What do normal people - think of Israel?

Spot polls are very spotty

1. Pollster: Roy Morgan Research. June, 2003.

Question: ā€œDo you agree or disagree with American policy on Israel and Palestine?ā€

Results: Agree 35%, Disagree 39%, Donā€™t Know 26%.

2. Pollster: UMR Research for Hawker Britton consultants. March, 2006.

Question: ā€œGenerally, do you feel more sympathy towards the Israelis or the Palestinians?ā€

Results: Israelis 24%, Palestinians 23%, Neither/Both 33%, Unsure 20%.

3. Pollster: McNair Ingenuity Research. September, 2006.

Question: ā€œWhat about you personally ā€“ are your sympathies ā€“ mainly with the Jewish people? OR mainly with the Arabic people? OR are they more or less equal?ā€

Results: Jewish people 13%, Arab people 10%, Equal 67%, Donā€™t know 10%.

4. Pollster: GlobeScan and PIPA Centre at University Of Maryland for BBC World Service. March, 2007.

Question concerns influences of various countries on the world.

Results: ā€œIsrael is viewed quite negatively in the world, possibly because the poll was conducted less than six months following the Israel/Hezbollah war in Lebanonā€¦ Large majorities also have negative views in Europe, including Germany (77%), Greece (68%) and France (66%). Indonesia (71%), Australia (68%) and South Korea (62%) are the most negative countries in the Asia/Pacific region. Brazilians (72%) are the most negative in Latin Americaā€.

5. Pollster: Roy Morgan Research. May, 2009.

Question i: ā€œOverall, do your sympathies lie more with the Israelis or the Palestinians?ā€

Results: Israelis 24%, Palestinians 28%, Neither 26% Canā€™t say 22%.

Question ii: ā€œIn late December 2008, Israel launched a military campaign in the Gaza Strip, which lasted three and a half weeks. Israelā€™s stated aim was to stop Hamasā€™ or the Palestiniansā€™ rocket attacks on Israel, and to stop arms being smuggled into Gaza via tunnels. Hamas and the Palestinians stated that the tunnels were only used to deliver food and medicines to the Gaza strip residents because the Israelis had failed to lift their blockade of the Gaza Strip. Before today, were you aware of that situation?ā€

Results: Yes 57%, No 42%, Canā€™t say 1%.

Question iii: ā€œIn your opinion, was Israelā€™s recent military action in the Gaza Strip justified or was it not justified?ā€

Results: Justified 28%, Not justified 42%, Canā€™t say 29%.

6. Pollster: Research Now, Griffith University. May, 2010.

Question ii: Which of the following best describes the Israel-Palestine conflict?

Results: Palestinians trying to end Israelā€™s occupation and form their state (55%), Israelis fighting for security against Palestinian terrorism (32%), Both Palestinian self-determination and Israeli self-defence (4%), Other (9%).

Question vi: To what extent do you agree Israel should withdraw from the settlements it has constructed on Palestinian land?

Results: Strongly agree 24%, Agree 53%, Disagree 18%, Strongly disagree 5%.

7. Pollster: Roy Morgan Research. November, 2011.

Question i: ā€œOverall, do your sympathies lie more with the Israelis or the Palestinians?ā€™ā€™

Results: Israelis 26%, Palestinians 27%, Neither 21%, Canā€™t say 26%.

Question ii: ā€˜ā€˜Israeli settlers have been building homes on occupied Palestinian land for many years. Would you say you support this activity?ā€™ā€™

Results: Yes 17%, No 63%, Canā€™t say 20%.

Question iii: ā€œIn September 2011, Palestine applied for full membership of the United Nations. This request is now being considered by the United Nations but Israel and the USA are opposed to it. In your opinion, should the United Nations recognize Palestine as one of its member States?ā€

Results: Yes 61%, No 22%, Canā€™t say 18%.

Question iv: ā€œIn order for Palestine to be recognized as a full member State of the United Nations, existing member Nations must enter a vote of ā€˜yesā€™, ā€˜noā€™, or they can ā€˜abstainā€™ from voting. In your opinion, how should Australia vote?ā€™ā€™

Results: Vote yes 51%, Vote no 15%, Abstain 20%, Canā€™t say 14%.

Yesterday's opinion article ''Political stance on Palestine is out of step with public opinion'' said Australians were evenly divided in the 1940s on whether Palestine should be partitioned. In fact the relevant Morgan poll asked whether immigration of Jews to Palestine should be limited, an issue on which Australians split 44 per cent for and 44 per cent against.

Read more: Political stance on Palestine is out of step with public opinion

So on certain questions Australians are Pro/Against. But the number 68% is WAY OFF!! Both polls in Oz were conducted before/after the BBC crap. In short, the outlier is BBC.

Spot polls are very spotty

So on certain questions Australians are Pro/Against. But the number 68% is WAY OFF!! Both polls in Oz were conducted before/after the BBC crap. In short, the outlier is BBC.

The results for differing questions show either an ambivalence or a large negativity to Israel.

As for your bitching about 68% there are a couple in there over 60%. 68% is not an outlier in that context and for the specific question to which the sample responded. Too, they probably sampled outside Queensland.

Take the quote off, that's a horrible format.
And in no way is it an outlier here:


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There are several points of information in the Polls that are representative of Australian Opinion. 68% is an outlier of the polls immediately before and after the BBC poll in question. In short, the BBC poll is a dud; and "Don't tell me what to do, Aucklander"!! I would say at best it represents a passing situation wrt a messy confrontation. At worst it is just wrong. Only a jaffa pakeha would try and pass it off as representative of world opinion.

A "WTF" moment when one sees the following attached to certain posts.

Iran is once again the most negatively viewed country, with negative ratings climbing four
points to 59%. Most people also give negative ratings to Pakistan (56%, up five points),
North Korea (55%, up three points) and Israel (52%, up one point).

How the world sees Israel in one chart - Vox

In fact, according to YOUR latest and fullest, the "mostly negative" is only 49% for 2014.

So slightly over/under half the world has a negative view of Israel; hardly an overwhelming majority!! Sigh; you always were lousy with numbers, jaffa!!

So slightly over/under half the world has a negative view of Israel; hardly an overwhelming majority!! Sigh; you always were lousy with numbers, jaffa!!

Over twice as many people have a negative view of Israel's influence as have a positive view of Israel's influence. If you think those are good numbers you must be a Queenslander and an Israel apologist.
BTW, that poll asked a little over 24 000 people. I'm not saying Israel is viewed as an angel, but to say that this poll is telling of what the whole world thinks of Israel is simply untrue
Polls of 1000 people are regularly and accurately used for many things. You know that. The polls cited showed opinions of countries' positive or negative influence. It is absolutely true those polls showed an indication of what the world thought of Israel's positive or negative influence. Denying it won't change anything, while accepting it and changing attitude and behaviour will contribute to Israel's long term survival.
Polls of 100 aren't 'world wide' polls.

24 000 people is the size of a small American city. Like I said, I know Israels reputation isn't great, but this poll is pure garbage and you know it
Jerry: Check again. The OP is the view of a Jewish Israeli. It is also a fair summary of much of the world. Only much of the world would not be so generous as to presume Israel can learn and adapt to be a normal peaceful state, rather than a sick, tyrannical and murderous political movement.
"... sick, tyrannical, and murderous political movement ... "

Nice rhetoric ... but not grounded in reality.

Perhaps you can expand on this. Explain to us how this is actually true. No facts ... no time.
cnm, et al,

This thread is not about what "normal people" think about Israel. We've all heard this drum beating of the BBC 2012 Country Rating Poll over and over again. It is a single source on a very simplistic survey.

This thread is about what normal people think of Israel.
I have provided evidence as to why normal people hold those views I have listed. The polls I've cited reflect the negativity those views engender in normal people in regard to Israel.

That you can pretend in the face of all the evidence that Israel does not steal [or break its promises] means you must be an Israel apologist, which means you'll say anything without evidence to back it up, in order to deflect from Israel's shocking reputation in the world. Which is part of the reason Israel has its reputation.

POLL: 89 Percent of Palestinians Support Terror Attacks on Israel
BY: Adam Kredo August 27, 2014
Nearly 89 percent of Palestinians support Hamas and other terrorists firing rockets from the Gaza Strip at Israeli civilians, according to a new poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO).

As Israelis wait to see if yet another ceasefire agreement with Hamas will hold, the poll shows broad support among Palestinians for Hamasā€™ most recent rocket assault on the Jewish state, which has been hit by more than 4,000 missiles in the past month.

The poll of 1,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip found that 88.9 percent of those surveyed supported ā€œthe firing of rockets from Gaza at Israel,ā€ according to the findings.
Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States
Considering it essential that all States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations,​


Normal people don't support terrorist concepts. Maybe it is normal for HAMAS and Fatah Jihadist and Fedayeen to pursue terrorist type tactics. But normal people consider Jihadist, Fedayeen and the various terrorist organizations as lawless entities.

Most people don't really understand that the Palestinians, by a huge margin, support the Jihad and Armed Struggle to force their control over Israel, and that is the reason for the continued quarantine and containment of these people. There is hardly any country that advocates allowing these threats to regional peace loose on the world.

Most Respectfully,

If I were to quibble with anything here, it might be to distinguish between "normal" and "rational", or "intelligent". Antisemitism is a social disease where hatred is normalized for the mere reason that it is so prevalent. People form opinions for no other reason than the fact others have them, as the need for socialization runs strong in people. When a vast majority persecutes a tiny minority, it does so from the perspective of normalcy -- those being persecuted are not normal from the perspective of those persecuting them.

What too many fail to realize is that the entire premise of this thread is a logical fallacy. It is an appeal to popularity, and if any of the profoundly unintelligent Pallywooders were to be able to understand much of anything, they wouldn't be trying to establish that the popularity of an opinion establishes its validity.

In a way, I would say Yes -- "normal" people often support Arab hatred of Jews. Normal people are quite stupid, however, so I would rather be one of the abnormal ones who is capable of thought.
I wonder how the world would react to an "International Be nice to a Zionist Day"?
I find this result very telling. I posted it earlier.

7. Pollster: Roy Morgan Research. November, 2011.

Question i: ā€œOverall, do your sympathies lie more with the Israelis or the Palestinians?ā€™ā€™

Results: Israelis 26%, Palestinians 27%, Neither 21%, Canā€™t say 26%.

Seems locals here at least in 2011 had divided sympathies..


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