We should listen to the “experts”

Bullshit. He knew about it in Nov before anyone fucking did via our intelligence agencies. He just decided to keep his finger up his ass instead of acting.
Bwahahaha! Ya, becuase that’s what intelligence agencies track and report on - flu outbreaks. :lmao:

Ass-Clap as his tinfoil hat out today, I see.
Bullshit. He knew about it in Nov before anyone fucking did via our intelligence agencies. He just decided to keep his finger up his ass instead of acting.
So tell us something, Ass-clap. If Trump knew about it in November and did “nothing” enrages you, what does Bill de Blasio instructing his constituents to ignore COVID and gather together in mass populations in fucking March do to you? And remember, NYC is the fucking epicenter of the pandemic now.

Don’t worry Ass-clap, nobody expects you to answer honestly so you’re off the hook.
So what you are saying is that the WHO is a rigged organization? Because if Trump knew over a month before them, and they didn't issue the warning until the end of January, then they were on the take from China, right?

And what should Trump have done? He was in the middle of an impeachment.

The problem was, it wasn't that he favored WHO over his own intelligence agencies. It was that he didn't take the issue seriously at all. For instance, when Sec. Azar wanted to talk about it in January, Trump was more focused on Vaping.

This is the problem with Trump, he lacks the capacity to visualize problems, or listen to his staff.

He didn't do shit. That Kenyan clown didn't know shit about the economy. Trump is presiding during a worldwide pandemic. I know you like to ignore that inconvenient fact, but the non-TDS voters won't.

It's only a problem here because he ignored it. Most other countries are past and over it already.

The economy is fucked up because of that other thing he fucked up. You guys go with that, please.

I didn't say in your state, I'm saying in total across the country. Who knows why they jumped ship, but there was no nationwide revolt against the President.

Um, yeah, there really was. The Democrats ran on impeaching trump. That's what we voted for, that's what we got. So when he leaves, it will be in disgrace.
Bwahahaha! Ya, becuase that’s what intelligence agencies track and report on - flu outbreaks. :lmao:

Ass-Clap as his tinfoil hat out today, I see.

Uh, the Intel Agencies report on EVERYTHING, not just military stuff. They report on economics, health care, government, current events...

They warned Trump as early as December that this Covid thing might be a problem. Trump ignored it until March 19th.

100,000 dead. We have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the covid deaths.
The problem was, it wasn't that he favored WHO over his own intelligence agencies. It was that he didn't take the issue seriously at all. For instance, when Sec. Azar wanted to talk about it in January, Trump was more focused on Vaping.

This is the problem with Trump, he lacks the capacity to visualize problems, or listen to his staff.

Even if he did, what could he do? What would our country be like today if we totally closed down the country over SARS, West Niles, H1N1, H1N5, Ebola? We'd be an economic mess.

Shutting down the country is the last resort. Even if it's really nothing, the economic damage would be severe just like we are experiencing now. It wouldn't have worked anyhow, because the commies would have had one of their judges stop Trump. They spent the first two weeks of March trying to pass a bill to stop him from issuing travel bans.

It's only a problem here because he ignored it. Most other countries are past and over it already.

The economy is fucked up because of that other thing he fucked up. You guys go with that, please.

We will go with that, because nobody knew how serious this was. NOBODY.

Um, yeah, there really was. The Democrats ran on impeaching trump. That's what we voted for, that's what we got. So when he leaves, it will be in disgrace.

Spoken like a true Nazi. We voted to have him impeached. For what, it didn't matter, just as long as we make attempts to overturn an election that was fairly won by our opponent.
Even if he did, what could he do? What would our country be like today if we totally closed down the country over SARS, West Niles, H1N1, H1N5, Ebola? We'd be an economic mess.

Those were successfully contained because Obama and Bush listened to the experts. Trump, not so much.

We will go with that, because nobody knew how serious this was. NOBODY.

Actually, everyone else treated it seriously, and took appropriate action. That's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the fatalities. We didn't.

Spoken like a true Nazi. We voted to have him impeached. For what, it didn't matter, just as long as we make attempts to overturn an election that was fairly won by our opponent.

Actually, we already knew he committed crimes and would commit more of them. We didn't think he'd do something as blatant as what he did, but hey, he's always helpful like that.

WHEN he gets voted out, the next step is to indict him for crimes and prosecute him.
Those were successfully contained because Obama and Bush listened to the experts. Trump, not so much.

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. You and your comrades are bitching because Trump DID listen to his experts. So tell us, what did they do to contain them?

Actually, everyone else treated it seriously, and took appropriate action. That's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the fatalities. We didn't.

We have that many cases because we have much more international travel than anybody else. And let's not forget our worthless bureaucracies that held up everything Trump did or tried to do.

Actually, we already knew he committed crimes and would commit more of them. We didn't think he'd do something as blatant as what he did, but hey, he's always helpful like that.

WHEN he gets voted out, the next step is to indict him for crimes and prosecute him.

Is that so? Then why is this the first impeachment in history with no crime and no impeachable offenses? I'll tell you why, Nazism, and hopefully voters will remember it come election time.
Well, to start with, they didn't disband the Pandemic response team like Trump did.
View attachment 343147
What was it going to do Joey, mobilize rapidly rose arrest the virus and restore order? :lmao:

Actually they didn't disband the team, they were morphed into a group of other people. It was restructuring. Only one major person was really let go, and now the left wants us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, this one guy is who would have saved us from Covid-19.

It isn't going to fly.
You have no idea WTF you're talking about. You and your comrades are bitching because Trump DID listen to his experts. So tell us, what did they do to contain them?

Well, to start with, they didn't disband the Pandemic response team like Trump did.

No, Ambassador Bolton restructured the team as I just told Patriot. There were several Presidents before Trump who actually did disband it, one of them being DumBama.
the least restrictive measures to “safeguard”
There's something like that in Ohio and other states as well, some kind of hacked up court process lose your gun rights for life, no recourse, ever.
What was it going to do Joey, mobilize rapidly rose arrest the virus and restore order?

Impose the kind of containment measures we did to control Ebola in 2014, etc. You know, not ignore the problem for three months because they didn't want to spook the markets.

Actually they didn't disband the team, they were morphed into a group of other people. It was restructuring. Only one major person was really let go, and now the left wants us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, this one guy is who would have saved us from Covid-19.

Yes, they restructed it into 'I don't give a fuck about this problem". And it shows.
Impose the kind of containment measures we did to control Ebola in 2014, etc.
“Containment”? WTF? Obama was intentionally importing Ebola and at no time did he implement a single “containment measure”. He didn’t shut down flights. He didn’t mandate masks. Nothing.

Your troll game keeps getting weaker and weaker.
Impose the kind of containment measures we did to control Ebola in 2014, etc.
“Containment”? WTF? Obama was intentionally importing Ebola and at no time did he implement a single “containment measure”. He didn’t shut down flights. He didn’t mandate masks. Nothing.

Your troll game keeps getting weaker and weaker.

Absolutely correct. Little does the left know, but Bush had a similar team in place that DumBama dismantled in 2010. It doesn't pay to fund something that is not likely to happen and hasn't happened here in 100 years. It's like saying we should have a Civil War team in case the country breaks out into one.

DumBama never came across anything like this; not even close. We can't afford to shutdown he country with every worldwide health thereat, otherwise we would have no economy, and everybody would be sitting home getting government checks that will quickly bankrupt us. And here we go again:

So now what do we do? A return of a virus that is half-way across the world. Do we stop all international flights? Tell everybody to stay home? Shutdown businesses like we just did? Tell people to stock up on more toilet paper and canned goods? What?

No, we monitor it and see what happens, and only then take action if there is a threat to the US, just like President Trump and his medical staff did with Covid-19.
Well, to start with, they didn't disband the Pandemic response team like Trump did.
View attachment 343147
What was it going to do Joey, mobilize rapidly rose arrest the virus and restore order? :lmao:

Actually they didn't disband the team, they were morphed into a group of other people. It was restructuring. Only one major person was really let go, and now the left wants us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, this one guy is who would have saved us from Covid-19.

It isn't going to fly.

This was a cleaning of the NatSecCouncil that is STATIONED at the WH.. Obama doubled the number of "advisors" to over 200.. These were folks that would have done advisory better from their HOME AGENCIES -- like NIH/CDC - then with a PHYSICAL office in the WH and exposure to the HIGHEST levels of security issues that they had NOTHING to do with and "no need to know"..,..

They were just "sent home" to their REAL desks.. The one guy quit over losing WH perks and prestige. Was not disbanded.. Just didn't need WH access DAILY to do that job...
Well, to start with, they didn't disband the Pandemic response team like Trump did.
View attachment 343147
What was it going to do Joey, mobilize rapidly rose arrest the virus and restore order? :lmao:

Actually they didn't disband the team, they were morphed into a group of other people. It was restructuring. Only one major person was really let go, and now the left wants us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, this one guy is who would have saved us from Covid-19.

It isn't going to fly.

This was a cleaning of the NatSecCouncil that is STATIONED at the WH.. Obama doubled the number of "advisors" to over 200.. These were folks that would have done advisory better from their HOME AGENCIES -- like NIH/CDC - then with a PHYSICAL office in the WH and exposure to the HIGHEST levels of security issues that they had NOTHING to do with and "no need to know"..,..

They were just "sent home" to their REAL desks.. The one guy quit over losing WH perks and prestige. Was not disbanded.. Just didn't need WH access DAILY to do that job...

I'm sure Doctor Joe will debate that with you. You know liberals.......they are never wrong. In a failed effort to pin a worldwide pandemic on President Trump, his approval ratings at this time of his presidency are not that far from Hussein, when the economy was supposedly booming by their standards. In other words, it's not working very well.

But if it makes them happy believing it will make a difference, it will only give us more glee after President Trump's reelection, and perhaps a takeover of leadership of the House which will send Piglosi packing for sure. And when President Trump replaces Ginsburg:

Screaming .jpeg
Uh...when President Trump did that...you cried “fascist racist”

Well, yeah, because instead of actually doing containment, he did racism.

You know, when you lock out people for their nationality while letting infected people run amok.

It's why we have the most deaths of any country in the world.

108,000 dead.
40 million unemployed.
Riots in the streets

Is Trump done making American Great yet?

“Containment”? WTF? Obama was intentionally importing Ebola and at no time did he implement a single “containment measure”. He didn’t shut down flights. He didn’t mandate masks. Nothing.

Yet, his Ebola containment resulted in all of 14 cases in the US, with only 4 deaths.

Trump has 108,000 deaths. MAGA!!!!!

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