We should boycott


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Yes, the US should boycott the Winter Olympics - American Thinker

but Thief in Chief Biden owes the Chinese communists way too much, Human rights violations and exporting the Wuhan virus is more than enough reason not to attend the Olympics.

Since at least March 2017, China has detained and persecuted approximately 1.8 million Turkic Muslims, including ethnic Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and Kyrgyz, in "political reeducation" centers. Muslim minorities are held without due process in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and coerced into disavowing their religious beliefs.

They are subjected to forced labor, deprived of food and other basic needs, and suffer from atrocities like torture and organ harvesting. Women in Xinjiang face even harsher treatment, as the CCP attempts to eliminate minority peoples through forced abortion and sterilization.
So you are for cancel culture after all, I see
When it comes to crap like the Chinese communists are doing. Not speech related issues.

Make up your mind dumb ass. Can't have it both ways.
Go fuck a duck. Human rights violations and exporting viruses are more than enough reason not to go to China. Then again you and your ilk owe the mass murdering Chinese communists a great deal.
The communist cocksuckers know more about the virus than you do. Post-500,000, boycott is mandatory.
So you are for cancel culture after all, I see
When it comes to crap like the Chinese communists are doing. Not speech related issues.

There is no difference. None whatsoever. Except American athletes who have worked all of their lives for the opportunity to go to the Olympic games, and represent their country, will lose their opportunity.
I won't boycott the Olympics because they aren't supposed to be about politics or anything. It's about the sport, competition, sportsmanship and personal victory. Those concepts transcend politics.

Too many people today already try and turn everything possible into a personal crusade when they need to shut the fuck up. I say let the Olympics just be the Olympics and forget about everything just for a little while.

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