Well, Hillary's done


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
That's what I think...though I expect some guff from loons who worship the cow.

I think she is going to have to cough up that whole Server...the place where the truths is...the whole truth.

And Clintons hate truth like a vampire hates sunlight.

They have sent their lawyer Lannie Davis out to say she has given the Government 55,000 of its own documents...like that's the magic number....rather than ALL documents that are, or ever were, on that Server ole Bill has set up in his Study...which the Taxpayers own.

Now, there's the automatic 40% who will believe the nonsense a Clinton lawyer spouts, or that they themsleves spout or that any Democrat spouts---the Loons, Blacks, Mexicans, Homosexuals, Public Union Employees, Muslims, and the otherwise Mentally ill.

But, Hillary Clinton has to get to that next 11%--the ones that have not been totally bought off will free stuff bought with borrowed money in exchange for votes---and she can't do it without turning over that Server...and she can't do that, because, well---Vampires fear sunlight.

Stick a fork in Hillary. Bring on Pocahontas.
Hillary may not get the nomination or may get beat but it won't because of silly things like

But, Hillary Clinton has to get to that next 11%--the ones that have not been totally bought off will free stuff bought with borrowed money in exchange for votes---and she can't do it without turning over that Server...and she can't do that, because, well---Vampires fear sunlight.
This brings back all the reasons we hated the Clintons in the 90s. They lying, dissembling, cheating shit. No one wants that back again.
You might be happy if she wins and is elected. It gives you that many more years to bitch and moan. Something you do best. Or even give you more of reason to post hatred. Damn, how lucky can one person get!!
Hang in there.....things will only piss you off more.

This brings back all the reasons we hated the Clintons in the 90s. They lying, dissembling, cheating shit. No one wants that back again.
Hillary may not get the nomination or may get beat but it won't because of silly things like

But, Hillary Clinton has to get to that next 11%--the ones that have not been totally bought off will free stuff bought with borrowed money in exchange for votes---and she can't do it without turning over that Server...and she can't do that, because, well---Vampires fear sunlight.
She will not be president,and it will be because of her actions,nothing more nothing less.
If she broke laws or not doesn't matter ,it the perception of wrong doing,and she has some real baggage,dragging around behind her,the nation will move on without Hilliery.
If it gets proven that she delted any email that were concerned with her job as Sec of State, that is a felony, which will bar her from public office for life.
Hillary may not get the nomination or may get beat but it won't because of silly things like

But, Hillary Clinton has to get to that next 11%--the ones that have not been totally bought off will free stuff bought with borrowed money in exchange for votes---and she can't do it without turning over that Server...and she can't do that, because, well---Vampires fear sunlight.
She will not be president,and it will be because of her actions,nothing more nothing less.
If she broke laws or not doesn't matter ,it the perception of wrong doing,and she has some real baggage,dragging around behind her,the nation will move on without Hilliery.

more wishful thinking.

you still have to run a candidate that doesn't implode and doesn't alienate everyone but white Christian males.
It's doubtful that she will run. All of these clouds will dominate every appearance, talk and debate. That's just facing off against democrats. She's in hiding now seeing if it will blow over. It's not going to blow over.
This brings back all the reasons we hated the Clintons in the 90s. They lying, dissembling, cheating shit. No one wants that back again.

you mean the reasons "You" hate her. you speak for no one else.
Virtually everyone with at least 2 working brain cells remembers this. Recall the Travelgate scandal, wherein she dismissed teh WH travel office so she could give the job to her pals? Yeah, that happened. And she's doing it again.
Mary Anastasia O Grady The Clinton Foundation and Haiti Contracts - WSJ
Hillary may not get the nomination or may get beat but it won't because of silly things like

But, Hillary Clinton has to get to that next 11%--the ones that have not been totally bought off will free stuff bought with borrowed money in exchange for votes---and she can't do it without turning over that Server...and she can't do that, because, well---Vampires fear sunlight.
She will not be president,and it will be because of her actions,nothing more nothing less.
If she broke laws or not doesn't matter ,it the perception of wrong doing,and she has some real baggage,dragging around behind her,the nation will move on without Hilliery.

more wishful thinking.

you still have to run a candidate that doesn't implode and doesn't alienate everyone but white Christian males.
Talk about wishful thinking.
The fact that the Dems front runner is Hillary is very telling... and who's number 2? Bernie Sanders? Deval Patrick?

Seriously... the Dems are in trouble if that's all they have. But of course, they will slime whoever the GOP candidate is as being a woman hating, bigoted white guy... unless it's Jindal... then they'll make fun of hi name and whatnot.
The fact that the Dems front runner is Hillary is very telling... and who's number 2? Bernie Sanders? Deval Patrick?

Seriously... the Dems are in trouble if that's all they have. But of course, they will slime whoever the GOP candidate is as being a woman hating, bigoted white guy... unless it's Jindal... then they'll make fun of hi name and whatnot.
They're terrified if she goes down. No one else is electable. Again, I see Deval Patrick stepping in. He is a virtual Obama clone and they have a winning formula.

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