"What Bannon in the White House means..."

If these Grannie-Bolsheviks have got their jimmies rustled by a counselor in the White House....wait till they get a name for the Supreme Court.

The hissy fits will be spectacular.

It's one of the things I look forward to the most.
It'll be like winning the presidential election all over again!!

There will be tears,lots and lots of tears..

Elections have Consequences

How often have we heard that out of the Marxist Turd in the White, who by the way has 64 days left. Fuck him.

Bannon is on his own as far as I'm concerned, I'm confident his attitude toward me is pretty much the same, so fuck him if he has the same tactics he's employed on others folded back onto him. Nothing bothers me about the media in america because I understand what it is and what it is for. It is a wholly owned corporate state media machine pushing a perceptual reality that concentrated corporate power leverages to indoctrinate, agitate, and confuse the masses so that the societal wealth extraction can continue with as little public notice as possible under the circumstances.

So the fact that the democrat press behaves EXACTLY like the Nazis is fine with you?

Why am I not surprised. :dunno:
What the announcement of Bannon did was just broaden the smiles across the faces of tens of millions of people who told us last Tuesday that multiculturalism is ghey.

sorry s0ns.......your turn to take the knobby cucumber for a few years. Nobody cares about the PC take............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Is it true........... I heard Trump may make this his song at the inauguration >>>


Bannon is on his own as far as I'm concerned, I'm confident his attitude toward me is pretty much the same, so fuck him if he has the same tactics he's employed on others folded back onto him. Nothing bothers me about the media in america because I understand what it is and what it is for. It is a wholly owned corporate state media machine pushing a perceptual reality that concentrated corporate power leverages to indoctrinate, agitate, and confuse the masses so that the societal wealth extraction can continue with as little public notice as possible under the circumstances.

So the fact that the democrat press behaves EXACTLY like the Nazis is fine with you?

Why am I not surprised. :dunno:

That's it, stay in your safe space shoog.

Bannon is on his own as far as I'm concerned, I'm confident his attitude toward me is pretty much the same, so fuck him if he has the same tactics he's employed on others folded back onto him. Nothing bothers me about the media in america because I understand what it is and what it is for. It is a wholly owned corporate state media machine pushing a perceptual reality that concentrated corporate power leverages to indoctrinate, agitate, and confuse the masses so that the societal wealth extraction can continue with as little public notice as possible under the circumstances.

So the fact that the democrat press behaves EXACTLY like the Nazis is fine with you?

Why am I not surprised. :dunno:

That's it, stay in your safe space shoog.

Seig Heil indeed!

Bannon is on his own as far as I'm concerned, I'm confident his attitude toward me is pretty much the same, so fuck him if he has the same tactics he's employed on others folded back onto him. Nothing bothers me about the media in america because I understand what it is and what it is for. It is a wholly owned corporate state media machine pushing a perceptual reality that concentrated corporate power leverages to indoctrinate, agitate, and confuse the masses so that the societal wealth extraction can continue with as little public notice as possible under the circumstances.

So the fact that the democrat press behaves EXACTLY like the Nazis is fine with you?

Why am I not surprised. :dunno:

That's it, stay in your safe space shoog.

Seig Heil indeed!

Great conversation, you're incredibly deep, have a nice day.
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.
I've been on DailyKOS and it's an Adolph Hitler loving site.
Needs a history lesson.
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.

Brain washing America. Expected.
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.
I've been on DailyKOS and it's an Adolph Hitler loving site.

I was banned from the dailycuss after the first post because the topic was climate change and I simply asked as to how can you have a benchmark for what the temperature really is when there has been a world-wide stratospheric aerosol injection spraying program that went on line in earnest in 1997? I mean water and soil samples don't lie so unless you enter that into the equation.....shouldn't that element also be figured into the eqaution?"

BOOM! My post is deleted and it's been over a year and I am still not allowed to post....just recently tried. Only lockstep echo-chamber leftards need apply...LOL!!!
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.
I've been on DailyKOS and it's an Adolph Hitler loving site.
Needs a history lesson.
You need a brain.
It doesn't take much to prove; I've read enough on DailyKOS to know not to bother anymore.
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.

This is how Trump won, people who can only post cartoons and memes because they're too fucking stupid to have an original thought or an iota of curiosity.

The key is TRUMP WON. YOU LOST. You can bitch all you want but you will change nothing. You are only making your own self look like a juvinile.

He won the election. We all have lost and will pay dearly in privacy, safety, lives and treasure.

You Communists lost, America won.
EVIDENCE of antisemitism by Bannon?
Yes, giving a forum to and profiting from antisemites is evidence enough. You can scream all day that you are not racist. But if you let racists put up 1000 racist signs in your front yard and then profit by charging people to look at them...sorry, but your words mean jack shit, and your actions show you are racist.
EVIDENCE of antisemitism by Bannon?
Yes, giving a forum to and profiting from antisemites is evidence enough. You can scream all day that you are not racist. But if you let racists put up 1000 racist signs in your front yard and then profit by charging people to look at them...sorry, but your words mean jack shit, and your actions show you are racist.
Bullshit. You anti American crapheads always say that.."freedom of speech is bad because people we don't like say stuff!"
What simpletons you are.

Totalitarians have been the same since man was created. You always claim you have a good reason for eliminating the human rights of others.
EVIDENCE of antisemitism by Bannon?
Yes, giving a forum to and profiting from antisemites is evidence enough. You can scream all day that you are not racist. But if you let racists put up 1000 racist signs in your front yard and then profit by charging people to look at them...sorry, but your words mean jack shit, and your actions show you are racist.
Bullshit. You anti American crapheads always say that.."freedom of speech is bad because people we don't like say stuff!"
What simpletons you are.

Totalitarians have been the same since man was created. You always claim you have a good reason for eliminating the human rights of others.
I am not suggesting that a racist not be allowed to put racist signs in his front yard, or that Breitbart be shut down by force, so your overwrought whining about free speech is irrelevant garbage. Furthermore, along with free speech comes the freedom of others to point at that free speech and call it what is it....racist, stupid, smart, whatever.

So, in reality, your whiny little display of trying to be a human shield for bigots represents more of an example of trying to stifle free speech than anything I have said or done.

Also, your entire, hilariously dumb defense is to say, "he's not racist, he just intentionally gives a forum for racists to broadcast their racism"....as if that somehow exonerates him. No, in some ways that is even worse. If he is racist, then he's racist. If he is not, then he is an intellectual fraud that is profiting from the very thing he condemns. Either way, he is human excrement. Enjoy sucking on it, i I will leave you to it.
EVIDENCE of antisemitism by Bannon?
Yes, giving a forum to and profiting from antisemites is evidence enough. You can scream all day that you are not racist. But if you let racists put up 1000 racist signs in your front yard and then profit by charging people to look at them...sorry, but your words mean jack shit, and your actions show you are racist.

Again, you're a fucking liar, and we all know it.

What "forum" did Banon give you Nazis? What "racist signs" Herr Goebbels? You spew all kinds of slander and libel, but NEVER do you back your fucking lies up with anything approaching facts.
EVIDENCE of antisemitism by Bannon?
Yes, giving a forum to and profiting from antisemites is evidence enough. You can scream all day that you are not racist. But if you let racists put up 1000 racist signs in your front yard and then profit by charging people to look at them...sorry, but your words mean jack shit, and your actions show you are racist.

Again, you're a fucking liar, and we all know it.

What "forum" did Banon give you Nazis? What "racist signs" Herr Goebbels? You spew all kinds of slander and libel, but NEVER do you back your fucking lies up with anything approaching facts.
Not one single counterpoint. Just typical, snowflake White supremacist whining like a little bitch.

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