Well here we are, New York Times officially in the censorship business


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Wow, this is fucking amazing !
The NYT have caved to their Wokesters.

After staff uproar, New York Times says Sen. Tom Cotton op-ed urging military incursion into U.S. cities ‘did not meet our standards’

What began as an undercurrent of newsroom grumbling built into an unusual Twitter tidal wave of public outrage among journalists at the New York Times over their newspaper’s decision to publish an opinion column by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) calling for military intervention in U.S. cities wracked by protests over police violence.

Wow, this is fucking amazing !
The NYT have caved to their Wokesters.

After staff uproar, New York Times says Sen. Tom Cotton op-ed urging military incursion into U.S. cities ‘did not meet our standards’

What began as an undercurrent of newsroom grumbling built into an unusual Twitter tidal wave of public outrage among journalists at the New York Times over their newspaper’s decision to publish an opinion column by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) calling for military intervention in U.S. cities wracked by protests over police violence.

You should probably read up and learn what censorship and free press are. It could help you sound less fucking stupid.
Where have you had head, up ass? They have been censoring and disinforming Americans for a long long time, this isn't even on the list of worst examples, they are actively manufacturing and or disseminating naked leftist/communist Chinese propaganda as news and information!
This was from one day ago:


Cotton says New York Times 'stood up to the woke progressive mob' by running controversial op-ed
The opinion piece, headlined "Send In the Troops," attracted widespread condemnation after it was published on Wednesday night.

Wow, this is fucking amazing !
The NYT have caved to their Wokesters.

After staff uproar, New York Times says Sen. Tom Cotton op-ed urging military incursion into U.S. cities ‘did not meet our standards’

What began as an undercurrent of newsroom grumbling built into an unusual Twitter tidal wave of public outrage among journalists at the New York Times over their newspaper’s decision to publish an opinion column by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) calling for military intervention in U.S. cities wracked by protests over police violence.

Cry some more.
Wow, this is fucking amazing !
The NYT have caved to their Wokesters.

After staff uproar, New York Times says Sen. Tom Cotton op-ed urging military incursion into U.S. cities ‘did not meet our standards’

What began as an undercurrent of newsroom grumbling built into an unusual Twitter tidal wave of public outrage among journalists at the New York Times over their newspaper’s decision to publish an opinion column by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) calling for military intervention in U.S. cities wracked by protests over police violence.

You should probably read up and learn what censorship and free press are. It could help you sound less fucking stupid.
What have you found, if anything, to make YOU sound less stupid?
Wow, this is fucking amazing !
The NYT have caved to their Wokesters.

After staff uproar, New York Times says Sen. Tom Cotton op-ed urging military incursion into U.S. cities ‘did not meet our standards’

What began as an undercurrent of newsroom grumbling built into an unusual Twitter tidal wave of public outrage among journalists at the New York Times over their newspaper’s decision to publish an opinion column by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) calling for military intervention in U.S. cities wracked by protests over police violence.

Not censorship. Retarded thread.
The word "censorship" applies only to the levels of government, not to private organizations. Furthermore, there is no news organization that does NOT pick its content based on the views of its editorial board, from the New York Times to the Washington Times, Breitbart, and all the rest.

I don't know much about this bimbo Cotton, but he not only incited continuing violence, but also made a proposal that would violate the Posse Comitatus Act, as present circumstances do not even come close to justifying invocation of the Insurrection Act.

I've been to many demonstrations in DC from 1970 on, even with 200,000 to 500,000 thousand people, and there has been nothing that has ever required the use of the U.S. Military and low-flying helicopters in all that time. What we have seen in the last ten days, both here and in other cities, has been overwhelmingly peaceful protest that can be handled by the locals authorities, but the imbecile in the White House actually called the 82nd Airborne.

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