A discussion on the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) and its consequences


Platinum Member
May 10, 2014
The grounding line of the WAIS has been retreating for several years now. The bedrock on which the sheet rests is itself, below sea level due to the weight of the ice resting on it for many millennia, though the top of the sheet is many hundreds of feet above sea level. This article explains the mechanics of the glacier and the floating ice sheet and how and why the grounding line is retreating. A complete collapse of the sheet - the retreat of the grounding line to the geographical limits of the sheet - will raise global sea level by 3.3 meters (about eleven feet). Many scientists believe the collapse of the sheet is an irreversible process and the only question is time: how long it will take to happen. It could take a century. It could happen in less than a single year. A ten foot rise in global sea level over the course of one year would be a massively catastrophic event reminiscent of the flooding of the Black Sea through the Bosporus Straits, save on a much larger scale with millions more humans affected.
Sea level was 26 ft higher during the previous interglacial cycle. Why is it we would expect it to be less during this interglacial cycle?
Entitled bedwetters think the earth owes them something
The grounding line of the WAIS has been retreating for several years now. The bedrock on which the sheet rests is itself, below sea level due to the weight of the ice resting on it for many millennia, though the top of the sheet is many hundreds of feet above sea level. This article explains the mechanics of the glacier and the floating ice sheet and how and why the grounding line is retreating. A complete collapse of the sheet - the retreat of the grounding line to the geographical limits of the sheet - will raise global sea level by 3.3 meters (about eleven feet). Many scientists believe the collapse of the sheet is an irreversible process and the only question is time: how long it will take to happen. It could take a century. It could happen in less than a single year. A ten foot rise in global sea level over the course of one year would be a massively catastrophic event reminiscent of the flooding of the Black Sea through the Bosporus Straits, save on a much larger scale with millions more humans affected.

Q. How much must we lower atmospheric CO2 to prevent the WAIS from ever melting again, and in fact refreezing gaining back gigatons of ice?

A. $78 Trillion

Follow Up Q. Will this be the tipping point to finally make Guam tip over?

A. $78 Trillion

Q. Since the CCP is responsible for DOUBLE the CO2 of the USA should our focus be on crushing the vitality from the Chinese economy?

A. $78 Trillion US dollars, the CCP is exempt
RankCountryCO2 emissions (total)
2United States5.41GT

Each Country's Share of CO2 Emissions

Crick We need to focus on China
Did you see the table of PER CAPITA CO2 emissions in one of the other threads? China was fifth, I think. Number One was the good ol' U S of A.

Per capita? Was that an alt account of yours that posted that meaningless chart?

Does CO2 melt the WAIS on a per capita basis?

Per capital is meaningless when China is pouring TWICE our CO2 into the atmosphere.

Do you have any more meaningless charts you, or your alt accounts, feel like showing us?
The grounding line of the WAIS has been retreating for several years now. The bedrock on which the sheet rests is itself, below sea level due to the weight of the ice resting on it for many millennia, though the top of the sheet is many hundreds of feet above sea level. This article explains the mechanics of the glacier and the floating ice sheet and how and why the grounding line is retreating. A complete collapse of the sheet - the retreat of the grounding line to the geographical limits of the sheet - will raise global sea level by 3.3 meters (about eleven feet). Many scientists believe the collapse of the sheet is an irreversible process and the only question is time: how long it will take to happen. It could take a century. It could happen in less than a single year. A ten foot rise in global sea level over the course of one year would be a massively catastrophic event reminiscent of the flooding of the Black Sea through the Bosporus Straits, save on a much larger scale with millions more humans affected.

Did you miss all the work from 2016 on about mapping out ACTIVE VOLCANIC RIFTS under those glaciers footings? You must have.. Aint gonna be your guide or sherpa.. There's threads in this forum -- maybe 6 or 8 of them on this,.

Would be a fucking shame if we spent $31Trill "decarbonizing" the atmosphere and THEN discovered the MORE RATIONAL reason for those WAIS glaciers losing their shoreline footings..

Wouldn't it???
RankCountryCO2 emissions (total)
2United States5.41GT

Each Country's Share of CO2 Emissions

Crick We need to focus on China
Did you see the table of PER CAPITA CO2 emissions in one of the other threads? China was fifth, I think. Number One was the good ol' U S of A.
Probably all those personal jets the leftist elites use when they go to climate conferences. Or the huge mansions that use more energy ina month than i do in a year.
Ol al gore. What a goddamn joke :lol:
RankCountryCO2 emissions (total)
2United States5.41GT

Each Country's Share of CO2 Emissions

Crick We need to focus on China
Did you see the table of PER CAPITA CO2 emissions in one of the other threads? China was fifth, I think. Number One was the good ol' U S of A.

to paraphrase James Carville -- It's the volcanic rifts stupid. You dont get yahoo or google news blasts about all the work done SINCE they discovered HOW active those rifts are -- DO YA??

Only the BAD news is approved for public consumption... But this COULD MEAN 11 feet sea level rise UNEXPECTEDLY in a 50 or 100 year time frame -- AND NOT -- from a mere 0.5degC in the AIR temp down in Antarctica..
The grounding line of the WAIS has been retreating for several years now. The bedrock on which the sheet rests is itself, below sea level due to the weight of the ice resting on it for many millennia, though the top of the sheet is many hundreds of feet above sea level. This article explains the mechanics of the glacier and the floating ice sheet and how and why the grounding line is retreating. A complete collapse of the sheet - the retreat of the grounding line to the geographical limits of the sheet - will raise global sea level by 3.3 meters (about eleven feet). Many scientists believe the collapse of the sheet is an irreversible process and the only question is time: how long it will take to happen. It could take a century. It could happen in less than a single year. A ten foot rise in global sea level over the course of one year would be a massively catastrophic event reminiscent of the flooding of the Black Sea through the Bosporus Straits, save on a much larger scale with millions more humans affected.

Did you miss all the work from 2016 on about mapping out ACTIVE VOLCANIC RIFTS under those glaciers footings? You must have.. Aint gonna be your guide or sherpa.. There's threads in this forum -- maybe 6 or 8 of them on this,.

Would be a fucking shame if we spent $31Trill "decarbonizing" the atmosphere and THEN discovered the MORE RATIONAL reason for those WAIS glaciers losing their shoreline footings..

Wouldn't it???
Do you think those volcanoes are responsible for the warming of the global atmosphere? Of the oceans? Of sea level rise? Do you think they are somehow countering the anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere?
The grounding line of the WAIS has been retreating for several years now. The bedrock on which the sheet rests is itself, below sea level due to the weight of the ice resting on it for many millennia, though the top of the sheet is many hundreds of feet above sea level. This article explains the mechanics of the glacier and the floating ice sheet and how and why the grounding line is retreating. A complete collapse of the sheet - the retreat of the grounding line to the geographical limits of the sheet - will raise global sea level by 3.3 meters (about eleven feet). Many scientists believe the collapse of the sheet is an irreversible process and the only question is time: how long it will take to happen. It could take a century. It could happen in less than a single year. A ten foot rise in global sea level over the course of one year would be a massively catastrophic event reminiscent of the flooding of the Black Sea through the Bosporus Straits, save on a much larger scale with millions more humans affected.

Hey -- comprehension challenged one. Did ya notice the graphic in this propaganda piece? The one where the "melting heat" is RISING from the BOTTOM of the sea in proximity to the glacier footing? Whoever DID that graphic KNOWS the heat is NOT COMING FROM CO2 BACK RADIATION...

But your idiot source at carbonbrains or whatever just rolled right over the evidence right there. SERIOUS people are now MORE WORRIED about volcanoes popping out in Antarctica than GWarming. Ever see the eruptions down there? It's "ring of fire" country...
The grounding line of the WAIS has been retreating for several years now. The bedrock on which the sheet rests is itself, below sea level due to the weight of the ice resting on it for many millennia, though the top of the sheet is many hundreds of feet above sea level. This article explains the mechanics of the glacier and the floating ice sheet and how and why the grounding line is retreating. A complete collapse of the sheet - the retreat of the grounding line to the geographical limits of the sheet - will raise global sea level by 3.3 meters (about eleven feet). Many scientists believe the collapse of the sheet is an irreversible process and the only question is time: how long it will take to happen. It could take a century. It could happen in less than a single year. A ten foot rise in global sea level over the course of one year would be a massively catastrophic event reminiscent of the flooding of the Black Sea through the Bosporus Straits, save on a much larger scale with millions more humans affected.

Did you miss all the work from 2016 on about mapping out ACTIVE VOLCANIC RIFTS under those glaciers footings? You must have.. Aint gonna be your guide or sherpa.. There's threads in this forum -- maybe 6 or 8 of them on this,.

Would be a fucking shame if we spent $31Trill "decarbonizing" the atmosphere and THEN discovered the MORE RATIONAL reason for those WAIS glaciers losing their shoreline footings..

Wouldn't it???
Do you think those volcanoes are responsible for the warming of the global atmosphere? Of the oceans? Of sea level rise? Do you think they are somehow countering the anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere?

Wow.. Your brains not engaged here. Didn't understand a word of what I just told you..

Go look up a map of "volcanic rifts" Antarctica.. They are detecting activity RIGHT NEAR THE FOOTINGS for the WAIS... THAT -- is the source of heating making the WAIS slide faster.. FROM BELOW you nidget.. Has nothing to do with atmospheric or ocean surface heat...

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