West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Could Disintegrate Within Decades


Platinum Member
May 10, 2014
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime.

Great! I gotta get down there and save a chunk of it in my fridge as a conversation piece!
Are you incapable of debating these points or do you choose to avoid it out of laziness or do you simply not care?
NOTHING associated with "Global Warming" (or whatever the Leftists want to call it this week) will happen so rapidly that we humans will be unable to timely react. The seas may rise, and some land will be covered with water. Some of Florida, maybe. Some South Pacific islands. But New York City and Boston will somehow be protected, as will Venice, Italy, New Orleans, and so on.

How fucking stupid do you have to be in order to ignore the fact that the Human Race has adapted to a thousand different varieties of "Climate Change" in its history, and still thrived?
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.
What the liberal elites arent telling you, because you are too stupid to know better.
Subglacial volcanoes melting West Antarctic Ice sheet, say scientists
It's not just climate change that is causing the rapid loss of ice in the West Antarctic; researchers have discovered that geothermal activity is contributing to the melting.
Now if you cant get Hillary's big ass to cap the volcanic activity going on down there, then there is no hope that the ice sheet isnt going to melt...Maybe the tranny Michael Obama's ass could do it?

Are you calling me a liar?

The WAIS disintegration became a foregone conclusion when it was discovered that the base of the sheet was separating from bedrock below; that ocean water had begun to float the ice sheet off its base. Most of the WAIS bedrock is below sea level due to the weight of the ice sitting on it. But that disintegration was expected to take many centuries. Now it seen to be taking place at a much more rapid pace.

So, your accusation is bullshit. And the next time you call me a liar, it would be awfully marine-like for you to have some proof.
NOTHING associated with "Global Warming" (or whatever the Leftists want to call it this week) will happen so rapidly that we humans will be unable to timely react. The seas may rise, and some land will be covered with water. Some of Florida, maybe. Some South Pacific islands. But New York City and Boston will somehow be protected, as will Venice, Italy, New Orleans, and so on.

How fucking stupid do you have to be in order to ignore the fact that the Human Race has adapted to a thousand different varieties of "Climate Change" in its history, and still thrived?

Because this is happening a thousand times faster than anything we have ever faced before and a thousand times as many people will be affected by it.
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.
What the liberal elites arent telling you, because you are too stupid to know better.
Subglacial volcanoes melting West Antarctic Ice sheet, say scientists
It's not just climate change that is causing the rapid loss of ice in the West Antarctic; researchers have discovered that geothermal activity is contributing to the melting.
Now if you cant get Hillary's big ass to cap the volcanic activity going on down there, then there is no hope that the ice sheet isnt going to melt...Maybe the tranny Michael Obama's ass could do it?


Your post is offensive and lacking content.

PS, for your sig to be true, the US would have had to have spent $407 billion every year since 1964. The complete national budget in 1964 was $119 billion. So, I call bullshit.
Are you calling me a liar?

The WAIS disintegration became a foregone conclusion when it was discovered that the base of the sheet was separating from bedrock below; that ocean water had begun to float the ice sheet off its base. Most of the WAIS bedrock is below sea level due to the weight of the ice sitting on it. But that disintegration was expected to take many centuries. Now it seen to be taking place at a much more rapid pace.

So, your accusation is bullshit. And the next time you call me a liar, it would be awfully marine-like for you to have some proof.
You get taken in by this bullshit claims we have all seen the evidence that your organizations LIE about what they are saying they have been caught time and again. The head scientists have even stated it is ok to lie to scare people cause well its for their own good.
You get taken in by this bullshit claims we have all seen the evidence that your organizations LIE about what they are saying they have been caught time and again.
Are you saying NASA is lying and there is not a huge cavity under the glacier?

If so, it would be interesting to see your evidence.
Are you calling me a liar?

The WAIS disintegration became a foregone conclusion when it was discovered that the base of the sheet was separating from bedrock below; that ocean water had begun to float the ice sheet off its base. Most of the WAIS bedrock is below sea level due to the weight of the ice sitting on it. But that disintegration was expected to take many centuries. Now it seen to be taking place at a much more rapid pace.

So, your accusation is bullshit. And the next time you call me a liar, it would be awfully marine-like for you to have some proof.
You get taken in by this bullshit claims we have all seen the evidence that your organizations LIE about what they are saying they have been caught time and again. The head scientists have even stated it is ok to lie to scare people cause well its for their own good.

Let's see some evidence that NASA, NOAA, NWS, Hadley, JWA, BEST, UC Sea Level Lab, NSIDC, NCDC, IPCC or any other governmental or intergovernmental organization producing peer reviewed climate data has lied. You're a fucking marine. If you haven't got the evidence, I expect you to act like one. Be fucking man.
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.
What the liberal elites arent telling you, because you are too stupid to know better.
Subglacial volcanoes melting West Antarctic Ice sheet, say scientists
It's not just climate change that is causing the rapid loss of ice in the West Antarctic; researchers have discovered that geothermal activity is contributing to the melting.
Now if you cant get Hillary's big ass to cap the volcanic activity going on down there, then there is no hope that the ice sheet isnt going to melt...Maybe the tranny Michael Obama's ass could do it?


Your post is offensive and lacking content.

PS, for your sig to be true, the US would have had to have spent $407 billion every year since 1964. The complete national budget in 1964 was $123.2 billion. So, I call bullshit.
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Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.
No conservative republican cares.
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.
What the liberal elites arent telling you, because you are too stupid to know better.
Subglacial volcanoes melting West Antarctic Ice sheet, say scientists
It's not just climate change that is causing the rapid loss of ice in the West Antarctic; researchers have discovered that geothermal activity is contributing to the melting.
Now if you cant get Hillary's big ass to cap the volcanic activity going on down there, then there is no hope that the ice sheet isnt going to melt...Maybe the tranny Michael Obama's ass could do it?


Your post is offensive and lacking content.

PS, for your sig to be true, the US would have had to have spent $407 billion every year since 1964. The complete national budget in 1964 was $119 billion. So, I call bullshit.

View attachment 243909
Your life is offensive to me, and if you are so worried about man and his causing global warming, do US all a favor, start the lemming approach to save the world.

View attachment 243910

I will add this to my collection. Yours is the 23rd denier post suggesting someone commit suicide. How morally elevated of you all.
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.
No conservative republican cares.

I trust this is not actually true. I don't believe we actually have a representative sample of American Republicans on this forum.
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.

First the Arctic is completely ice free and now this

China, have you told China? Will you tie yourself to the gates of the Chinese Embassy in protest?
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.
No conservative republican cares.

I trust this is not actually true. I don't believe we actually have a representative sample of American Republicans on this forum.

China is still far far far and away the worlds biggest polluter. Be sincere and protest in front of the Chinese Embassy

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