what are your general views on the differences between Republicans and Ds ?

Here are a few of my observations:

The Ds here at the forum (presumably everywhere but I have no D friends to refer to, not surprisingly) generally make accusations with ZERO evidence, then expect people to just believe it--because, by god, they said it!

The Rs here, generally speaking, answer D posts w/ information and referrals to more information, albeit at times with much... uh... shall we say "annoyance," sometimes downright malice (which, frankly, i feel is usually more/less deserved but anyhow)

It also seems to me.. .and this is NOT based on my own bias but objective reality: it seems Rs are by FAR better informed.

wondering how others see things..
the silent majority is now the loudmouth one, and NOW 100% WRONG...LOL ARGH....
RED States are the most dangerous states in America

That is because of their hatred of America
Nice try...
The Blue Cities in the Red States are the most dangerous cities in America.
What fascinating is that most States are Red or Blue by a mere 100K people.
By the way, you lie so much no one with an IQ above 0 takes you as more than a joke.
Nice try...
The Blue Cities in the Red States are the most dangerous cities in America.
What fascinating is that most States are Red or Blue by a mere 100K people.
By the way, you lie so much no one with an IQ above 0 takes you as more than a joke.
I've lived in both

and you LIE
"... general views on the differences between Republicans and Ds ?"

Largely irrelevant. There are differences, sure, but they both suck way more than any party I would actually vote for.
List the cities.
I'll bet the Red Cities are never in the headlines; even the Liberal media ignores them.
I've lived in Oklahoma City
I've lived near Portland, OR (OMG OMG)
I lived in a small-medium size town in NE

I was (am) WAY happier in the red states.. and something happened to me in a blue state (which I do not want to discuss on a public forum, at least not at this time) that re-inforced my negative view of blue states (long, bizarre story)
I've lived in Oklahoma City
I've lived near Portland, OR (OMG OMG)
I lived in a small-medium size town in NE

I was (am) WAY happier in the red states.. and something happened to me in a blue state (which I do not want to discuss on a public forum, at least not at this time) that re-inforced my negative view of blue states (long, bizarre story)
Why do you hate America?

Oh I forgot......You are Republican
I've lived in Oklahoma City
I've lived near Portland, OR (OMG OMG)
I lived in a small-medium size town in NE

I was (am) WAY happier in the red states.. and something happened to me in a blue state (which I do not want to discuss on a public forum, at least not at this time) that re-inforced my negative view of blue states (long, bizarre story)
I left NYC for Nassau County just about when NYC was becoming Crime Central.

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