

Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Was sleeping on and off. I turned on CSPAN a few hours ago and the talking head on there was saying that Podesta gave the “concession” speech and Hillary didn’t show up?

Is this true?

If so, that is just about the weakest ploy I’ve seen from a politician for some time.
Was sleeping on and off. I turned on CSPAN a few hours ago and the talking head on there was saying that Podesta gave the “concession” speech and Hillary didn’t show up?

Is this true?

If so, that is just about the weakest ploy I’ve seen from a politician for some time.
From frankly, one of the weakest candidates of all time. Her supporters had more character, and loyalty than she ever did.
Was sleeping on and off. I turned on CSPAN a few hours ago and the talking head on there was saying that Podesta gave the “concession” speech and Hillary didn’t show up?

Is this true?

If so, that is just about the weakest ploy I’ve seen from a politician for some time.

They sent everyone home before it was called, she didn't show up to talk to her supporters, she saw the writing on the wall, but wanted to wait till it was official, supposedly will give a statement later. She did call Trump to concede.
Was sleeping on and off. I turned on CSPAN a few hours ago and the talking head on there was saying that Podesta gave the “concession” speech and Hillary didn’t show up?

Is this true?

If so, that is just about the weakest ploy I’ve seen from a politician for some time.
From frankly, one of the weakest candidates of all time. Her supporters had more character, and loyalty than she ever did.

As it turns out you’re right on both counts. Great resume; disappointing candidate.
Was sleeping on and off. I turned on CSPAN a few hours ago and the talking head on there was saying that Podesta gave the “concession” speech and Hillary didn’t show up?

Is this true?

If so, that is just about the weakest ploy I’ve seen from a politician for some time.
I hope that illustrates to you just how little respect she had for those who supported her so valiantly.
There was no speech from the Hillary camp. Trump's speech was very gracious.
Was sleeping on and off. I turned on CSPAN a few hours ago and the talking head on there was saying that Podesta gave the “concession” speech and Hillary didn’t show up?

Is this true?

If so, that is just about the weakest ploy I’ve seen from a politician for some time.
I hope that illustrates to you just how little respect she had for those who supported her so valiantly.

On one hand, I can’t blame her. The same way I can’t blame a firefighter for not rushing into a burning building to save someone who is inside. But at the end of the day, that is what she and the firefighter signed up for. Don’t want to do it; don’t become a candidate/firefighter. The difference is that the firefighter may not make it out. HRC only had to give a 5 minute speech then go home to Westchester and live a luxurious retirement. She’d survive; she just wanted to avoid the indignity. So yeah, that is dis-respect to those who were “in the house” so to speak.
Was sleeping on and off. I turned on CSPAN a few hours ago and the talking head on there was saying that Podesta gave the “concession” speech and Hillary didn’t show up?

Is this true?

If so, that is just about the weakest ploy I’ve seen from a politician for some time.
I hope that illustrates to you just how little respect she had for those who supported her so valiantly.
We need no respect from them.....we are the deplorables.....
Was sleeping on and off. I turned on CSPAN a few hours ago and the talking head on there was saying that Podesta gave the “concession” speech and Hillary didn’t show up?

Is this true?

If so, that is just about the weakest ploy I’ve seen from a politician for some time.
I hope that illustrates to you just how little respect she had for those who supported her so valiantly.
We need no respect from them.....we are the deplorables.....
Regardless... They are still our brothers, and sisters. They are still our fellow Americans. Though they may have been naive. We must recognize that they were deceived by a dangerous woman. That's why the fight was so important. We had to win. For all of us...
Was sleeping on and off. I turned on CSPAN a few hours ago and the talking head on there was saying that Podesta gave the “concession” speech and Hillary didn’t show up?

Is this true?

If so, that is just about the weakest ploy I’ve seen from a politician for some time.
I hope that illustrates to you just how little respect she had for those who supported her so valiantly.
We need no respect from them.....we are the deplorables.....
Regardless... They are still our brothers, and sisters. They are still our fellow Americans. Though they may have been naive. We must recognize that they were deceived by a dangerous woman. That's why the fight was so important. We had to win. For all of us...
They can walk off the democrats plantation to us....I'll be god damned if I am walking into that democrat shithole to get them....

They have their own work to do.....we have more important things to focus on right now....
Was sleeping on and off. I turned on CSPAN a few hours ago and the talking head on there was saying that Podesta gave the “concession” speech and Hillary didn’t show up?

Is this true?

If so, that is just about the weakest ploy I’ve seen from a politician for some time.

Podesta didn't concede. They were waiting for the results from PA, MI and MN so he told those waiting to go home and get some sleep.

Hillary called Trump to concede later in the morning. Hillary didn't show up but she did make the call. She's supposed to make a speech this morning.

I know because I was up all night so today I won't be worth a flying shit at work. LOL
Was sleeping on and off. I turned on CSPAN a few hours ago and the talking head on there was saying that Podesta gave the “concession” speech and Hillary didn’t show up?

Is this true?

If so, that is just about the weakest ploy I’ve seen from a politician for some time.

The Clintons are a detriment to the Democratic party, they are done. Hopefully moron Clinton sellouts like yourself are as well.
Was sleeping on and off. I turned on CSPAN a few hours ago and the talking head on there was saying that Podesta gave the “concession” speech and Hillary didn’t show up?

Is this true?

If so, that is just about the weakest ploy I’ve seen from a politician for some time.
From frankly, one of the weakest candidates of all time. Her supporters had more character, and loyalty than she ever did.

As it turns out you’re right on both counts. Great resume; disappointing candidate.

My condolences to you. I know you really wanted her to win. She wasn't worth your loyalty my friend.
I hear she's going to speak this morning, but yeah, weak.

Also, weak that you voted for her...

I suppose more informed men took your place.
Congratulations on your win!

And guess what: I get to hope for the best and celebrate any Trump accomplishment along with you.

Because I'm not a nasty partisan ideologue.


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