Well Newsome signed it, it's now official. The MINIMUM wage now to flip burgers is $20.00 an hour in California

What offends me is that the caliber of this country has fallen so low that we ended up with a president suffering from dementia and now cannot even read off the teleprompter.
So it's your political persuasion that holds people down. That sure helps.
No. It's you. Since day one.
Link? I don't think your response was in any way related to the topic, moron, so as you typically do, you went full whack and attacked the people that disproved your contention. Sorry it offends you--naw, I guess I really don't GAF what offends snowflakes.
That's a typical response from democrats who have just had their ample asses handed to them.
Yup. She can’t respond to the very valid points, so she reverts to the name-calling.

As a former business owner, why would I pay someone $20 an hour when my own customers could do their job at a kiosk with a few keystrokes? I could use you that money ($25* x 2000 hours = $50,000) to launch two new (local) marketing campaigns and increase business!

*An hourly wage of $20 is $25 in compensation costs when you factor in benefits.
Huh? It computes that Newsom just demonstrated why he’d be a disaster as president.

Another nonsensical response. OVERPAYING unskilled people is what keeps them down.
You think everyone should go to school when they need money yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
$20 an hour is far from being overpaid. Maybe you're just a snob who knows all and has done all. Maybe not.

Well Newsome signed it, it's now official. The MINIMUM wage now to flip burgers is $20.00 an hour in California​

Which many places in CA., will not buy you a drink to go with you burger.

You people are always worrying about what you say is CA being too expensive. I'm sorry if you can't afford a drink to go with your burger. Move to Alabama.
Hey, Einstein. What is better--a 30 yr. $500K mortgage at 2.75% interest or a $500K mortgage at 7.83%? Enjoy that $20/hr. Inflation hits every corner of an economy. If you could see past the end of your nose and beyond your next paycheck, maybe you would advance your lot in life instead of claiming that the "man" is holding you down. ROTFLMFAO.

If you want to address what I said fine. If you just want to rant, leave me out of it.
You think everyone should go to school when they need money yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
$20 an hour is far from being overpaid. Maybe you're just a snob who knows all and has done all. Maybe not.
Maybe you’re an ignoramus.

And yes, $20 an hour to do a job that the customer could do himself at a kiosk is is overpaying. A business isn’t a charity.

And they need money yesterday, today, and tomorrow? And we will solve the problem by making other people give unskilled workers twice what they’re worth for the rest of their lives? Who ever considers McDonalds a lifelong job?

And yes, school of some type - including vocational programs - IS the answer for people who don’t have sufficient skills to earn a living.
Yup. She can’t respond to the very valid points, so she reverts to the name-calling.

As a former business owner, why would I pay someone $20 an hour when my own customers could do their job at a kiosk with a few keystrokes? I could use you that money ($25* x 2000 hours = $50,000) to launch two new (local) marketing campaigns and increase business!

*An hourly wage of $20 is $25 in compensation costs when you factor in benefits.

Maybe you’re an ignoramus.

And yes, $20 an hour to do a job that the customer could to himself at a kiosk is is overpaying.

And they need money yesterday, today, and tomorrow? And we will solve the problem by making other people give unskilled workers twice what they’re worth for the rest of their lives.

And yes, school of some type - including vocational programs - IS the answer for people who don’t have skills to earn a living.

You don't appear to have kept up with the times.
*An hourly wage of $20 is $25 in compensation costs when you factor in benefits.
I think the rule of thumb for most HR professionals is double the wage, so benefits would increase a $20/hr wage to $40---I must admit that my assertion dates back ten years to my retirement date. With the increases in benefits--FMLA, sick leave for all, vacation for all, etc, I would be surprised if it does not still hold true.
Maybe you’re an ignoramus.

And yes, $20 an hour to do a job that the customer could do himself at a kiosk is is overpaying. A business isn’t a charity.

And they need money yesterday, today, and tomorrow? And we will solve the problem by making other people give unskilled workers twice what they’re worth for the rest of their lives.

And yes, school of some type - including vocational programs - IS the answer for people who don’t have skills to earn a living.
You're stuck on kiosk. Blather.

Get a real life besides that one you live in. But maybe that cruel cruel world scares you.
'Inflation', it's the Democrat's middle name, they just seem to revel in it.
Imagine if you are running a few fast-food franchises. I can see the U-Hauls now!

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law to raise minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour​

And there goes those jobs. This is exactly what the elite on the left want more and more people totally dependent on the benevolence of the Government.
That is why burger flippers have always been high school students learning work ethic. Those jobs were virtually charity anyway.
Exactly. When I was growing up, these were part-time jobs for high school kids to earn a little spending money. The understanding was that they would move on to jobs that required skills, at the minimum, or go on to college to prepare for a career.

It was never intended to provide a living for adults.

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