What Are These People Thinking?

Nice job kids :thup:

And they got a day off? Bravo :clap2:
They should all get zeros for the day and not be permitted to make up missed work.

It depends upon the school's existing policy. If that's not how they usually handle missed days, then that would be punishing dissent. If that's what they do already for unexcused absences, then these kids will learn that it's a price they pay for civil disobedience, which after all, is not meant to be easy.
'The school board proposal that triggered the walkouts in Jefferson County calls of instructional materials that present positive aspects of the nation and its heritage. It would establish a committee to regularly review texts and course plans, starting with Advanced Placement history, to make sure materials "promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free-market system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights" and don't "encourage or condone civil disorder, social strike or disregard of the law."

The proposal from Julie Williams, part of the board's conservative majority, has not been voted on and was put on hold last week. She didn't return a call from The Associated Press seeking comment Tuesday, but previously told Chalkbeat Colorado, a school news website, that she recognizes there are negative events that are part of U.S. history that need to be taught.

"There are things we may not be proud of as Americans," she said. "But we shouldn't be encouraging our kids to think that America is a bad place."'

It's called reactionaryism, common among most conservatives, an unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and dissent.
5th post
Full libtard combined with youthful self-centeredness is a toxic brew.

Protesting against conservative positions is a sign of enlightenment. Details don't matter. Liberals are enlightened, conservatives are monsters. Protesting is to liberals like preening is to peacocks. Add youth to that brew and this is the outcome.

Time to end public schools. Liberals can send their kids to indoctrination factories and normal parents can send their kids to normal schools.

Did you attend a 'normal' school?
Personally, those that encouraged this behavior should be sought out. If they want to teach them about civil disobedience do it off school time.
Personally, those that encouraged this behavior should be sought out. If they want to teach them about civil disobedience do it off school time.

Right, because protesting outside school hours will get so much attention.

Maybe they can have a civil disobedience sleepover in a remote campsite. :clap2:
Personally, those that encouraged this behavior should be sought out. If they want to teach them about civil disobedience do it off school time.

Right, because protesting outside school hours will get so much attention.

Maybe they can have a civil disobedience sleepover in a remote campsite. :clap2:
Either they (those encouraging the behavior) get it approved or they attend school board meetings to present their views. We are not talking about college students here.
Personally, those that encouraged this behavior should be sought out. If they want to teach them about civil disobedience do it off school time.

Right, because protesting outside school hours will get so much attention.

Maybe they can have a civil disobedience sleepover in a remote campsite. :clap2:
Either they (those encouraging the behavior) get it approved or they attend school board meetings to present their views. We are not talking about college students here.

Protest must be "approved"?

This made people talk about this school board. A kid standing up at a school board meeting wasn't going to make national news.

Kids won, just by bringing the issue into a big, bright spotlight.
Full libtard combined with youthful self-centeredness is a toxic brew.

Protesting against conservative positions is a sign of enlightenment. Details don't matter. Liberals are enlightened, conservatives are monsters. Protesting is to liberals like preening is to peacocks. Add youth to that brew and this is the outcome.

Time to end public schools. Liberals can send their kids to indoctrination factories and normal parents can send their kids to normal schools.

Did you attend a 'normal' school?

No. My education was very unique.
These kids didn't come up with this on their own. Was it the seiu or just a few progressive teachers that organized this? My guess? seiu.
I guess Conservative kids aren't as smart as these kids.

Kids aren't conservative, they must learn to be. Kids are curious, always ask why and how come. Those with conservative parents hear, "because I said so"; thus, they stop asking those stupid questions.

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