On This Day in 2017 a Democrat Attempted the Largest Assassination Attempt in US History


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
He beat the Democrats assassins in 1865.

Today is 6/14, a day that should live in infamy. This is the day that American democracy took a barbaric hit, when – five years ago on June 14, 2017 – the Democrat Party’s dangerous, violent rhetoric incited one of its members to attempt, and almost succeed in carrying out, the largest-scale political assassination in our nation’s history. On June 14, 2017, a Democrat tried to murder dozens of Republican Congressmen as they innocently gathered to play baseball at a field just outside the nation’s capital. The Democrat insurrectionist succeeded in seriously injuring Rep. Steve Scalise and three others, including two police officers, before brave law enforcement officials stopped him and saved the rule of law. This June 14 commemorates the five-year anniversary of the “Congressional Baseball Massacre” -- an actual domestic terror attack carried out by a Democrat. . .
. . . Inspired by Sen. Bernie Sanders’ false claim that “36,000 people will die yearly” if the Republican Congress succeeded in repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, one of Sanders’ supporters, a home inspector with no history of mental illness, set out with the express intent to “terminate the Republican Party.” The 6/14 insurrectionist campaigned for Sanders and was a supporter of Barack Obama. The Congressional Baseball Massacre came in the wake of a deluge of calls for violence against Republicans by Democrat politicians and their supporters in the media and in Hollywood. To name a few examples: just two weeks earlier, in May of 2017, Democrat comedian and far-left CNN contributor Kathy Griffin posed in a Mexican cartel-style photo featuring a mock severed and blood-soaked head of the recently-elected Republican president; also in May of 2017, Democrat rapper Snoop Dogg posted a video depicting him murdering the Republican president; at a Democrat rally in January of 2017, pop star Madonna had mused about blowing up the Republican-occupied White House.

The horrific attack had no effect on the stream of hateful Democrat rhetoric. Just days after the attack, Sanders posted a tweet reasserting his earlier claim that Republican policies were murdering people, stating: “Let us be clear and this is not trying to be overly dramatic: Thousands of people will die if the Republican health care bill becomes law” . . .

. . . On this fifth anniversary of 6/14, the Congressional Baseball Massacre, we must remember – to quote [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden – “in life there’s truth and, tragically, there are lies – lies conceived for profit and power. We must be absolutely clear about what is true and what is a lie.”
He beat the Democrats assassins in 1865.

Today is 6/14, a day that should live in infamy. This is the day that American democracy took a barbaric hit, when – five years ago on June 14, 2017 – the Democrat Party’s dangerous, violent rhetoric incited one of its members to attempt, and almost succeed in carrying out, the largest-scale political assassination in our nation’s history. On June 14, 2017, a Democrat tried to murder dozens of Republican Congressmen as they innocently gathered to play baseball at a field just outside the nation’s capital. The Democrat insurrectionist succeeded in seriously injuring Rep. Steve Scalise and three others, including two police officers, before brave law enforcement officials stopped him and saved the rule of law. This June 14 commemorates the five-year anniversary of the “Congressional Baseball Massacre” -- an actual domestic terror attack carried out by a Democrat. . .
. . . Inspired by Sen. Bernie Sanders’ false claim that “36,000 people will die yearly” if the Republican Congress succeeded in repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, one of Sanders’ supporters, a home inspector with no history of mental illness, set out with the express intent to “terminate the Republican Party.” The 6/14 insurrectionist campaigned for Sanders and was a supporter of Barack Obama. The Congressional Baseball Massacre came in the wake of a deluge of calls for violence against Republicans by Democrat politicians and their supporters in the media and in Hollywood. To name a few examples: just two weeks earlier, in May of 2017, Democrat comedian and far-left CNN contributor Kathy Griffin posed in a Mexican cartel-style photo featuring a mock severed and blood-soaked head of the recently-elected Republican president; also in May of 2017, Democrat rapper Snoop Dogg posted a video depicting him murdering the Republican president; at a Democrat rally in January of 2017, pop star Madonna had mused about blowing up the Republican-occupied White House.

The horrific attack had no effect on the stream of hateful Democrat rhetoric. Just days after the attack, Sanders posted a tweet reasserting his earlier claim that Republican policies were murdering people, stating: “Let us be clear and this is not trying to be overly dramatic: Thousands of people will die if the Republican health care bill becomes law” . . .

. . . On this fifth anniversary of 6/14, the Congressional Baseball Massacre, we must remember – to quote [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden –
He beat the Democrats assassins in 1865.

Today is 6/14, a day that should live in infamy. This is the day that American democracy took a barbaric hit, when – five years ago on June 14, 2017 – the Democrat Party’s dangerous, violent rhetoric incited one of its members to attempt, and almost succeed in carrying out, the largest-scale political assassination in our nation’s history. On June 14, 2017, a Democrat tried to murder dozens of Republican Congressmen as they innocently gathered to play baseball at a field just outside the nation’s capital. The Democrat insurrectionist succeeded in seriously injuring Rep. Steve Scalise and three others, including two police officers, before brave law enforcement officials stopped him and saved the rule of law. This June 14 commemorates the five-year anniversary of the “Congressional Baseball Massacre” -- an actual domestic terror attack carried out by a Democrat. . .
. . . Inspired by Sen. Bernie Sanders’ false claim that “36,000 people will die yearly” if the Republican Congress succeeded in repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, one of Sanders’ supporters, a home inspector with no history of mental illness, set out with the express intent to “terminate the Republican Party.” The 6/14 insurrectionist campaigned for Sanders and was a supporter of Barack Obama. The Congressional Baseball Massacre came in the wake of a deluge of calls for violence against Republicans by Democrat politicians and their supporters in the media and in Hollywood. To name a few examples: just two weeks earlier, in May of 2017, Democrat comedian and far-left CNN contributor Kathy Griffin posed in a Mexican cartel-style photo featuring a mock severed and blood-soaked head of the recently-elected Republican president; also in May of 2017, Democrat rapper Snoop Dogg posted a video depicting him murdering the Republican president; at a Democrat rally in January of 2017, pop star Madonna had mused about blowing up the Republican-occupied White House.

The horrific attack had no effect on the stream of hateful Democrat rhetoric. Just days after the attack, Sanders posted a tweet reasserting his earlier claim that Republican policies were murdering people, stating: “Let us be clear and this is not trying to be overly dramatic: Thousands of people will die if the Republican health care bill becomes law” . . .

. . . On this fifth anniversary of 6/14, the Congressional Baseball Massacre, we must remember – to quote [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden – “in life there’s truth and, tragically, there are lies – lies conceived for profit and power. We must be absolutely clear about what is true and what is a lie.”

“in life there’s truth and, tragically, there are lies – lies conceived for profit and power. We must be absolutely clear about what is true and what is a lie.”
This story lasted a day and a half, but was many times worse than the so-called "insurrection". It was exactly what the left decries; hateful rhetoric motivating an extremist to do violent acts. Yet they swept it under the rug since their side did it. As you say, this story should have been huge, but it wasn't. It shows the utter depravity of the left and its cover-up media.
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He beat the Democrats assassins in 1865.

Today is 6/14, a day that should live in infamy. This is the day that American democracy took a barbaric hit, when – five years ago on June 14, 2017 – the Democrat Party’s dangerous, violent rhetoric incited one of its members to attempt, and almost succeed in carrying out, the largest-scale political assassination in our nation’s history. On June 14, 2017, a Democrat tried to murder dozens of Republican Congressmen as they innocently gathered to play baseball at a field just outside the nation’s capital. The Democrat insurrectionist succeeded in seriously injuring Rep. Steve Scalise and three others, including two police officers, before brave law enforcement officials stopped him and saved the rule of law. This June 14 commemorates the five-year anniversary of the “Congressional Baseball Massacre” -- an actual domestic terror attack carried out by a Democrat. . .
. . . Inspired by Sen. Bernie Sanders’ false claim that “36,000 people will die yearly” if the Republican Congress succeeded in repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, one of Sanders’ supporters, a home inspector with no history of mental illness, set out with the express intent to “terminate the Republican Party.” The 6/14 insurrectionist campaigned for Sanders and was a supporter of Barack Obama. The Congressional Baseball Massacre came in the wake of a deluge of calls for violence against Republicans by Democrat politicians and their supporters in the media and in Hollywood. To name a few examples: just two weeks earlier, in May of 2017, Democrat comedian and far-left CNN contributor Kathy Griffin posed in a Mexican cartel-style photo featuring a mock severed and blood-soaked head of the recently-elected Republican president; also in May of 2017, Democrat rapper Snoop Dogg posted a video depicting him murdering the Republican president; at a Democrat rally in January of 2017, pop star Madonna had mused about blowing up the Republican-occupied White House.

The horrific attack had no effect on the stream of hateful Democrat rhetoric. Just days after the attack, Sanders posted a tweet reasserting his earlier claim that Republican policies were murdering people, stating: “Let us be clear and this is not trying to be overly dramatic: Thousands of people will die if the Republican health care bill becomes law” . . .

. . . On this fifth anniversary of 6/14, the Congressional Baseball Massacre, we must remember – to quote [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden – “in life there’s truth and, tragically, there are lies – lies conceived for profit and power. We must be absolutely clear about what is true and what is a lie.”
I was quite proud of the Capitol police officers who stopped the shooter, getting wounded themselves. How come the Republicans never talk about those heros?
He beat the Democrats assassins in 1865.

Today is 6/14, a day that should live in infamy. This is the day that American democracy took a barbaric hit, when – five years ago on June 14, 2017 – the Democrat Party’s dangerous, violent rhetoric incited one of its members to attempt, and almost succeed in carrying out, the largest-scale political assassination in our nation’s history. On June 14, 2017, a Democrat tried to murder dozens of Republican Congressmen as they innocently gathered to play baseball at a field just outside the nation’s capital. The Democrat insurrectionist succeeded in seriously injuring Rep. Steve Scalise and three others, including two police officers, before brave law enforcement officials stopped him and saved the rule of law. This June 14 commemorates the five-year anniversary of the “Congressional Baseball Massacre” -- an actual domestic terror attack carried out by a Democrat. . .
. . . Inspired by Sen. Bernie Sanders’ false claim that “36,000 people will die yearly” if the Republican Congress succeeded in repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, one of Sanders’ supporters, a home inspector with no history of mental illness, set out with the express intent to “terminate the Republican Party.” The 6/14 insurrectionist campaigned for Sanders and was a supporter of Barack Obama. The Congressional Baseball Massacre came in the wake of a deluge of calls for violence against Republicans by Democrat politicians and their supporters in the media and in Hollywood. To name a few examples: just two weeks earlier, in May of 2017, Democrat comedian and far-left CNN contributor Kathy Griffin posed in a Mexican cartel-style photo featuring a mock severed and blood-soaked head of the recently-elected Republican president; also in May of 2017, Democrat rapper Snoop Dogg posted a video depicting him murdering the Republican president; at a Democrat rally in January of 2017, pop star Madonna had mused about blowing up the Republican-occupied White House.

The horrific attack had no effect on the stream of hateful Democrat rhetoric. Just days after the attack, Sanders posted a tweet reasserting his earlier claim that Republican policies were murdering people, stating: “Let us be clear and this is not trying to be overly dramatic: Thousands of people will die if the Republican health care bill becomes law” . . .

. . . On this fifth anniversary of 6/14, the Congressional Baseball Massacre, we must remember – to quote [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden – “in life there’s truth and, tragically, there are lies – lies conceived for profit and power. We must be absolutely clear about what is true and what is a lie.”
Bernie was correct

At no time did he advocate violence
I was quite proud of the Capitol police officers who stopped the shooter, getting wounded themselves. How come the Republicans never talk about those heros?
You break into the Capital, you get shot dead.

That could be Ok if it were not for the surrounding facts

The woman shot dead was unarmed

The police officer was black and the woman white, but no mention of possible racist intent.

The police officer was instantly declared a hero by the media and political heads in both parties.

The name of the officer was not even mentioned in the press to protect him and his family.

No investigation was needed into the shooting


Now compare and contrast that with what goes on in the streets.

In Columbus Ohio, a police officer shot a black girl dead because he was trying to stop her from stabbing and killing another black girl

The press instantly got his name a splattered it all over the media with questions of racism and the need to defund the police

Lebron James within minutes Tweeted, "You're next"

The police officer and his family got a gazillion death threats

The police officer was put on leave and investigated.


Something is wrong here. Can you articulate what that might be?
Bernie was correct

At no time did he advocate violence
Bernie speaks of Revolution all the time

Well, how does one go about having a revolution peacefully?

Hmm? Any historical examples?

But you are correct in that Chuck Schumer has uttered much more threatening words towards the Supreme Court

Trump in all his years did not utter anything comparable.
The mob she was leading had many arms……and legs
They were intent on capturing members of Congress

Trying to breach the chamber cost her life
Those looting stores during BLM protests have many arms as well, but have a white police officer shoot an unarmed black woman in the mix and all hell will break lose.
Those looting stores during BLM protests have many arms as well, but have a white police officer shoot an unarmed black woman in the mix and all hell will break lose.
Very true
Anyone looting a store deserves to be prosecuted. Just like anyone attacking our Capitol deserves to be prosecuted

There is a difference between protecting stuff on shelves and protecting US Congressmen
You break into the Capital, you get shot dead.

That could be Ok if it were not for the surrounding facts

The woman shot dead was unarmed

The police officer was black and the woman white, but no mention of possible racist intent.

The police officer was instantly declared a hero by the media and political heads in both parties.

The name of the officer was not even mentioned in the press to protect him and his family.

No investigation was needed into the shooting


Now compare and contrast that with what goes on in the streets.

In Columbus Ohio, a police officer shot a black girl dead because he was trying to stop her from stabbing and killing another black girl

The press instantly got his name a splattered it all over the media with questions of racism and the need to defund the police

Lebron James within minutes Tweeted, "You're next"

The police officer and his family got a gazillion death threats

The police officer was put on leave and investigated.


Something is wrong here. Can you articulate what that might be?
Babbitt played stupid games....following the orange pig.
Very true
Anyone looting a store deserves to be prosecuted. Just like anyone attacking our Capitol deserves to be prosecuted

There is a difference between protecting stuff on shelves and protecting US Congressmen
No, no, no, no

Shot dead, even if they are unarmed.

Do keep up.
Babbitt was leading a mob to attack Congress
Want to blame someone, blame Trump who fed her lies
Lies that cost her life
So for the record, if a police officer says someone is leading a mob they can be shot dead even if unarmed

And the press and media will be good with it with no investigation.

Duly noted.

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