
Just as I thought, LGS just shoots her mouth off with neocon talking points, and yet she doesn't have the guts to admit she's wrong when caught, so she babbles like a child.

Say goodnight, Gracie.

You don't think.. you're an overbloated moron who use to believe you "informed" me and several others of your great wisdom when all you are is a liberal hack poser. SQUAWK NEOCON SQUAWK -

Who the hell is Gracie?? LMFAO

As the chronology of the posts shows, the lady gun slinger continually shoots intellectual blanks, and goes on the personal attack when she can't back up what she says or admit she was wrong on any point.

What's even worse, LSG doesn't recognize a classic comedic line....but then again most videots are ignorant and proud of it. So I leave this female gunslinging ass to her faux hysterics.


You are one of the LIEberrhoid fools who is obviously most afflicted with Obamarrhoidal diarrhea ......you just go on, and on, and on, and on.......ad nauseam with your NEVERENDING SHIT!!!!!!

Do you really think anyone reads your PREDICTABLE BULLLSHIT ??????
In the previous post, I've highlighted the part that our intellectually stunted Neo just refuses to see (neocon myopia is a terrible affliction). Evidently, Neo doesn't understand that Congressmen and Senators are state & local officials who will need a security clearance regarding Home Land Security information, etc., etc.

Neo loves to repeat only PARTS of a conservation, but all one has to do is follow the chronology of the posts to see where I've provided other documentation to back what I say, and how Neo just ignores it, as he does here when I point out information that contradicts Neo's silliness.

Neo doesn't have a damned thing to say about the neocon hypocrisy regarding Weiner, Vitter and Ensign....so he just follows me like a noisy lap dog looking for attention...repeating his Neo-con BS ad nauseum.

Say goodnight Gracie....shows over for you. You may have the stage solo. :razz:

Too funny

You do know that no matter how BIG you make the font, it does not make you any more

Your statements still stand as false'

Prove me wrong

You have had what over a week now and you can't find any proof
I know liberals like others to do their work for them or least tax the hard work of others
so here I will help you.

I have tried to put in into terms that even a liberal can understand:

In my statement of all politicians should get criminal background checks and make them public to run for office, you stated that they all get Federal or FBI background checks before running for office.

All you need to do is find proof to support your statements that ALL presidential candidates and All congressmen get Federal background checks before taking office

In case you forgot

"The FBI does a background check on all Presidential candidates."
and you said
"ANY Congressman or Senator is vetted by various federal security before confirmation."

Hope that helps
No need to thank me

Oh, in case some are unsure of the buildup of your lie,
they can just click HERE to see the rest of the story

Unlike you, I have nothing to spin or hide


For those who are interested in the facts. Now, let's watch this Neo-con numbskull dance his one trick pony show ad nauseum....just like I said he would.
taichi? Please tell me that you're not actually defending this bottomfeeding puke bag from New York Weiner are you? Even though you and I have some different views, I never thought this woud be one of them. I always respected your quick wit. :cool:

Listen my friend, Weiner is a crarpetbagging maggot pervert just like Spitzer. We need to all stop giving these dirtbags a break, and I personally could give a fuck less if they have a (D) or an (R) next to their names or not. At the end of the day, these creeps are one of the same monsters. It's time to clean house on both sides. ;) ~BH
Too funny

You do know that no matter how BIG you make the font, it does not make you any more

Your statements still stand as false'

Prove me wrong

You have had what over a week now and you can't find any proof
I know liberals like others to do their work for them or least tax the hard work of others
so here I will help you.

I have tried to put in into terms that even a liberal can understand:

In my statement of all politicians should get criminal background checks and make them public to run for office, you stated that they all get Federal or FBI background checks before running for office.

All you need to do is find proof to support your statements that ALL presidential candidates and All congressmen get Federal background checks before taking office

In case you forgot

"The FBI does a background check on all Presidential candidates."
and you said
"ANY Congressman or Senator is vetted by various federal security before confirmation."

Hope that helps
No need to thank me

Oh, in case some are unsure of the buildup of your lie,
they can just click HERE to see the rest of the story

Unlike you, I have nothing to spin or hide


For those who are interested in the facts. Now, let's watch this Neo-con numbskull dance his one trick pony show ad nauseum....just like I said he would.

Just an FYI.

If you are trying to argue that the FBI does a background check on every elected official, you are full of shit. The article you linked to clearly shows that they do checks on people who are in a need to know position regarding classified information. That list does not even include every US Senator, just the ones who serve on intelligence committees.

Not that I expect you to acknowledge facts or let reality affect your posting in any way, shape, or form. You are still here arguing about Weiner after his official resignation took place.
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm glad this freak resigned.
2. Perv.
3. And he was from up north too.
4. Freaken freaks!
5. Lets make sure this freak gets run out of office.


1. Dya
2. think he's
3. destined to
4. go to
5. hell
6. ?

Cheers SirJames
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I'm glad this freak resigned.
2. Perv.
3. And he was from up north too.
4. Freaken freaks!
5. Lets make sure this freak gets run out of office.


1. Dya
2. think he's
3. destined to
4. go to
5. hell
6. ?

Cheers SirJames

1. I don't worry about what will happen to others, as far as who will go to hell or not.
2. But this dude misused his oath of office..
3. And is just sick!

For three days imbeciles like YOU kept repeating a moot point...since I REPEATEDLY acknowledged that not only was Weiner guilty, as the chronology of the posts shows.

For three days imbeciles like YOU REPEATEDLY IGNORED THE FACT that the GOP calling for Weiner to step down were HYPOCRITS, as they DID NOT do the same for Vitter or Ensign, and STILL will not do the same for Vitter.

For three days I acknowledged and POINTED OUT how the Dem hierarchy were up front in calling for ethic reviews and for Weiner to step down, while imbeciles like you tried to falsely portray the Dems as reluctant to do so.

Bottom line: Imbeciles like YOU, Saved Liberty, REFUSE TO FLAT OUT ACKNOWLEDGE THE GOP HYPOCRISY REGARDING WEINER. So instead you lie, as you've done here.

Further more, if you didn't care about what I wrote, you wouldn't be responding as such...so next time THINK before you type, SL...makes you look less foolish.

The thread was about Weiner. YOU defended him to the hilt the whole time. Your only defense was to deflect and use the, "but look there is someone worse and you need to do something there first" defense. Talk about a whining fool of a wuss.
In the previous post, I've highlighted the part that our intellectually stunted Neo just refuses to see (neocon myopia is a terrible affliction).

That you're a partisan hack who holds entirely different standards for party members than for the hated infidels?

Nah, I think everyone sees your reeking hypocrisy.

Hey, you have a party to serve - integrity has no place with you...
For three days imbeciles like YOU kept repeating a moot point...

The point is moot to you because you are a partisan hack and a fucking hypocrite who holds entirely different standards for party members than for others.

To anyone with even a shred of integrity, the point is anything but moot. Of course, you would know nothing about that.

For three days imbeciles like YOU REPEATEDLY IGNORED THE FACT that the GOP calling for Weiner to step down were HYPOCRITS, as they DID NOT do the same for Vitter or Ensign, and STILL will not do the same for Vitter.

Nor did you do the same for Frank, Rangel or Waters. But as previously noted, you're a mindless partisan hack, and a fucking hypocrite.

For those who are interested in the facts. Now, let's watch this Neo-con numbskull dance his one trick pony show ad nauseum....just like I said he would.

Just an FYI.

If you are trying to argue that the FBI does a background check on every elected official, you are full of shit. The article you linked to clearly shows that they do checks on people who are in a need to know position regarding classified information. That list does not even include every US Senator, just the ones who serve on intelligence committees.

Not that I expect you to acknowledge facts or let reality affect your posting in any way, shape, or form. You are still here arguing about Weiner after his official resignation took place.

Just an FYI,

Like your equally moronic pal Neo, you ignore the FACT that Senators and Congressmen fall into the category of FBI review as the link informs, as they come into contact with "need to know" or "classified" information. As always, YOU don't fully comprehend what you read, and then try to substitute YOUR personal opinion, supposition and conjecture for the facts.

I EXPECT you to follow up your silly Neo-con buddy, as both you clowns share similar mental deficiencies when it comes to reading comprehension and debating skills.

Bottom line: Neo doesn't have a damned thing to say regarding the GOP hypocrisy when it comes to Weiner, Vitter and Ensign, so he just keeps beating a dead horse. Evidently, our silly little Windbag is of the same mindset, and once again lives up to his screen name.

Now, repeat the SOS like a good little Windbag and blow away! :razz:
For three days imbeciles like YOU kept repeating a moot point...since I REPEATEDLY acknowledged that not only was Weiner guilty, as the chronology of the posts shows.

For three days imbeciles like YOU REPEATEDLY IGNORED THE FACT that the GOP calling for Weiner to step down were HYPOCRITS, as they DID NOT do the same for Vitter or Ensign, and STILL will not do the same for Vitter.

For three days I acknowledged and POINTED OUT how the Dem hierarchy were up front in calling for ethic reviews and for Weiner to step down, while imbeciles like you tried to falsely portray the Dems as reluctant to do so.

Bottom line: Imbeciles like YOU, Saved Liberty, REFUSE TO FLAT OUT ACKNOWLEDGE THE GOP HYPOCRISY REGARDING WEINER. So instead you lie, as you've done here.

Further more, if you didn't care about what I wrote, you wouldn't be responding as such...so next time THINK before you type, SL...makes you look less foolish.

The thread was about Weiner. No shit sherlock, I never stated otherwise and my first post on this thread was about Weiner. YOU defended him to the hilt the whole time. You're either a bald faced liar or you haven't learned to comprehend what you read. The chronology of the posts shows me stating several times that Weiner's an idiot who would either be voted out or forced out. If you can produce a post to the contrary, then please do. If not, then blow it out yer keister! Your only defense was to deflect and use the, "but look there is someone worse and you need to do something there first" defense. Talk about a whining fool of a wuss.

And once again we have a neocon parrot too dumb and blinded by his partisanship to comprehend what he reads. All the while I've stated that Weiner was pretty much finished and pretty much an idiot....what's got fools like SL's panties in a bunch is that I merely point out the FACT that any GOP politico or neocon pundit/parrot that called for Weiner's ouster was a hypocrit IF they did not do likewise for Vitter or Ensign. So far, NONE of the forementioned parrots can straight forward condem Vitter and Ensign without trying to insinuate or flat out state that Weiner is the worst of the three. That makes them partisan hacks at best, hypocrits at worst.

I leave SaveLiberty wuss to his whiny foolishness.
Bleating mantras that are rift with partisanship does not make you look smart or saying something profound, Bodi old girl.....

Irony so thick you'd need a hot saw to cut through it..


What a fucking hypocrite you are.

Ahh, the Uncensored Fool from 2008...still smarting from my pointing out how he CANNOT refute the obvious hypocrisy of the neocon pundits and parrots regarding Vitter, Ensign and Weiner.

And since I have stated REPEATEDLY what an idiot Weiner is (and a sleazy husband too boot), the accusation of "hypocrisy" against me is totally lllogical. That none of the Dems heirarchy in this incident have copied what I have stated here makes that charge of "hypocrisy" against me even more absurd. But then again, logic and fact were never the strong suit of Uncensored fools from 2008.
In the previous post, I've highlighted the part that our intellectually stunted Neo just refuses to see (neocon myopia is a terrible affliction).

That you're a partisan hack who holds entirely different standards for party members than for the hated infidels?

Nah, I think everyone sees your reeking hypocrisy.

Hey, you have a party to serve - integrity has no place with you...

Evidently, some adult or kid with a high school diploma needs to pull this Uncensored fool from 2008 aside and explain to him the definition of "hypocrisy" and how it's applied.

Bottom line: All these neocon numbskulls just can't stand the fact that the Dems did the right thing regarding Weiner and that glaring examples of the neocon driven GOP's hypocrisy (Vitter, Ensign) stands for all to see. Neocon myopia...a terrible affliction! :lol:
For three days imbeciles like YOU kept repeating a moot point...

The point is moot to you because you are a partisan hack and a fucking hypocrite who holds entirely different standards for party members than for others.

Our Uncensored Fool from 2008 is just grinding his axe, folks. He has YET to logically point to the post were I'm displaying hypocrisy regarding Weiner, Vitter and Ensign. That the Uncesored Fool from 2008 cannot logically or factually refute or disprove what I point out regarding GOP politico and pundit hypocrisy on this matter just drives him to distraction, resulting in these childish posts.To anyone with even a shred of integrity, the point is anything but moot. Of course, you would know nothing about that.

Ahhh, but since the Uncensored Fool from 2008 has NO integrity, all he can do is stamp his widdle feet and whine. As the chronology of the posts shows, I never defended Weiners actions and foretold of his demise. That I pointed out GOP politico and pundit hypocrisy on this matter just drives him to distraction. TFB.

For three days imbeciles like YOU REPEATEDLY IGNORED THE FACT that the GOP calling for Weiner to step down were HYPOCRITS, as they DID NOT do the same for Vitter or Ensign, and STILL will not do the same for Vitter.

Nor did you do the same for Frank, Rangel or Waters. But as previously noted, you're a mindless partisan hack, and a fucking hypocrite.

Was Frank brought up on ethics charges in the last few weeks? Nope.

Did I protest when Rangel was forced out of chairmanship of the Ways & Means Committee, or reviewed by the Ethics Committee? Nope.

Did I protest when Waters was brought up on charges and investigated? Nope.

So once again, unable to defend his own hypocrisy, our Uncensored Fool from 2008 LIES about what others do, trying in effect to shift the blame. He fails......but that never stops Uncensored fools from 2008. Let's watch him sputter and fume, folks.

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