between a news reporting program and a pundit program. They believe them to be one in the same when they are not. News is news. Opinion is opinion. Now, you may be confused because Fox covers news that the rest of the media won't, but that doesn't make it not news. I would think an intelligent person wanting to be informed would appreciate an outlet that reports all the news as opposed to only the news that makes the president and his party look good.
I'm a Liberal and I pointed out that MSNBC is not a news broadcasting service but strictly punditry. I figured it out long ago. Liberals are a lot smarter than you think. For one: we are not Conservatives. That should point out our intelligence right there!

If you want your news delivered with plenty of right wing spin, if your want your news to sugar coat the errors of Conservatism and belittle the virtues of Liberalism, Fox News is definitely your outlet for propaganda. If, on the other hand, you want unbiased information and the chance to arrive at your own conclusions without coercion from the media, I would turn off Fox News and never look back.

Evidently you aren't as clever as you give yourself credit for. Fox's opinion shows are full of opinion, just like MSNBC. Their news reporting is news reporting. That you can't tell the difference says more about you than them.
The news reporting is full of bias at Fox. Seems you are the one who cannot or will not see the distinction.
I'm a Liberal and I pointed out that MSNBC is not a news broadcasting service but strictly punditry. I figured it out long ago. Liberals are a lot smarter than you think. For one: we are not Conservatives. That should point out our intelligence right there!

If you want your news delivered with plenty of right wing spin, if your want your news to sugar coat the errors of Conservatism and belittle the virtues of Liberalism, Fox News is definitely your outlet for propaganda. If, on the other hand, you want unbiased information and the chance to arrive at your own conclusions without coercion from the media, I would turn off Fox News and never look back.

Evidently you aren't as clever as you give yourself credit for. Fox's opinion shows are full of opinion, just like MSNBC. Their news reporting is news reporting. That you can't tell the difference says more about you than them.
The news reporting is full of bias at Fox. Seems you are the one who cannot or will not see the distinction.

their news reporting is no more biased; in fact less so; than the news reporting on the other networks

they're "biased" because they say what the others wont say; the other side of the story

you left-wing losers are some big-time hypocrites
left-wingers WANT to be lied to; by the government, by their leaders, in their schools.

there are no more willing sheep than those that want to be lied to
left-wingers WANT to be lied to; by the government, by their leaders, in their schools.

there are no more willing sheep than those that want to be lied to

Do you even know who Roger Ailes is or have the vaguest clue about his political history?
left-wingers WANT to be lied to; by the government, by their leaders, in their schools.

there are no more willing sheep than those that want to be lied to

Do you even know who Roger Ailes is or have the vaguest clue about his political history?


you're a loser and a lemming dimwit

do you have the vaguest clue who william ayers did and his political history?

you never even vetted obama; you have no business trying to lecture others when you are a dupe for an agenda and too busy trying to point fingers to realize what an ass you're making of yourself
I think you are wasting your time hating Fox. If it's as evil as you said your time would be better used creating good things rather supporting even more corrupt stations.
left-wingers WANT to be lied to; by the government, by their leaders, in their schools.

there are no more willing sheep than those that want to be lied to

Do you even know who Roger Ailes is or have the vaguest clue about his political history?


you're a loser and a lemming dimwit

do you have the vaguest clue who william ayers did and his political history?

you never even vetted obama; you have no business trying to lecture others when you are a dupe for an agenda and too busy trying to point fingers to realize what an ass you're making of yourself

Hey, dude that likes to call people names to imply you are smart and know stuff, this topic is specifically about FOX News. William Ayers has nothing to do with this topic, nor does Obama. You don't know who Roger Ailes is do you? Or why his political history is important to know and understand if you are going to have any kind of discussion about FOX News.
It's OK. You are a shining example of what a FOX News fan looks like. You arrogance coupled with your stupidity makes an excellent platform as an instructional implement (tool).
I'm a Liberal and I pointed out that MSNBC is not a news broadcasting service but strictly punditry. I figured it out long ago. Liberals are a lot smarter than you think. For one: we are not Conservatives. That should point out our intelligence right there!

If you want your news delivered with plenty of right wing spin, if your want your news to sugar coat the errors of Conservatism and belittle the virtues of Liberalism, Fox News is definitely your outlet for propaganda. If, on the other hand, you want unbiased information and the chance to arrive at your own conclusions without coercion from the media, I would turn off Fox News and never look back.

Evidently you aren't as clever as you give yourself credit for. Fox's opinion shows are full of opinion, just like MSNBC. Their news reporting is news reporting. That you can't tell the difference says more about you than them.
The news reporting is full of bias at Fox. Seems you are the one who cannot or will not see the distinction.

Who, what, where, when, why and how never changes. Anything beyond that is speculation and not news reporting. Watch any news cast from any outlet and compare the info. It will be virtually the same. Now, Fox does report stories that other outlets totally ignore, but that isn't bias, that's good old fashioned journalism.
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Do you even know who Roger Ailes is or have the vaguest clue about his political history?


you're a loser and a lemming dimwit

do you have the vaguest clue who william ayers did and his political history?

you never even vetted obama; you have no business trying to lecture others when you are a dupe for an agenda and too busy trying to point fingers to realize what an ass you're making of yourself

Hey, dude that likes to call people names to imply you are smart and know stuff, this topic is specifically about FOX News. William Ayers has nothing to do with this topic, nor does Obama. You don't know who Roger Ailes is do you? Or why his political history is important to know and understand if you are going to have any kind of discussion about FOX News.
It's OK. You are a shining example of what a FOX News fan looks like. You arrogance coupled with your stupidity makes an excellent platform as an instructional implement (tool).


your rants about fox news usually have obama in some context

left-wingnuts cant stand that Fox doesnt kiss his ass the way the liberal media does

why cant you just admit the truth?
Do they get it? Do they understand why we would hate it? I mean are Rightwingers aware of just how distorted it is? Are they aware it is more a propaganda machine than it is a news source?

I mean sure it is fair to compare MSNBC to Fox News, but there really isn't another liberal source that even comes close to FN's bullshit. Do conservatives grasp that fact? Are they smart enough to grasp that fact?

I think it's just as short sighted and stupid as the hatred the Right has for MSNBC and it's distorted slant of the news. I don't watch either one, because both only give you one side of things.

On the other hand, I'm not as obsessed with MSNBC as you guys are with Fox News. They somehow OWN your attention and your side can't seem to see anything BUT Fox.
Smith is a journalist and so is Greta Van Susteren. Bill O'Reilly gives excellent insights and alternative views into current issue's.

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