What a tragedy, Louie Gohmert tests positive.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?
It's a Democratic hoax I tell you!!! The people doing the testing are all in on the hoax.

Oops, sorry, let me rewrite that for the uneducated, ignorant RWNJs on the board:

It's a Democrat hoax I tell you!!!
Typical libtard happy someone is sick.

Karma, dipshit
It's a tragedy....as I said in my title. A HUGE tragedy....that would even be worse if he spread it to his fellow "Republicans" on the Judicial Committee.

Everyone knows exactly what you meant. You think everyone is as dumb as you.

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?
Everybody is testing positive. Big fucking deal.

I WANT to get this virus and get it over with. FUCK MASKS.

Some protective measures are just not worth the cost.
he should focus on important things. like introducing a bill that outlaws coronavirus.

Hmm, a bill....that outlaws coronavirus? Brilliant, do we put everyone testing COVID positive in jail so states can then release them?
Hmm, a bill....that outlaws coronavirus? Brilliant, do we put everyone testing COVID positive in jail so states can then release them?
Congressional Democrats, the great investigators, should investigate how many people are being robbed, raped, and killed by all the convicts they are letting out of prisons.

Yea, we know that isn't going to happen. Aren't they all upstanding citizens contributing to society?

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

Obviously Louie Louie Gomer is as edumacated on personal hygiene as he is on American history.
Tucker Carlson explained it best.

They are looking at the "Right direction/Wrong direction" polling numbers and are ensuring that the country is going in the wrong direction so that they can get rid of Trump.

No devastation is too great for them to get what they need.

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

It's a start. I'm hoping he spread it all around. It's a bummer he was so far away from Jabba Naddler, but if God is kind fatty will die a hard death. Maybe my prayers to the reaper will come true!

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