WE've BEEN telling YOU idiots who don't know ANYTHING about Health insurance!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Health insurance premiums may as much as double for some small businesses and individual buyers in the U.S. when the Affordable Care Act’s major provisions start in 2014, Aetna Inc. (AET)’s chief executive officer said.

While subsidies in the law will shield some people, other consumers who make too much for assistance are in for “premium rate shock,” Mark Bertolini, who runs the third-biggest U.S. health-insurance company, told analysts yesterday at a conference in New York. The prospect has spurred discussion of having Congress delay or phase in parts of the law, he said.
“We’ve shared it all with the people in Washington and I think it’s a big concern,” the CEO said. “We’re going to see some markets go up as much as as 100 percent.”
Bertolini’s prediction is at odds with Congressional Budget Office estimates that the law will have little effect on small and large-employer plans and the Obama administration’s projections that middle-class families will actually save money. The 2010 law is expected to extend health care to about 30 million people who otherwise couldn’t get insurance, paid for by new taxes and fees on companies and wealthier individuals.

Aetna CEO Sees Obama Health Law Doubling Some Premiums - Bloomberg

AND guess what folks!!!
People will drop their insurance.
Companies will continue to raise rates as their base decreases!
Finally insurance companies will realize CAN'T MAKE A profit and state insurance regulators REQUIRE ins. companies MAKE a profit.
Insurance companies go out of business!
AND $100 billion in payroll/federal/state/local taxes will be gone! 400,000 people unemployed!

And we told you so!!
Don't worry, the rich will be forced to pay their fair share. :lol:
Yep. The 47% will be receiving their ObamaCare insurance subsidies and not giving a fuck the rest of us have to carry yet another entitlement load on our backs.

AND the whole issue could have been averted IF Obama/Congress didn't have to appease lawyers that donated $300 million in 2008 to keep this solution from being included!
ACA taxes 10% on tanning salons because they cause cancer. OK!
Fear of lawsuits brought by lawyers causes according to the experts/physicians $650 billion a year in duplicate tests,referrals,etc.. FEAR of being wrong and sued!
So by understanding there are truly ONLY 8 million truly in need of insurance a 10% tax on lawyers' $100 billion would pay ALL the health bills of these 8 million!
And to encourage restraint by lawyers the 10% tax declines AS the $650 billion costs decline!
As a result, hospitals that see the "uninsured" send the claims to Govt. agency that manages the 8 million uninsured.
Hospitals be audited on other claims so "padding and passing" sometimes 6,000% markups to Medicare reduced!
Again lowering costs for Medicare/private insurance by eliminating "padding and passing"!
But NONE of that was offered because ignorant bought people didn't want to affect lawyers... tanning salons .. no problem! But lawyers gave $300 million!

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