CDZ urgent : anti-terror advice for the world's police forces and militaries and intel agencies


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands

I'm a computer programmer, since the age of about 5, i'm 44 now, and i've written a neat little RSS news gathering-and-display web app (news headlines on

When i'm not up for watching the news (i watch mostly CNN-US (at Watch CNN Live Streaming - CNN News Stream Online) and Fox News US (at Watch Fox News Live Stream - Fox News Channel Online Streaming)),
or coding new apps for my opensourced GitHub - nicerapp/nicerapp: this is a revolutionary and constantly evolving, well-maintained repository of HTML, CSS, JS and PHP code with which you can build websites that use a tiled image, photo or youtube video as site background for information and apps that are put over that background in a semi-transparent way. CMS and website apps platform,

then i actually spend time watching the content float by on my own news app, and listening to music at the same time.

Now, here's where the actual advisory starts :

alQuada and groups like alQuada are gaining vast stretches of ground in Africa, and i suspect that after the Taliban takeover of moderate Muslim territories in Afghanistan, Afghanistan too will become a training ground for new members of groups like alQuada.

and until now, even terrorist suicide bombers or knife wielding terrorists, have not been any effective military tool for groups like alQuada, the more extremist-fundamentalist thinking lot that one can find among the world's Muslims.

but besides being a computer programmer since the age of 5, i've also been a serious trainer of all of the world's most serious martial arts. See my Cheetah Kung Fu Lessons channel on youtube for a brief introduction and basic references to schools (which can be found world-wide) for such martial arts.
and please note as well that the videos on Cheetah Kung Fu that i've published, are the Judo end of the spectrum. I know many deadly kung fu techniques as well, but because i don't want to spend a second longer than necessary in a police cell or court room "after the fight is over", i keep my own kung fu videos restricted to the relatively friendly Judo level.

and let's get one thing straight here : martial arts teachers will NEVER teach any extremists, be they Muslim, White, Black, or Jewish, or subscribers to any other ideology or religion.

but it IS entirely possible that commanders of terror groups find their way to book stores like the American Paladin Press, where they can learn all of the most sneaky, deadly techniques that the world's martial artists ever thought up, to STOP people such as terrorists.

combined with what i suspect is a new strategy by groups like alQuada to train "more troops for the next round than in the last round of strikes against our enemies", and equip those troops with better skills and weapons,

i am predicting a serious terror threat within the next 5 to 20 years in at least North-Western Europe, the US, and Canada. most likely in many other regions too, for instance if China decides to involve themselves in Afghanistan, China will become a terrorist's target as well.
this terror threat could come in the form of a skilled kung fu Muslim extremist, armed with handguns and hand-grenades, instead of knives and a suicide vest.

it is therefore vital that we start policing the 2nd hand arms markets better, domestically, and internationally.

we should also not shy away from placing people with specific backgrounds or patterns of behavior or travel on terror watch lists and no-fly lists.

i fear the future could end up a much more dangerous place.

alQuada hasn't faded away. ISIS hasn't either. these people retreat, then re-group, then strike again, taking into account what made them lose in previous rounds.

we, the peaceful law-abiding peoples of Earth, should stay several steps ahead of them.

i will email this post, and it's content to my mailinglist addressed to 63 international major news papers, TV stations, and political parties, in NATO, Russia, Japan, China, Indonesia and Australia, as well.
and let's get one thing straight here : martial arts teachers will NEVER teach any extremists, be they Muslim, White, Black, or Jewish, or subscribers to any other ideology or religion.
You need a new way of thinking here, not rejection and failure. The martial arts teachers should instruct their students toward a victory in moderation in all things, and not in the sort of extremism or vicious blacklisting which will never win a war.
Doesn't look like Al Quada needed your recommended tactics to essentially win in Afghanistan. All that was required was the alleged election of one lame-ass American president.

I'm a computer programmer, since the age of about 5, i'm 44 now, and i've written a neat little RSS news gathering-and-display web app (news headlines on

When i'm not up for watching the news (i watch mostly CNN-US (at Watch CNN Live Streaming - CNN News Stream Online) and Fox News US (at Watch Fox News Live Stream - Fox News Channel Online Streaming)),
or coding new apps for my opensourced GitHub - nicerapp/nicerapp: this is a revolutionary and constantly evolving, well-maintained repository of HTML, CSS, JS and PHP code with which you can build websites that use a tiled image, photo or youtube video as site background for information and apps that are put over that background in a semi-transparent way. CMS and website apps platform,

then i actually spend time watching the content float by on my own news app, and listening to music at the same time.

Now, here's where the actual advisory starts :

alQuada and groups like alQuada are gaining vast stretches of ground in Africa, and i suspect that after the Taliban takeover of moderate Muslim territories in Afghanistan, Afghanistan too will become a training ground for new members of groups like alQuada.

and until now, even terrorist suicide bombers or knife wielding terrorists, have not been any effective military tool for groups like alQuada, the more extremist-fundamentalist thinking lot that one can find among the world's Muslims.

but besides being a computer programmer since the age of 5, i've also been a serious trainer of all of the world's most serious martial arts. See my Cheetah Kung Fu Lessons channel on youtube for a brief introduction and basic references to schools (which can be found world-wide) for such martial arts.
and please note as well that the videos on Cheetah Kung Fu that i've published, are the Judo end of the spectrum. I know many deadly kung fu techniques as well, but because i don't want to spend a second longer than necessary in a police cell or court room "after the fight is over", i keep my own kung fu videos restricted to the relatively friendly Judo level.

and let's get one thing straight here : martial arts teachers will NEVER teach any extremists, be they Muslim, White, Black, or Jewish, or subscribers to any other ideology or religion.

but it IS entirely possible that commanders of terror groups find their way to book stores like the American Paladin Press, where they can learn all of the most sneaky, deadly techniques that the world's martial artists ever thought up, to STOP people such as terrorists.

combined with what i suspect is a new strategy by groups like alQuada to train "more troops for the next round than in the last round of strikes against our enemies", and equip those troops with better skills and weapons,

i am predicting a serious terror threat within the next 5 to 20 years in at least North-Western Europe, the US, and Canada. most likely in many other regions too, for instance if China decides to involve themselves in Afghanistan, China will become a terrorist's target as well.
this terror threat could come in the form of a skilled kung fu Muslim extremist, armed with handguns and hand-grenades, instead of knives and a suicide vest.

it is therefore vital that we start policing the 2nd hand arms markets better, domestically, and internationally.

we should also not shy away from placing people with specific backgrounds or patterns of behavior or travel on terror watch lists and no-fly lists.

i fear the future could end up a much more dangerous place.

alQuada hasn't faded away. ISIS hasn't either. these people retreat, then re-group, then strike again, taking into account what made them lose in previous rounds.

we, the peaceful law-abiding peoples of Earth, should stay several steps ahead of them.

i will email this post, and it's content to my mailinglist addressed to 63 international major news papers, TV stations, and political parties, in NATO, Russia, Japan, China, Indonesia and Australia, as well.

Here's the only metric that matters

150 murders in 2015 down to just 10 murders in 2019

We're winning the war on terrorism. What other metric is there?

Here's the only metric that matters

150 murders in 2015 down to just 10 murders in 2019

We're winning the war on terrorism. What other metric is there?
"We" who? You might be surprised to learn terrorism doesn't just occur in the EU. The terrorists just won in Afghanistan and are in the process of slaughtering a great many innocents while claiming religious inspiration. Don't worry they'll get back to you soon enough.

I'm a computer programmer, since the age of about 5, i'm 44 now, and i've written a neat little RSS news gathering-and-display web app (news headlines on

When i'm not up for watching the news (i watch mostly CNN-US (at Watch CNN Live Streaming - CNN News Stream Online) and Fox News US (at Watch Fox News Live Stream - Fox News Channel Online Streaming)),
or coding new apps for my opensourced GitHub - nicerapp/nicerapp: this is a revolutionary and constantly evolving, well-maintained repository of HTML, CSS, JS and PHP code with which you can build websites that use a tiled image, photo or youtube video as site background for information and apps that are put over that background in a semi-transparent way. CMS and website apps platform,

then i actually spend time watching the content float by on my own news app, and listening to music at the same time.

Now, here's where the actual advisory starts :

alQuada and groups like alQuada are gaining vast stretches of ground in Africa, and i suspect that after the Taliban takeover of moderate Muslim territories in Afghanistan, Afghanistan too will become a training ground for new members of groups like alQuada.

and until now, even terrorist suicide bombers or knife wielding terrorists, have not been any effective military tool for groups like alQuada, the more extremist-fundamentalist thinking lot that one can find among the world's Muslims.

but besides being a computer programmer since the age of 5, i've also been a serious trainer of all of the world's most serious martial arts. See my Cheetah Kung Fu Lessons channel on youtube for a brief introduction and basic references to schools (which can be found world-wide) for such martial arts.
and please note as well that the videos on Cheetah Kung Fu that i've published, are the Judo end of the spectrum. I know many deadly kung fu techniques as well, but because i don't want to spend a second longer than necessary in a police cell or court room "after the fight is over", i keep my own kung fu videos restricted to the relatively friendly Judo level.

and let's get one thing straight here : martial arts teachers will NEVER teach any extremists, be they Muslim, White, Black, or Jewish, or subscribers to any other ideology or religion.

but it IS entirely possible that commanders of terror groups find their way to book stores like the American Paladin Press, where they can learn all of the most sneaky, deadly techniques that the world's martial artists ever thought up, to STOP people such as terrorists.

combined with what i suspect is a new strategy by groups like alQuada to train "more troops for the next round than in the last round of strikes against our enemies", and equip those troops with better skills and weapons,

i am predicting a serious terror threat within the next 5 to 20 years in at least North-Western Europe, the US, and Canada. most likely in many other regions too, for instance if China decides to involve themselves in Afghanistan, China will become a terrorist's target as well.
this terror threat could come in the form of a skilled kung fu Muslim extremist, armed with handguns and hand-grenades, instead of knives and a suicide vest.

it is therefore vital that we start policing the 2nd hand arms markets better, domestically, and internationally.

we should also not shy away from placing people with specific backgrounds or patterns of behavior or travel on terror watch lists and no-fly lists.

i fear the future could end up a much more dangerous place.

alQuada hasn't faded away. ISIS hasn't either. these people retreat, then re-group, then strike again, taking into account what made them lose in previous rounds.

we, the peaceful law-abiding peoples of Earth, should stay several steps ahead of them.

i will email this post, and it's content to my mailinglist addressed to 63 international major news papers, TV stations, and political parties, in NATO, Russia, Japan, China, Indonesia and Australia, as well.
"Terror groups" come from USA in service to the enemies of Mankind and the King of the Universe.

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