What are the FACTS of the Herman Cain Accusations?


VIP Member
Jul 26, 2011
Let’s sum up the “facts” as they are known right now. Mostly unnamed people accused Herman Cain of unspecified conduct which some people who will not specify the people or the conduct have deemed “inappropriate.” And one of the unnamed people received a piddly $35,000 severance package almost 15 years ago for unspecified conduct which included conduct unrelated to Cain.

Now, I would like all those jumping to the conclusion Herman Cain committed some sort of "sexual harassment" where are YOUR FACTS to back up your conclusion?
I am still waiting for the facts why Obama sees all white Boston Cops of Acting Stupidly whenever they arrest a black criminal.
I remember back in the good old days when somebody accused a politician of something like sexual harassment they actually came forth with their name and faced the questions from the media and the accused rather than hiding behind a lawyer.
Let’s sum up the “facts” as they are known right now. Mostly unnamed people accused Herman Cain of unspecified conduct which some people who will not specify the people or the conduct have deemed “inappropriate.” And one of the unnamed people received a piddly $35,000 severance package almost 15 years ago for unspecified conduct which included conduct unrelated to Cain.

Now, I would like all those jumping to the conclusion Herman Cain committed some sort of "sexual harassment" where are YOUR FACTS to back up your conclusion?
Yet they defend the pervert clinton.
I remember back in the good old days when somebody accused a politician of something like sexual harassment they actually came forth with their name and faced the questions from the media and the accused rather than hiding behind a lawyer.
I remember when the idiot clinton lied to the whole country, got caught lying, and had to appologize. Real classy.
Let’s sum up the “facts” as they are known right now. Mostly unnamed people accused Herman Cain of unspecified conduct which some people who will not specify the people or the conduct have deemed “inappropriate.” And one of the unnamed people received a piddly $35,000 severance package almost 15 years ago for unspecified conduct which included conduct unrelated to Cain.

Now, I would like all those jumping to the conclusion Herman Cain committed some sort of "sexual harassment" where are YOUR FACTS to back up your conclusion?
Yet they defend the pervert clinton.

I remember back in the good old days when somebody accused a politician of something like sexual harassment they actually came forth with their name and faced the questions from the media and the accused rather than hiding behind a lawyer.

makes you wonder why cain wont agree to have the nda recinded so that the person can come out in public and give her side of the story......

it is cain hiding behind the lawyer by making claims he refuses to allow be fact checked.......

the meltdown cain is haviong over this shows he knows there is damning testimony there....

and if there is no fire to it, then it shows that cain cant even handle a baseless accusation.. how is he going to handle a real problem?
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I remember back in the good old days when somebody accused a politician of something like sexual harassment they actually came forth with their name and faced the questions from the media and the accused rather than hiding behind a lawyer.
I remember when the idiot clinton lied to the whole country, got caught lying, and had to appologize. Real classy.


And...Clinton is a womanizer and a he cheated on his wife....but he is not an idiot. Try a little harder.
So what happens next? will Senator Smalley,Reid,Pelosi,That Gay Senator Durbin and Bernie Sanders Grill Cain in the same manner when they Grilled Clinton on August 17 1998? DID YOU STARE AT SOME WOMANS LARGE BREASTS? Did you fantasize with a 17 yr old waitress Mr. Cain? Did you have sex with that imaginary woman ???
I remember back in the good old days when somebody accused a politician of something like sexual harassment they actually came forth with their name and faced the questions from the media and the accused rather than hiding behind a lawyer.

makes you wonder why cain wont agree to have the nda recinded so that the person can come out in public and give her side of the story......

it is cain hiding behind the lawyer by making claims he refuses to allow be fact checked.......

Cain was NOT a party to the "agreement" so he has NO LEGAL BASIS to demand it be rescinded.....furthermore, his campaign has actually gone even further than you suggest....they have asked NOT that the women be allowed to speak....but that the actual investigation be revealed!

Now, lets see if the woman (women) will agree to this? Wanna be they won't!
Let’s sum up the “facts” as they are known right now. Mostly unnamed people accused Herman Cain of unspecified conduct which some people who will not specify the people or the conduct have deemed “inappropriate.” And one of the unnamed people received a piddly $35,000 severance package almost 15 years ago for unspecified conduct which included conduct unrelated to Cain.

Now, I would like all those jumping to the conclusion Herman Cain committed some sort of "sexual harassment" where are YOUR FACTS to back up your conclusion?

You are right. He is completely innocent. He did nothing wrong at all.

Feel better?
I remember back in the good old days when somebody accused a politician of something like sexual harassment they actually came forth with their name and faced the questions from the media and the accused rather than hiding behind a lawyer.
I remember when the idiot clinton lied to the whole country, got caught lying, and had to appologize. Real classy.


And...Clinton is a womanizer and a he cheated on his wife....but he is not an idiot. Try a little harder.
Yes, he is an idiot.
Ill sum it up:

1) Two to Three women have accused Herman Cain of something.
2) There are no specifics on what exactly
3) There was at some point a settlement between the company he worked for and these women because the costs of litigation are to high.
4) The aforementioned settlement prevents the women from saying anything about it. If they do, they have to return the money paid out.

That's pretty much the extent of it.
I find it funny that this didn't come out until Cain was leading in the polls. Smells funny like dimwits are involved.
Three words...High tech lynching.
This is the same bullshit those who could not accept a conservative black man in a position of power pulled on Clarence Thomas. Thomas is as honorable as any man to serve in the US Supreme Court.

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