What advice would you give to a man whose gf hates men?

Very common among younger people.

What advice would you give to a young man in such situation?
Very common among younger people.

What advice would you give to a young man in such situation?

Seriously, think about it. Would we advise a woman to stay in a relationship with a man who says he hates all women except for her? How about a black man/woman in a relationship with someone who says they hate black people, except for them, of course? Or someone who hates fat people, "Except for you, honey, you're cute". No, of course not.

"You're one of the good ones" is a red flag.
I've been in two co-dependent self-destructive relationships in my life, and I'll just say this: They can be gratifying to both partners at times but for the most part, it's like living in hell. The first one was a Jewish girl who was an alcoholic. She had been a model living in LA in the late 70's an 80's, and had hung out with more than several rock stars.

But by the early 2000's her alcoholism was getting the best of her. We had some mutual interests, but our relationship was based on keeping a roof over her head, feeding her, giving her money when she wanted it, keeping her from hurting herself, and buying her alcohol and cigarettes. In turn, she gave me companionship and sex.

After about 5 years, I had managed to wean her off of hard liquor. That was a good thing because when she drank, she would become abusive not only to herself, but to me or anyone else. I had loved that woman from the start and after a few years, she had come to love me. Unfortunately, I woke up one morning and found her dead of a heart attack, at the age of 43.

After that, I started a slow descent into depravity and drugs. The next woman I became seriously involved with was a total psycho. But we were attracted to each other, and we had the best sex either of us had ever had. She smoked a lot of pot and would do meth occasionally, and was also bi-polar. We stayed together for about a year until we both went our separate ways.

After that, I broke my own addiction, left most of what I owned behind, and moved to Wisconsin in 2007. I met a woman here, we hit it off, and have been happily married now for the last 16 years. I've been clean and drug-free for the last 16 years, bought a decent three bedroom, two bath, two car garage house on 100 acres of wooded land, and my wife and I haven't had cross words since the day we married. She is the most stable person I've ever known.
After that, I started a slow descent into depravity and drugs. The next woman I became seriously involved with was a total psycho. But we were attracted to each other, and we had the best sex either of us had ever had. She smoked a lot of pot and would do meth occasionally, and was also bi-polar. We stayed together for about a year until we both went our separate ways.

After that, I broke my own addiction, left most of what I owned behind, and moved to Wisconsin in 2007. I met a woman here, we hit it off, and have been happily married now for the last 16 years. I've been clean and drug-free for the last 16 years, bought a decent three bedroom, two bath, two car garage house on 100 acres of wooded land, and my wife and I haven't had cross words since the day we married. She is the most stable person I've ever known.
Thank you for trying to save a Jewish lady. May G-d help you. Best luck to you.

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