WH complains that GOP has "moved away from compromise", then vows not to compromise


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Funniest part of this particular speech, was hearing Barack Obama's spokesman complaining about somebody else "pursuing a path away from the center".


WH Says GOP Has 'Moved Away From Compromise', Then Vows Not to Compromise | CNS News

WH Says GOP Has 'Moved Away From Compromise', Then Vows Not to Compromise

September 18, 2013 - 3:14 PM
By Eric Scheiner

(CNSNews.com) - White House spokesperson Jay Carney criticized Republican leaders for moving “away from compromise,” but when asked if the administration would accept any delay in Obamacare, he replied, “No.”.

"House Republicans have decided to pursue a path away from the center, away from compromise in favor of voting on a piece of legislation that they know will not become law,” Carney said Wednesday.

Earlier in the day, GOP leaders announced their plan to approve a continuing resolution (CR) spending bill through Dec. 15 that includes legislation to defund Obamacare. House Republicans also claimed they would unveil a plan next week that would delay Obamacare as part of a vote to raise the debt ceiling.

When asked if the administration was willing to accept any delay in Obamacare in order to avoid a government shutdown, Carney replied, “No.
It's about time Boehner grew a pair.

Now let's see if Obama will shut down the Government because only Obama-care didn't get funded?

Is he willing to wreck the economy to save his pet project?
Go ahead and commit suicide then, 'no compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP' -TIME. Ignorant brainwashed fools have taken over the GOP asylum. Pure irony for the greedy a-holes who bought the GOP...
Extortion over paying the gov't's bills is a brand new idea, for dupes only...

ACA is a compromise as presented, not single payer but a Pub style plan, if they would ACTUALLY EVER VOTE TO END THEIR SCAM OF A SYSTEM...Pub dupes...
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Oh geez franco let's just keep doing what the liberals have been doing since 2006, yeah that worked.
Obama will do whatever he has to do to protect his pet project that no one (except he and the Dumbos in Congress) wanted.

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