What do normal people - think of Israel?

Is that a concession that the polls represent a world view of Israel? I'd suggest that world view is some of the reason Israel has the pressing problems it is currently facing. BDS for one.
cnm, et al,

This is just a list of trash. It is not part of the discussion that promotes in any way, a settlement in the territorial dispute.

Ah, another one. Normal people think Israel feels it can do no wrong.

I'm not really sure what this is intended to demonstrate. I'm not sure you understand what "normal people" even means.

maintains apartheid regimes,

Most people don't understand what an "apartheid regime" is.

The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts of a character committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime;

There is a difference between the containment and quarantine of a State that support terrorism and violates (with criminal intent) the territorial integrity of another country.


This is just the use of a word to invoke emotion. It is in no way, explained or place in a context that would allow rebuttal. It is an Appeal to Emotion --- a logical fallacy which is used by a pretended victim to manipulation of the audiences response.

commits war crimes,

Again, this is a very broad accusation (by the virtual victim) that is not placed in context for a rebuttal. War Crimes are a grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, namely, any of acts against persons or property protected under the provisions of the relevant Geneva Convention. Out of context, it attempts to imply that the belligerent and hostile Arab Palestinians are the innocent subject to harsh and unlawful treatment. It doesn't place in context the Israeli reactions are in response to unlawful Palestinian actions.

wags the US, and doesn't keep its promises,

Again, in the broadest of accusations, nothing of substance. So, the State of Israel enjoys wide support in contrast to supporting a State that sponsors terrorist. So what!

casts itself as a victim,

This very commentary demonstrates that it is not Israel that claims makes this claim as a staple to their war provoking propaganda.

won't join courts because it will be found guilty,

It so happens that the US did not ratify the ICC Rome Statues either. To join or not to join is a right --- no a crime.

imposes collective punishments on occupied territiories,

There has never been a demonstrated case of collective punishment. While it is an arguable case for "occupation" --- it is not the case that Article 68 application has been excessive given the nature of the threat posed by a general population that has supported terrorism for more than six decades.

provokes wars of convenience,

Israel has been at relative peace with its adjacent neighboring states for more than four decades. While there have been military incursions into Lebanon, these were largely to interdict Hostile Arab Palestinians (PLO, Lebanese Muslim guerrillas, Hezbullah, etc) and not engaging the Lebanese Forces proper. It has maintained the Armistice with Lebanon and Syria, and has established a Peace treaty with Egypt and Jordan.

is living a self centred fantasy where other people's views don't count,
restricts the economic growth of Palestine,
believes it can do no wrong.

This is just trash talk. No substantive or salient point to rebut.

No one argues that the Israeli occupation has not imposed has had a profound impact on both the Palestinian and the Israeli economies, cultures, and societies. The lack of progress on issues of major humanitarian concern further illustrates the inability of a generation of decision-makers to find constructive ways to bring concrete improvements to the lives of millions of Palestinians. The Palestinian leadership refuses to focus on peace-making opportunities that would improve the plight of the people.

Most Respectfully,
cnm, et al,

This is just a list of trash. It is not part of the discussion that promotes in any way, a settlement in the territorial dispute.
This thread is about what normal people think of Israel.
I have provided evidence as to why normal people hold those views I have listed. The polls I've cited reflect the negativity those views engender in normal people in regard to Israel.

That you can pretend in the face of all the evidence that Israel does not steal [or break its promises] means you must be an Israel apologist, which means you'll say anything without evidence to back it up, in order to deflect from Israel's shocking reputation in the world. Which is part of the reason Israel has its reputation.
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cnm, et al,

This is just a list of trash. It is not part of the discussion that promotes in any way, a settlement in the territorial dispute.
This thread is about what normal people think of Israel.
I have provided evidence as to why normal people hold those views I have listed. The polls I've cited reflect the negativity those views engender in normal people in regard to Israel.

That you can pretend in the face of all the evidence that Israel does not steal means you must be an Israel apologist, which means you'll say anything, without evidence to back it up, in order to deflect from Israel's shocking reputation in the world. Which is part of the reason Israel has its reputation.
You just accused Rocco of exactly what the pro Palestinian shills are guilty of; saying anything without evidence to back it up in order to deflect from the fucked up things that the 'Palestinians' do.
cnm, et al,

This is just a list of trash. It is not part of the discussion that promotes in any way, a settlement in the territorial dispute.
This thread is about what normal people think of Israel.
I have provided evidence as to why normal people hold those views I have listed. The polls I've cited reflect the negativity those views engender in normal people in regard to Israel.

That you can pretend in the face of all the evidence that Israel does not steal means you must be an Israel apologist, which means you'll say anything, without evidence to back it up, in order to deflect from Israel's shocking reputation in the world. Which is part of the reason Israel has its reputation.

BTW, that poll asked a little over 24 000 people. I'm not saying Israel is viewed as an angel, but to say that this poll is telling of what the whole world thinks of Israel is simply untrue
Israel may well have an unsolvable PR prob but your biased poll is irrelevant.
Only an Israel apologist would call biased a world poll that sampled all sections of the world. And that unrefuted poll demonstrates an extent of Israel's PR problem.

Only a fool would poll the undeniably ignorant and hateful Arab/Muslim World to determine Israel's popularity (or lack of it) and only a bigger fool would knowingly subscribe to such a poll.
Israel may well have an unsolvable PR prob but your biased poll is irrelevant.
Only an Israel apologist would call biased a world poll that sampled all sections of the world. And that unrefuted poll demonstrates an extent of Israel's PR problem.
Israel has more pressing problems than some stinkin' polls.
Is that a concession that the polls represent a world view of Israel? I'd suggest that world view is some of the reason Israel has the pressing problems it is currently facing. BDS for one.

If this is the start of the next Intifada it will result once again with nothing gained by the Gazans and West Bankers but perhaps much lost by those Arabs who now reside in Israel. Idiots like you will first cheer it then decry the carnage suffered by those hapless Palestinians. When wringing your hands please try to remember who starts these things ... and how they end.

Israel may well have an unsolvable PR prob but your biased poll is irrelevant.
Only an Israel apologist would call biased a world poll that sampled all sections of the world. And that unrefuted poll demonstrates an extent of Israel's PR problem.
Israel has more pressing problems than some stinkin' polls.
Is that a concession that the polls represent a world view of Israel? I'd suggest that world view is some of the reason Israel has the pressing problems it is currently facing. BDS for one.

If this is the start of the next Intifada it will result once again with nothing gained by the Gazans and West Bankers but perhaps much lost by those Arabs who now reside in Israel. Idiots like you will first cheer it then decry the carnage suffered by those hapless Palestinians. When wringing your hands please try to remember who starts these things ... and how they end

This is nothing Sniffy . . . you should see the Zionist aftermath of the King David Hotel . ~ Susan


If this is the start of the next Intifada it will result once again with nothing gained by the Gazans and West Bankers but perhaps much lost by those Arabs who now reside in Israel. Idiots like you will first cheer it then decry the carnage suffered by those hapless Palestinians. When wringing your hands please try to remember who starts these things ... and how they end

This is nothing Sniffy . . . you should see the Zionist aftermath of the King David Hotel . ~ Susan

Lame deflection. You make it clear that you are another who is more interested in whining when the IDF returns fire than you are about the predictable result (lotsa dead Arabs) of the next Intifada.
cnm, et al,

This thread is not about what "normal people" think about Israel. We've all heard this drum beating of the BBC 2012 Country Rating Poll over and over again. It is a single source on a very simplistic survey.

This thread is about what normal people think of Israel.
I have provided evidence as to why normal people hold those views I have listed. The polls I've cited reflect the negativity those views engender in normal people in regard to Israel.

That you can pretend in the face of all the evidence that Israel does not steal [or break its promises] means you must be an Israel apologist, which means you'll say anything without evidence to back it up, in order to deflect from Israel's shocking reputation in the world. Which is part of the reason Israel has its reputation.

POLL: 89 Percent of Palestinians Support Terror Attacks on Israel
BY: Adam Kredo August 27, 2014
Nearly 89 percent of Palestinians support Hamas and other terrorists firing rockets from the Gaza Strip at Israeli civilians, according to a new poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO).

As Israelis wait to see if yet another ceasefire agreement with Hamas will hold, the poll shows broad support among Palestinians for Hamas’ most recent rocket assault on the Jewish state, which has been hit by more than 4,000 missiles in the past month.

The poll of 1,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip found that 88.9 percent of those surveyed supported “the firing of rockets from Gaza at Israel,” according to the findings.
Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States
Considering it essential that all States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations,​


Normal people don't support terrorist concepts. Maybe it is normal for HAMAS and Fatah Jihadist and Fedayeen to pursue terrorist type tactics. But normal people consider Jihadist, Fedayeen and the various terrorist organizations as lawless entities.

Most people don't really understand that the Palestinians, by a huge margin, support the Jihad and Armed Struggle to force their control over Israel, and that is the reason for the continued quarantine and containment of these people. There is hardly any country that advocates allowing these threats to regional peace loose on the world.

Most Respectfully,
If this is the start of the next Intifada it will result once again with nothing gained by the Gazans and West Bankers but perhaps much lost by those Arabs who now reside in Israel. Idiots like you will first cheer it then decry the carnage suffered by those hapless Palestinians. When wringing your hands please try to remember who starts these things ... and how they end

This is nothing Sniffy . . . you should see the Zionist aftermath of the King David Hotel . ~ Susan

Lame deflection. You make it clear that you are another who is more interested in whining when the IDF returns fire than you are about the predictable result (lotsa dead Arabs) of the next Intifada.

Great tap dance! No, truth of the matter is, is that you're all for Zionists maiming others and conveniently take these others to task for doing what Zionists initially did to them to steal their land. And you know what SayIt, you did it all through religious bullsh*t. With God and a brain, all things are possible . . . more so the latter , but of course :) ~ Susan
If this is the start of the next Intifada it will result once again with nothing gained by the Gazans and West Bankers but perhaps much lost by those Arabs who now reside in Israel. Idiots like you will first cheer it then decry the carnage suffered by those hapless Palestinians. When wringing your hands please try to remember who starts these things ... and how they end

This is nothing Sniffy . . . you should see the Zionist aftermath of the King David Hotel . ~ Susan

Lame deflection. You make it clear that you are another who is more interested in whining when the IDF returns fire than you are about the predictable result (lotsa dead Arabs) of the next Intifada.

Great tap dance! No, truth of the matter is, is that you're all for Zionists maiming others and conveniently take these others to task for doing what Zionists initially did to them to steal their land. And you know what SayIt, you did it all through religious bullsh*t. With God and a brain, all things are possible . . . more so the latter , but of course :) ~ Susan
Where did Sayit say that she's all for maiming others?
You just accused Rocco of exactly what the pro Palestinian shills are guilty of; saying anything without evidence to back it up in order to deflect from the fucked up things that the 'Palestinians' do.
No, I just accused Rocco of doing exactly what Rocco is guilty of.

I have provided evidence of Israel's stealing and promise breaking which leads normal people to think that of Israel.

Rocco has not refuted that evidence in any way, he has merely denied it, serially, when the evidence is as plain as the nose on my face.
BTW, that poll asked a little over 24 000 people. I'm not saying Israel is viewed as an angel, but to say that this poll is telling of what the whole world thinks of Israel is simply untrue
Polls of 1000 people are regularly and accurately used for many things. You know that. The polls cited showed opinions of countries' positive or negative influence. It is absolutely true those polls showed an indication of what the world thought of Israel's positive or negative influence. Denying it won't change anything, while accepting it and changing attitude and behaviour will contribute to Israel's long term survival.
Only a fool would poll the undeniably ignorant and hateful Arab/Muslim World to determine Israel's popularity (or lack of it) and only a bigger fool would knowingly subscribe to such a poll.
Hmmm. 6, 10 and possibly 12 I think.

maintains apartheid regimes,
commits war crimes,
wags the US,
doesn't keep its promises,
casts itself as a victim,
won't join courts because it will be found guilty,
imposes collective punishments on occupied territiories,
provokes wars of convenience,
is living a self centred fantasy where other people's views don't count,
restricts the economic growth of Palestine,
believes it can do no wrong,
suborns citzens of other nations to subvert those nations' interests.
cnm, et al,

This thread is not about what "normal people" think about Israel. We've all heard this drum beating of the BBC 2012 Country Rating Poll over and over again. It is a single source on a very simplistic survey.
You'll deny the nose on your face. Look at the page heading. Your denial won't change anything but the degree of ridicule with which you are regarded.

This is ludicrous.

But in any case if you don't like the information presented then present information you do like. We know why this isn't done. It's because Israel has such a shocking reputation around the world as a whole. Normal people think negatively of Israel.
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June 2014: Despite the halt in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, 66% of the Palestinians and 52% of the Israelis think that these negotiations will resume. At the same time each side continues to view the intentions of the other as posing an existential threat. According to the June 2014 poll, current opinions regarding conflict resolution are consistent with previous results: 62% of Israelis and 54% of Palestinians still support a two-state solution.

The Joint Israeli-Palestinian Polls Israel Office Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung


I much prefer to understand the participants' attitudes.


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