What did the victims wife mean when she said "Keith, don't you do it!" ?

"Keith. Don't do it!"

"Keith, don't you do it!"

"Don't you do it!"

What did she mean?
Before saying that, she says, "Keith, don't let them break the windows. Come on out the car.". So she might have been saying don't let them break the windows, don't stay in the car. I suppose it's possible she actually was talking to the police, telling them not to shoot, kind of mixing her calls to her husband with calls to the police. And, of course, there's the possibility that Mr. Scott was doing something threatening or had a gun and she was telling him not to do whatever it was, although there is no evidence of that from the video.
Has there been an answer to this?
Has there been an answer to this?
According to someone speaking for the family she meant don't move but when you listen to the video, the tone of her voice sounds like she means something a lot more threatening.

Why didn't she simply say then, "Don't move!" ?

Asked by someone who's never stood by helplessly and watched a loved one shot and killed.
I also would like to ask those who are convinced the police gunned this guy down needlessly.
Why would they? What do they have to gain by needlessly gunning someone down who was just standing there? They know there will be hell to pay with the public today.
If he didn't have a gun, why would they want to shoot him?
Has there been an answer to this?
Has there been an answer to this?
According to someone speaking for the family she meant don't move but when you listen to the video, the tone of her voice sounds like she means something a lot more threatening.

Why didn't she simply say then, "Don't move!" ?
That's exactly what I thought. The other thing that seems strange is that she did not seem upset about her husband being shot but rather the fact that the police shot him. She didn't ask about her husband she only threaten the police, that he better not be dead. Her actions seems very atypical for someone watching her husband being shot.
That struck me as odd too, Flopper. The cops were right there and told him 12 times to drop the gun. Because of the close proximity of the cops to the car, surely they could tell the difference between a gun and a book. But if you watch the woman's video, there was no gun at the feet of the dead man, and then there was. That could have been a drop gun. There are a few odd things about this incident.
That struck me as odd too, Flopper. The cops were right there and told him 12 times to drop the gun. Because of the close proximity of the cops to the car, surely they could tell the difference between a gun and a book. But if you watch the woman's video, there was no gun at the feet of the dead man, and then there was. That could have been a drop gun. There are a few odd things about this incident.
or camera angle since it's black on black
With all of murdering police running amok all over the country, I heard that he responded to all of it saying something to the effect of, "If I'm ever in that position I am not going to let the police intimidate me! I am going to stand up for my rights!" I guess his wife suddenly realized that she could lose him in the flash of an eye, and told him, "Keith, don't do it!"
That's not a bad song actually. I can easily top that:

Well, there you go. I thought Rock the Boat was a great 'sing along' tune! On the other hand .... this one use to put me in a rage with irritation:

That's not a bad song actually. I can easily top that:

Well, there you go. I thought Rock the Boat was a great 'sing along' tune! On the other hand .... this one use to put me in a rage with irritation:

Definately off topic, so I'll have the last word with the most annoying song ever:

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