CDZ We Really Should Stop Lying To Kids

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Like when it comes to stranger danger. We teach them to never speak to strangers at all but then they see us doing it all the time by saying hi to people on the street. We also teach them to never lie to people, but get upset when they tell somebody that they didn't like the sweater that their grandmother knit for them for Christmas.

Instead of spreading mixed messages to kids, we should tell them things like being careful of what exactly that they're supposed to say to strangers on the street and all about internet safety. We should also teach them when it's to spare somebody's feelings then it's alright to twist the truth around a little bit. Kids are a whole lot smarter than we give them credit for and it's a lot better than confusing things even more for them.
Like when it comes to stranger danger. We teach them to never speak to strangers at all but then they see us doing it all the time by saying hi to people on the street. We also teach them to never lie to people, but get upset when they tell somebody that they didn't like the sweater that their grandmother knit for them for Christmas.

Instead of spreading mixed messages to kids, we should tell them things like being careful of what exactly that they're supposed to say to strangers on the street and all about internet safety. We should also teach them when it's to spare somebody's feelings then it's alright to twist the truth around a little bit. Kids are a whole lot smarter than we give them credit for and it's a lot better than confusing things even more for them.
Kids don't miss much you have that right! Even if we think they aren't paying attention it's wham...."Well, you said it was okay last week, so why not this week?" Most don't forget anything, they're like elephants! Plus, some kids are secretly in training to become future hostage negotiators... with their calm manner of asking direct questions, maintain good eye contact, and try to negotiate like an adult! Kids are the best:)

I agree that parents need to tell their kids the truth. When a kid is old enough to ask about something, he or she is usually old enough to know about it as they say. I follow that line of reasoning pretty much, unless the timing isn't the best for certain conversations I hold off for a better time/situation to relay the information.
Like when it comes to stranger danger. We teach them to never speak to strangers at all but then they see us doing it all the time by saying hi to people on the street. We also teach them to never lie to people, but get upset when they tell somebody that they didn't like the sweater that their grandmother knit for them for Christmas.

Instead of spreading mixed messages to kids, we should tell them things like being careful of what exactly that they're supposed to say to strangers on the street and all about internet safety. We should also teach them when it's to spare somebody's feelings then it's alright to twist the truth around a little bit. Kids are a whole lot smarter than we give them credit for and it's a lot better than confusing things even more for them.
I decided to not lie to my kids and so Santa was not a guest in my house.

The problem is, most "parents" are just TOO EFFING LAZY to sit down and explain something to their kids, so they actually understand.

Among other major catastrophic disasters "parents" consistently do to their kids, raising them socially inept and without manners is what's got this country littered with Flat Earthers, SJW's, Sex Directed Mentalities, Neo Nazi's, violent psychopaths, and the walking dead. And these "parents" just don't see it.....or if they do, they just don't give a rats ass.
I decided to not lie to my kids and so Santa was not a guest in my house.

Thanks for bringing this up because I was about to myself. When it comes to Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and The Tooth Fairy, I would just tell my child or children and then let them decide for themselves whether or not they believe it's true. (Most children do.) That way, I'm not really lying to them. The only lying part would be when they got old enough to ask me whether or not they were real and if I said yes then I would be a liar. Otherwise, it's just a legend/story.
Selfish not to lie to kids. What a concept.

I'm just messin with you Moonglow..

I was brought up with the magic, the imagination and the anticipation of Christmas morning... it was fun and the Christmas seasons created great memories.

So I did the same for all my children and from what I've heard, great memories for them as well and the tradition lives on..
Like when it comes to stranger danger. We teach them to never speak to strangers at all but then they see us doing it all the time by saying hi to people on the street. We also teach them to never lie to people, but get upset when they tell somebody that they didn't like the sweater that their grandmother knit for them for Christmas.

Instead of spreading mixed messages to kids, we should tell them things like being careful of what exactly that they're supposed to say to strangers on the street and all about internet safety. We should also teach them when it's to spare somebody's feelings then it's alright to twist the truth around a little bit. Kids are a whole lot smarter than we give them credit for and it's a lot better than confusing things even more for them.

Kids can't protect themselves as well as adults. So yeah, "Don't talk to strangers" is good advise.
Like when it comes to stranger danger. We teach them to never speak to strangers at all but then they see us doing it all the time by saying hi to people on the street. We also teach them to never lie to people, but get upset when they tell somebody that they didn't like the sweater that their grandmother knit for them for Christmas.

Instead of spreading mixed messages to kids, we should tell them things like being careful of what exactly that they're supposed to say to strangers on the street and all about internet safety. We should also teach them when it's to spare somebody's feelings then it's alright to twist the truth around a little bit. Kids are a whole lot smarter than we give them credit for and it's a lot better than confusing things even more for them.

When you tell kids not to speak to strangers, they understand what that means. It doesn't mean "Don't talk to someone in a shop", it means "don't talk to some random person who comes up to you in the street".

As for lying, everyone lies. But kids know the difference between white lies and huge whoppers.
I might exaggerate the truth or twist it around a bit (especially to spare somebody's feelings) but there's generally at least some truth to everything I say.

Well, some people find "some truth" easier to keep up over time. But if it were the whole truth, humans would just kill each other all the time.
Selfish not to lie to kids. What a concept.

I was always honest with my kids. Like telling them about Santa Claus. Of course I didn't tell them there was no Santa Claus. That would've gotten me in hot water with the wife. BUT, I never told them there was a one.

Also, I told my boys that there were things in life that they couldn't be. Like perfect, women or loser druggies.
BUT, I never told them there was a one.

Exactly what I was saying. You can tell them the story but you let them figure out what to believe on whether or not they think he's real. That way, you're not really lying to them.
Exactly what I was saying. You can tell them the story but you let them figure out what to believe on whether or not they think he's real. That way, you're not really lying to them.

I didn't want to be the first person to tell my kids a lie.

I remember finding out santa wasn't real, and thinking about how my own mom lied to me about it.
I mean, it didn't really affect me much. I got over it. But, in that instance I realized that no one was honest.
Like when it comes to stranger danger. We teach them to never speak to strangers at all but then they see us doing it all the time by saying hi to people on the street. ....
Adults can do a lot of things that young children should not. Seems pretty simple.
....We also teach them to never lie to people, but get upset when they tell somebody that they didn't like the sweater that their grandmother knit for them for Christmas.
Who gets upset about that? Do you think that learning tact is somehow "lying"?

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