What Constitutes Racism To You?

Do you consider racism a problem today?

  • Yes, it's a big problem.

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • Yes, it's there, but not a big problem today.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • There's just the right of racism that exists today.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, racism is mostly a thing of the past, barely a problem today.

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • No, racism actually never existed. Much less today.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
This question is directed, mostly, to the self-professed conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

Racism is when people are obsessed with their race.
Left Wingers make politics about race because they are racist.
Racist have race based organizations, such as race based student organizations, race based employee organizations and race based political organizations.
Racist make race the central issue in their lives.
Wow...how can one person get one post so totally wrong?

Let's just deal with the first two lines.

This question is directed, mostly, to the self-professed conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

The true meaning of racism is: policies or actions that would negatively impact an entire RACE of people.



mass noun
  • 1Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

    ‘a programme to combat racism’
    1. 1.1 The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
racism | Definition of racism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

It is impossible for any one person to be racist.

Fine...prove it, please.

I guarantee that you cannot.
Wrong. Crime is illegal and can be easily quantified. Racism is neither illegal nor is it always visible. It could be subjective.

Let's continue my point. You, Marc, dislike Jews. How would I ever change your mind? Give me one or two tangible examples. Your false equivalency doesn't work here. We can all agree that stealing a car is bad and illegal. We will never all agree that for example Israel has the right to exist as is or that Jews don't control the financial sector. I can give you a plethora of examples of how that is not true but if you believe it is, you will ignore it.

Having LeBron James or Mike Trout state that racism is bad does nothing. I see that you are an idealist but me, a person who is not racist whatsoever sees how futile your task is. Imagine if I were a true racist? Your best bet is for evolution to take hold and people evolve out of it. Forcing it will not work IMO and just make it worse.
I reject your premise.

We are at a standstill.

Carry on.
Active listening means you let the person finish and then correct them. Not speak over them. You heard what you wanted to hear. Dinesh's facts were not wrong. Like the dicussion about the black caucus. Dinesh didn't even finish his train of thought when he was interrupted several times. This is where a moderator would have been helpful. Your highlighting and bolding shows your anger and aggression. Why? We are being civil here. I can read just as well if you don't do that. I am neither slow nor old. No need to "type/talk" down to me.
You're seeing what you want to see.

I'm sorry my font is mentally abusing you.

I bold words to emphasize what I'm saying, not to be some "scary black man online."

Perhaps you need not be so sensitive.

I watch a good bit of FOXNEWS, and I've never seen a host or even a fellow rightwing panel let a liberal get anything THEY perceive as wrong done w/o shouting them down.

So I don't know what you're talking about "active listening" I simply don't see this practiced anywhere on the media today.

And to push back on you're position, Dinesh had MOST of his facts wrong, not ALL, and he acknowledged this. Don't try to wiggle out of that fact.
Active listening means you let the person finish and then correct them. Not speak over them. You heard what you wanted to hear. Dinesh's facts were not wrong. Like the dicussion about the black caucus. Dinesh didn't even finish his train of thought when he was interrupted several times. This is where a moderator would have been helpful. Your highlighting and bolding shows your anger and aggression. Why? We are being civil here. I can read just as well if you don't do that. I am neither slow nor old. No need to "type/talk" down to me.
You're seeing what you want to see.

I'm sorry my font is mentally abusing you.

I bold words to emphasize what I'm saying, not to be some "scary black man online."

Perhaps you need not be so sensitive.

I watch a good bit of FOXNEWS, and I've never seen a host or even a fellow rightwing panel let a liberal get anything THEY perceive as wrong done w/o shouting them down.

So I don't know what you're talking about "active listening" I simply don't see this practiced anywhere on the media today.

And to push back on you're position, Dinesh had MOST of his facts wrong, not ALL, and he acknowledged this. Don't try to wiggle out of that fact.

Such as? He politely stated he was unaware of some facts but many facts he had right. Roland spoke for 75% of the time. You may disagree with my premise all you like but I am a moderate, a Jew, not a racist and I find you to be a rude, uninformed, obnoxious asshole. What do you think true racists think of you. At least Fox has liberals on. Cuomo and Lemon only have Leftist sycophants as guests.

You cannot even convince me to listen to your logic. How would you convince a true racist?
Such as? He politely stated he was unaware of some facts but many facts he had right. Roland spoke for 75% of the time. You may disagree with my premise all you like but I am a moderate, a Jew, not a racist and I find you to be a rude, uninformed, obnoxious asshole. What do you think true racists think of you. At least Fox has liberals on. Cuomo and Lemon only have Leftist sycophants as guests.

You cannot even convince me to listen to your logic. How would you convince a true racist?
I don't care if you're "convinced" or not.

A person who uses the terms "true racist" is probably just a regular run-of-the-mill racist.

I don't watch CNN, I can't stand the damn channel, not for the reasons you claim to dislike it though, so nice try w/the name dropping.

It's also laughable that you find me to be rude and obnoxious and an A-hole, when there's so many other members here, mostly of the rightwing stripe who constantly spews the most vile and reprehensible garbage, not to mention are potty mouths.

I guess that speaks to your standards, which clearly don't match up to mine, so I don't give a frig.

The OP asked the simple question, what do you think racism is, and pretty much all rightwingers (including you) came in the thread w/every answer or statement BUT what I asked.

Telling, dontcha think?

Lastly, I betcha I can find a dozen or more recent videos of Lemon or Cuomo having rabid rightwingers on their shows?

Wanna bet? If they do, and I can prove it with 24 videos a piece, you leave the site for good. If I can't, then I leave.

Wanna bet?
Such as? He politely stated he was unaware of some facts but many facts he had right. Roland spoke for 75% of the time. You may disagree with my premise all you like but I am a moderate, a Jew, not a racist and I find you to be a rude, uninformed, obnoxious asshole. What do you think true racists think of you. At least Fox has liberals on. Cuomo and Lemon only have Leftist sycophants as guests.

You cannot even convince me to listen to your logic. How would you convince a true racist?
I don't care if you're "convinced" or not.

A person who uses the terms "true racist" is probably just a regular run-of-the-mill racist.

I don't watch CNN, I can't stand the damn channel, not for the reasons you claim to dislike it though, so nice try w/the name dropping.

It's also laughable that you find me to be rude and obnoxious and an A-hole, when there's so many other members here, mostly of the rightwing stripe who constantly spews the most vile and reprehensible garbage, not to mention are potty mouths.

I guess that speaks to your standards, which clearly don't match up to mine, so I don't give a frig.

The OP asked the simple question, what do you think racism is, and pretty much all rightwingers (including you) came in the thread w/every answer or statement BUT what I asked.

Telling, dontcha think?

Lastly, I betcha I can find a dozen or more recent videos of Lemon or Cuomo having rabid rightwingers on their shows?

Wanna bet? If they do, and I can prove it with 24 videos a piece, you leave the site for good. If I can't, then I leave.

Wanna bet?

LOL define rabid rightwinger. Typical Lefitst looking to get rid of people who disagree with them politically. What a piece of trash you are. You’re also stupid. I attack alt right people on this site relentlessly. I think racism is a self fulfilling prophecy and you are case in point.

Fact is many black ancestors suffered greatly but now blacks have it much better here than back in Africa. 99% of blacks agree with that. Facts don’t care about your feelings.
LOL define rabid rightwinger. Typical Lefitst looking to get rid of people who disagree with them politically. What a piece of trash you are. You’re also stupid. I attack alt right people on this site relentlessly. I think racism is a self fulfilling prophecy and you are case in point.

Fact is many black ancestors suffered greatly but now blacks have it much better here than back in Africa. 99% of blacks agree with that. Facts don’t care about your feelings.
Let's make a wager on who gets to stay on this site and who gets to go...

If I can find 24 recent vids of Cuomo and 24 recent vids of Lemon having self-professed conservatives and/or Republicans on their show, you have to leave the site for good.

If I can't find 24 recent vids for each of those guys doing that, then I have to go.

What do you say?

Wanna bet?
LOL define rabid rightwinger. Typical Lefitst looking to get rid of people who disagree with them politically. What a piece of trash you are. You’re also stupid. I attack alt right people on this site relentlessly. I think racism is a self fulfilling prophecy and you are case in point.

Fact is many black ancestors suffered greatly but now blacks have it much better here than back in Africa. 99% of blacks agree with that. Facts don’t care about your feelings.
Let's make a wager on who gets to stay on this site and who gets to go...

If I can find 24 recent vids of Cuomo and 24 recent vids of Lemon having self-professed conservatives and/or Republicans on their show, you have to leave the site for good.

If I can't find 24 recent vids for each of those guys doing that, then I have to go.

What do you say?

Wanna bet?

They have them on sometimes. I watch both shows but it is rare. Ben Shapiro used to be friendly with Lemon until Lemon went all racist in Kanye. It is a fools bet. Why do you want to get me off the site so badly? Your antisemitism working overtime? Feel free not to engage with me. Seems simple. Are you triggered? Need a hug or a safe space?

Keep fighting your futile war. Where you create more racists not fewer. Maybe someday you’ll realize that. Have Cuomo debate Ben Shapiro. He won’t. He is a chicken. As is AOC. Sad. Your party.
This question is directed, mostly, to the self-professed conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

Anything you, im2, asslickus, ptbw, that angry broad whose name I forget, odious, shitshisspeedos, or meathead posts is extremely likely to be racist.

With apologies to the other racist assholes I didn’t mention.
They have them on sometimes. I watch both shows but it is rare. Ben Shapiro used to be friendly with Lemon until Lemon went all racist in Kanye. It is a fools bet. Why do you want to get me off the site so badly? Your antisemitism working overtime? Feel free not to engage with me. Seems simple. Are you triggered? Need a hug or a safe space?

Keep fighting your futile war. Where you create more racists not fewer. Maybe someday you’ll realize that. Have Cuomo debate Ben Shapiro. He won’t. He is a chicken. As is AOC. Sad. Your party.
But I thought you just posted above, and I quote,

"At least Fox has liberals on. Cuomo and Lemon only have Leftist sycophants as guests."

Wha happened, liar?

Like I always say, if Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.


Anything you, im2, asslickus, ptbw, that angry broad whose name I forget, odious, shitshisspeedos, or meathead posts is extremely likely to be racist.

With apologies to the other racist assholes I didn’t mention.
Can you point out the racism in my OP poster?

BTW, how are you defining "racist?"

That IS what the thread is about, after all.
They have them on sometimes. I watch both shows but it is rare. Ben Shapiro used to be friendly with Lemon until Lemon went all racist in Kanye. It is a fools bet. Why do you want to get me off the site so badly? Your antisemitism working overtime? Feel free not to engage with me. Seems simple. Are you triggered? Need a hug or a safe space?

Keep fighting your futile war. Where you create more racists not fewer. Maybe someday you’ll realize that. Have Cuomo debate Ben Shapiro. He won’t. He is a chicken. As is AOC. Sad. Your party.
But I thought you just posted above, and I quote,

"At least Fox has liberals on. Cuomo and Lemon only have Leftist sycophants as guests."

Wha happened, liar?

Like I always say, if Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.



Christ. So damn literal. You have special problems eh? So tell me Marc. All that hate you have inside of you. How are you better off? You are just one angry lost soul. I feel sorry for you.
Christ. So damn literal. You have special problems eh? So tell me Marc. All that hate you have inside of you. How are you better off? You are just one angry lost soul. I feel sorry for you.
"So damn literal" is the refuge of liars.

Pray tell, poster, what in my posts depict hatred to you?

Is it, perhaps, my posting laughing images all the time? Or, could it be, that I constantly post the #LOLGOP and stuff like that?

What exactly, is your brain, interpreting as "hatred?"
Christ. So damn literal. You have special problems eh? So tell me Marc. All that hate you have inside of you. How are you better off? You are just one angry lost soul. I feel sorry for you.
"So damn literal" is the refuge of liars.

Pray tell, poster, what in my posts depict hatred to you?

Is it, perhaps, my posting laughing images all the time? Or, could it be, that I constantly post the #LOLGOP and stuff like that?

What exactly, is your brain, interpreting as "hatred?"

Rarely is the correct word not never. Jeez. Chill. Your trolling, font, negative attitude. Again, what has your hatred done for you? LOLGOP is divisive. When you get an education we may converse. Like most Lefitsts you write but don’t read. I have told you that your crusade is fruitless and you disagreed then got angry and weird. You never once explained how I am wrong. You then tried to goad me to never post on these boards. Suppressing an opposing point of view is the weapon of the Left. You are pathetic.
Rarely is the correct word not never. Jeez. Chill. Your trolling, font, negative attitude. Again, what has your hatred done for you? LOLGOP is divisive. When you get an education we may converse. Like most Lefitsts you write but don’t read. I have told you that your crusade is fruitless and you disagreed then got angry and weird. You never once explained how I am wrong. You then tried to goad me to never post on these boards. Suppressing an opposing point of view is the weapon of the Left. You are pathetic.
Pray tell, poster, what in my posts depict hatred to you?

Is it, perhaps, my posting laughing images all the time? Or, could it be, that I constantly post the #LOLGOP and stuff like that?

What exactly, is your brain, interpreting as "hatred?"
Rarely is the correct word not never. Jeez. Chill. Your trolling, font, negative attitude. Again, what has your hatred done for you? LOLGOP is divisive. When you get an education we may converse. Like most Lefitsts you write but don’t read. I have told you that your crusade is fruitless and you disagreed then got angry and weird. You never once explained how I am wrong. You then tried to goad me to never post on these boards. Suppressing an opposing point of view is the weapon of the Left. You are pathetic.
Pray tell, poster, what in my posts depict hatred to you?

Is it, perhaps, my posting laughing images all the time? Or, could it be, that I constantly post the #LOLGOP and stuff like that?

What exactly, is your brain, interpreting as "hatred?"

The fact that you wanted me off the boards and the fact that you won’t engage in a convo just keep preaching your filth and using large font. Again how
do you turn a racist from being racist? LOL dumb Lefitst.
This question is directed, mostly, to the self-professed conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.
This question is directed, mostly, to the self-professed conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.
Something basically wrong about this thread. What constitutes one thing, then the internal logic of the thread switches to a questionnaire/pole asking how much of a problem it is or where it came from. Confusing to say the least. Can we clarify? This is getting muddled.

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