We will see what happens


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights

You are just about a hundred years too late there Nostradamus.
Last edited:
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
You should have voted for Trump he is the only savoir of the world.
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
If one disagrees with the Big Tech/Soros left wing cabal it is.
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
You should have voted for Trump he is the only savoir of the world.
I did vote for Trump here In PA. Whether my voted was counted however is another story.
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
You should have voted for Trump he is the only savoir of the world.
I did vote for Trump here In PA. Whether my voted was counted however is another story.
I am sure it did like it always have.
This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump.

Truly Orwellian. How can you not have Limpy's boy 'Hannity' on your list of fabulous DoubleSpeakers?i

The 3Rs is what Orwell was warning us about.
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
You should have voted for Trump he is the only savoir of the world.
I did vote for Trump here In PA. Whether my voted was counted however is another story.
I am sure it did like it always have.
Up until this year I would agree.
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
You should have voted for Trump he is the only savoir of the world.
Our lord and savior Donald Trump is the only one that can save this country. Now go fly his Trump flag and buy a ton of clothes and merchandise with his image and slogans all over them to show you've given yourself to him completely!
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
You should have voted for Trump he is the only savoir of the world.
I did vote for Trump here In PA. Whether my voted was counted however is another story.
I am sure it did like it always have.
Up until this year I would agree.
Same machines as last election.
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
You should have voted for Trump he is the only savoir of the world.
Our lord and savior Donald Trump is the only one that can save this country. Now go fly his Trump flag and buy a ton of clothes and merchandise with his image and slogans all over them to show you've given yourself to him completely!
Go back to indulging yourself with mind altering substances.
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
You should have voted for Trump he is the only savoir of the world.
I did vote for Trump here In PA. Whether my voted was counted however is another story.
I am sure it did like it always have.
Up until this year I would agree.
Same machines as last election.
No not with Act 77 whole different game.
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
Of course morons like you cant seem to see, what the rest of US do. Maybe if you pulled your head out of Uranus, you can see how far left your party has gone.

The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
You should have voted for Trump he is the only savoir of the world.
I did vote for Trump here In PA. Whether my voted was counted however is another story.
It was counted, but then switched by the machines to Biden...
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Jesus fucking Christ, I hope no one attacks Congress to keep an elected president from taking office. That would be horrible. I just can't imagine.
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.

The democrats are, simply stated, a Nazi Reich.

What we see from the democrats today EXACTLY mirrors the rise of Hitler in 1932. From rigged elections, the 1/6 Reichstag Fire, the scapegoating of whites (Der Juden) the crushing of all civil liberty, the absolute control of the press by the Reich.

Atrocity is is a forgone conclusion if the democrats, the Nazis, are not stopped. They WILL murder 10's of millions.
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
You should have voted for Trump he is the only savoir of the world.
I did vote for Trump here In PA. Whether my voted was counted however is another story.
It was counted, but then switched by the machines to Biden...
You are looking for a law suit from Dominion aren't you?
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
You should have voted for Trump he is the only savoir of the world.
I did vote for Trump here In PA. Whether my voted was counted however is another story.
It was counted, but then switched by the machines to Biden...
Of course it was. And proven. the machines acuitally printed out new ballots for biden and ATE the old ones for Trump.,
The political storm ahead - American Thinker

It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished. History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down. One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt. Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning. This "Digital Kristallnacht" by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment. By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union? Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties? They are strangely silent. Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has "disappeared" citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way. This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps. Publishers are being threatened.

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better. It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute. Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers. Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France. Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.
Good fucking grief
You should have voted for Trump he is the only savoir of the world.
I did vote for Trump here In PA. Whether my voted was counted however is another story.
I am sure it did like it always have.
Up until this year I would agree.
Same machines as last election.
No not with Act 77 whole different game.
You should storm the capitol! :banana2:

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