We The People


Active Member
Dec 28, 2020
Everyone knows i'm a rookie,so i'm still learning to navagate this forum format and i've notice that everyone is intelegent and as their own view point and can express the freely without fear of retribution. The constitution was created by some brilliant men ,with the forsight of what is happenning to us today. WE THE PEOPLE do not work for the government,they work for us. do we really need representatives to pass along millions of $ for pork to study if adults should eat more bugs or 1.2 billion to the Egiptian army (which was not part of our defense program) so they could go and by russian arms.We would be better off electing monkeys. this is a PANDEMIC we are supose to be dealing with but one side won't acknowledge it came from china and all these reps care about is helping themselves and lobbyist. My ? to you all is ,does anyone know if WE THE PEOPLE can ( and they won't like this) institute a law that would hold them accountable for what they do for WE THE PEOPLE or get their ass fired. WE THE PEOPLE can all vote for proposed articles in person and with proper ID we can't keep acting like we hate one another .WE THE PEOPLE want what's best for all of us. We are being driven and influenced by big money to control the media and members of OUR government with motives i don't understand. Any input would be appreciated.HAPPY NEW YEAR.be safe.
Well, we the people need to get off our asses and finally do something. We have let it go on for far to long.
Everyone knows i'm a rookie,so i'm still learning to navagate this forum format and i've notice that everyone is intelegent and as their own view point and can express the freely without fear of retribution. The constitution was created by some brilliant men ,with the forsight of what is happenning to us today. WE THE PEOPLE do not work for the government,they work for us. do we really need representatives to pass along millions of $ for pork to study if adults should eat more bugs or 1.2 billion to the Egiptian army (which was not part of our defense program) so they could go and by russian arms.We would be better off electing monkeys. this is a PANDEMIC we are supose to be dealing with but one side won't acknowledge it came from china and all these reps care about is helping themselves and lobbyist. My ? to you all is ,does anyone know if WE THE PEOPLE can ( and they won't like this) institute a law that would hold them accountable for what they do for WE THE PEOPLE or get their ass fired. WE THE PEOPLE can all vote for proposed articles in person and with proper ID we can't keep acting like we hate one another .WE THE PEOPLE want what's best for all of us. We are being driven and influenced by big money to control the media and members of OUR government with motives i don't understand. Any input would be appreciated.HAPPY NEW YEAR.be safe.
Some observations:

This is in essence a nonsensical word salad, much of it wrong.

Consider addressing one idea only.

And the paragraph is your friend.
Everyone knows i'm a rookie,so i'm still learning to navagate this forum format and i've notice that everyone is intelegent and as their own view point and can express the freely without fear of retribution. The constitution was created by some brilliant men ,with the forsight of what is happenning to us today. WE THE PEOPLE do not work for the government,they work for us. do we really need representatives to pass along millions of $ for pork to study if adults should eat more bugs or 1.2 billion to the Egiptian army (which was not part of our defense program) so they could go and by russian arms.We would be better off electing monkeys. this is a PANDEMIC we are supose to be dealing with but one side won't acknowledge it came from china and all these reps care about is helping themselves and lobbyist. My ? to you all is ,does anyone know if WE THE PEOPLE can ( and they won't like this) institute a law that would hold them accountable for what they do for WE THE PEOPLE or get their ass fired. WE THE PEOPLE can all vote for proposed articles in person and with proper ID we can't keep acting like we hate one another .WE THE PEOPLE want what's best for all of us. We are being driven and influenced by big money to control the media and members of OUR government with motives i don't understand. Any input would be appreciated.HAPPY NEW YEAR.be safe.
Direct democracy is a losing proposition.
Everyone knows i'm a rookie,so i'm still learning to navagate this forum format and i've notice that everyone is intelegent and as their own view point and can express the freely without fear of retribution. The constitution was created by some brilliant men ,with the forsight of what is happenning to us today. WE THE PEOPLE do not work for the government,they work for us. do we really need representatives to pass along millions of $ for pork to study if adults should eat more bugs or 1.2 billion to the Egiptian army (which was not part of our defense program) so they could go and by russian arms.We would be better off electing monkeys. this is a PANDEMIC we are supose to be dealing with but one side won't acknowledge it came from china and all these reps care about is helping themselves and lobbyist. My ? to you all is ,does anyone know if WE THE PEOPLE can ( and they won't like this) institute a law that would hold them accountable for what they do for WE THE PEOPLE or get their ass fired. WE THE PEOPLE can all vote for proposed articles in person and with proper ID we can't keep acting like we hate one another .WE THE PEOPLE want what's best for all of us. We are being driven and influenced by big money to control the media and members of OUR government with motives i don't understand. Any input would be appreciated.HAPPY NEW YEAR.be safe.
Direct democracy is a losing proposition.
…and would jeopardize our rights and protected liberties.
Everyone knows i'm a rookie,so i'm still learning to navagate this forum format and i've notice that everyone is intelegent and as their own view point and can express the freely without fear of retribution. The constitution was created by some brilliant men ,with the forsight of what is happenning to us today. WE THE PEOPLE do not work for the government,they work for us. do we really need representatives to pass along millions of $ for pork to study if adults should eat more bugs or 1.2 billion to the Egiptian army (which was not part of our defense program) so they could go and by russian arms.We would be better off electing monkeys. this is a PANDEMIC we are supose to be dealing with but one side won't acknowledge it came from china and all these reps care about is helping themselves and lobbyist. My ? to you all is ,does anyone know if WE THE PEOPLE can ( and they won't like this) institute a law that would hold them accountable for what they do for WE THE PEOPLE or get their ass fired. WE THE PEOPLE can all vote for proposed articles in person and with proper ID we can't keep acting like we hate one another .WE THE PEOPLE want what's best for all of us. We are being driven and influenced by big money to control the media and members of OUR government with motives i don't understand. Any input would be appreciated.HAPPY NEW YEAR.be safe.

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Everyone knows i'm a rookie,so i'm still learning to navagate this forum format and i've notice that everyone is intelegent and as their own view point and can express the freely without fear of retribution. The constitution was created by some brilliant men ,with the forsight of what is happenning to us today. WE THE PEOPLE do not work for the government,they work for us. do we really need representatives to pass along millions of $ for pork to study if adults should eat more bugs or 1.2 billion to the Egiptian army (which was not part of our defense program) so they could go and by russian arms.We would be better off electing monkeys. this is a PANDEMIC we are supose to be dealing with but one side won't acknowledge it came from china and all these reps care about is helping themselves and lobbyist. My ? to you all is ,does anyone know if WE THE PEOPLE can ( and they won't like this) institute a law that would hold them accountable for what they do for WE THE PEOPLE or get their ass fired. WE THE PEOPLE can all vote for proposed articles in person and with proper ID we can't keep acting like we hate one another .WE THE PEOPLE want what's best for all of us. We are being driven and influenced by big money to control the media and members of OUR government with motives i don't understand. Any input would be appreciated.HAPPY NEW YEAR.be safe.

Like C_Clayton_Jones and Toro , when I'm unable to refute something said I pretend I can't understand the context because a comma wasn't properly placed.
Everyone knows i'm a rookie,so i'm still learning to navagate this forum format and i've notice that everyone is intelegent and as their own view point and can express the freely without fear of retribution. The constitution was created by some brilliant men ,with the forsight of what is happenning to us today. WE THE PEOPLE do not work for the government,they work for us. do we really need representatives to pass along millions of $ for pork to study if adults should eat more bugs or 1.2 billion to the Egiptian army (which was not part of our defense program) so they could go and by russian arms.We would be better off electing monkeys. this is a PANDEMIC we are supose to be dealing with but one side won't acknowledge it came from china and all these reps care about is helping themselves and lobbyist. My ? to you all is ,does anyone know if WE THE PEOPLE can ( and they won't like this) institute a law that would hold them accountable for what they do for WE THE PEOPLE or get their ass fired. WE THE PEOPLE can all vote for proposed articles in person and with proper ID we can't keep acting like we hate one another .WE THE PEOPLE want what's best for all of us. We are being driven and influenced by big money to control the media and members of OUR government with motives i don't understand. Any input would be appreciated.HAPPY NEW YEAR.be safe.

Like C_Clayton_Jones and Toro , when I'm unable to refute something said I pretend I can't understand the context because a comma wasn't properly placed.


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