What Dims and Neo-Nazis have in common


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Make no mistake about it, Nazis are socialists who want a strong centralized government that redistributes wealth, just like the Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to gun down US Congressmen whom he deemed were conservative. And both sides are consumed with race. In fact, the press headlines will continue to be dominated by the Virginia story that resulted in one dead while basically ignoring the massacre in Barcelona that had 13 killed and 80 plus injured. What turned my stomach was watching CNN try to blame the Barcelona attacks on the Virginia killing by saying it inspired them. What? Had we not seen this played out a million times prior to the killing in Virginia?

Socialists are dishonest, hateful and violent, so beware.
I almost forgot, another common thread that the Nazi types and Dims have in common is their united efforts to defeat Zionism.

If Soros and his minions had their way, Israel would become the new Syria as ISIS would slaughter the entire Jewish population.

David Duke would be cheering in the background.
Who do these Occupy Wall Street types remind everyone of?

Propaganda, violence, hateful rhetoric, and an overall ignorance of the facts. Oh yeah! An incredible ability to distort, deceive, and misdirect.
Propaganda, violence, hateful rhetoric, and an overall ignorance of the facts. Oh yeah! An incredible ability to distort, deceive, and misdirect.

I find it curious that the country is now so divided after having been taken over by Progressives like Maxine Waters who wish to socialize the nation.

Corporations are where people get their paychecks and invest their retirement. They are the economic engines that produce our wealth and tax revenue. The dumb liberal crackpots are like the farmer who beats his plow-horse.
Propaganda, violence, hateful rhetoric, and an overall ignorance of the facts. Oh yeah! An incredible ability to distort, deceive, and misdirect.

I find it curious that the country is now so divided after having been taken over by Progressives like Maxine Waters who wish to socialize the nation.

"Socializing" the oil companies. That's what she was going to say.

Translation from CommieCloakSpeak: Theft of the ownership of your businesses by government force.

I would prosecute her for conspiracy to commit grand larceny and RICO.
I almost forgot, another common thread that the Nazi types and Dims have in common is their united efforts to defeat Zionism.

If Soros and his minions had their way, Israel would become the new Syria as ISIS would slaughter the entire Jewish population.

David Duke would be cheering in the background.

I hope you have room to include the author of the most used 'history' textbook, Communist Howard Zinn, and America-hating anti-Semite, Noam Chomsky, in that vituperation.
It’s hard to believe that 28 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall that there are dangerous neo-marxist crackpots in the world.
100% of the Nazis in the USA are staunch Republicans, and they all loudly sing the praises of Trump

Just like Votto.

None of the righties here want to kick the Nazis and white supremacists out of their party. After all, Republicans can't win elections without the votes of their white supremacist base, so they have to kiss up to Nazis.
It’s hard to believe that 28 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall that there are dangerous neo-marxist crackpots in the world.

So how do we get rid of those conservatives? Conservatives, by creating a system where corporations own the government, have essentially created a system where government owns the means of production. Conservative socialism, it is. Conservatives want to destroy capitalism, and replace it with monopolism and croneyism.

Liberals, of course, are the intellectual heirs of Adam Smith, the defenders of capitalism. Adam smith pointed out the necessity of progressive taxation, and the necessity to regulate capitalism, in order to stop that devolution into cronyism and monopolies.
Propaganda, violence, hateful rhetoric, and an overall ignorance of the facts. Oh yeah! An incredible ability to distort, deceive, and misdirect.

I find it curious that the country is now so divided after having been taken over by Progressives like Maxine Waters who wish to socialize the nation.

"Socializing" the oil companies. That's what she was going to say.

Translation from CommieCloakSpeak: Theft of the ownership of your businesses by government force.

I would prosecute her for conspiracy to commit grand larceny and RICO.

But she is black and a woman and a Dim that serves in an exclusively Dim district

According to her, she is untouchable.
100% of the Nazis in the USA are staunch Republicans, and they all loudly sing the praises of Trump

Just like Votto.

None of the righties here want to kick the Nazis and white supremacists out of their party. After all, Republicans can't win elections without the votes of their white supremacist base, so they have to kiss up to Nazis.

You are free to call me what you like, but I am no Nazi.

Show me a post where I have said I'm a Nazi or support Nazi policy.

I reject a strong centralized government and have supported the Article V movement to restore Federalism that had been stripped from us during the Progressive era.

I reject a massive nanny state that Hitler created during his reign

I reject targeting the top 1%, much like Hitler did in targeting the top 4% of the wealth in his country.

I reject the obsession with environmentalism and animal rights that trump human rights, just like Hitler did. In fact, the Nazi regime passed cutting edge laws to protect the environment and animals while sending offenders to concentration camps to die.

I reject continuous wars abroad without even declaring war as Progs have done for an entire century it seems, just like Hitler would do.

I reject the continual obsession with race and the Jewish people and instead want to focus on treating people as Americans.

I reject the massive debt piled up by Progs. In fact, Hitler amassed so much debt that he forbade the government from passing a budget. Sound familiar?

I reject genocide and the dehumanization of people to accomplish such tasks. No, Jews are not vermin and the unborn are actually human....at least....9 times out of 10 they come out human.

Your accusations are baseless, thus I would assume that you are also a socialist and a liar as well that is full of hate.
It’s hard to believe that 28 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall that there are dangerous neo-marxist crackpots in the world.

So how do we get rid of those conservatives? Conservatives, by creating a system where corporations own the government, have essentially created a system where government owns the means of production. Conservative socialism, it is. Conservatives want to destroy capitalism, and replace it with monopolism and croneyism.

Liberals, of course, are the intellectual heirs of Adam Smith, the defenders of capitalism. Adam smith pointed out the necessity of progressive taxation, and the necessity to regulate capitalism, in order to stop that devolution into cronyism and monopolies.

Corporations are created by government.

Without the laws to create such entities, they would not exist.
I almost forgot, another common thread that the Nazi types and Dims have in common is their united efforts to defeat Zionism.

If Soros and his minions had their way, Israel would become the new Syria as ISIS would slaughter the entire Jewish population.

David Duke would be cheering in the background.

I hope you have room to include the author of the most used 'history' textbook, Communist Howard Zinn, and America-hating anti-Semite, Noam Chomsky, in that vituperation.

Both Noam Chomsky, and Howard Zinn are Jews.
I almost forgot, another common thread that the Nazi types and Dims have in common is their united efforts to defeat Zionism.

If Soros and his minions had their way, Israel would become the new Syria as ISIS would slaughter the entire Jewish population.

David Duke would be cheering in the background.

LOL, Soros is a Jew, though.
Soros turned Jews over to the Nazi's in WW2 for money. He has no love of Jews
I almost forgot, another common thread that the Nazi types and Dims have in common is their united efforts to defeat Zionism.

If Soros and his minions had their way, Israel would become the new Syria as ISIS would slaughter the entire Jewish population.

David Duke would be cheering in the background.

LOL, Soros is a Jew, though.
Soros turned Jews over to the Nazi's in WW2 for money. He has no love of Jews

Jews don't worship a prophet, they instead worship many profits.
A Fascist is just a thinking Conservative.

Conservatives love Capitalism, and Jews, while Capitalism, and Jews are their enemies.

Jewish Capitalist Hollywood, and media are 2 of the most hated enemies of the common Conservative.

But, they don't seem to connect the dots.

A fascist wants a strong centralized government to redistribute wealth and any other social justice policy they wish to impose on society.

I'm not a fascist.

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