We need a NEW symbol of Southern Pride

Most Southerners who resist the movement to remove and suppress the Army of Northern Virginia Battle Flag do so because it is the only "uniform" symbol of Southern Pride.
Most of America believes the Battle Flag is a symbol of pride, not racism.

Taking away the symbol of Southern Pride is an attack on good Southerners who are not racist, but generous, peaceful, and loving. Why alienate the good guys without giving them an alternative?

If we are going to take away the one emblem that distinguishes Southerners and gives them a sense of belonging, should we not replace it? If the real goal is to remove emblems of hatred, why not give ALL Southerners (not just white) a NEW symbol of Southern Pride that does NOT represent oppression, racism, rebellion, hatred, treason, etc.? Why not give the South a unifying symbol in exchange?

I think this is a good idea. A symbol of pride for the South that is also a symbol of pride for everyone else. Why not Kitty Hawk.

I think maybe the South needs an invitation to rejoin the rest of the country.
Most Southerners who resist the movement to remove and suppress the Army of Northern Virginia Battle Flag do so because it is the only "uniform" symbol of Southern Pride.
Most of America believes the Battle Flag is a symbol of pride, not racism.

Taking away the symbol of Southern Pride is an attack on good Southerners who are not racist, but generous, peaceful, and loving. Why alienate the good guys without giving them an alternative?

If we are going to take away the one emblem that distinguishes Southerners and gives them a sense of belonging, should we not replace it? If the real goal is to remove emblems of hatred, why not give ALL Southerners (not just white) a NEW symbol of Southern Pride that does NOT represent oppression, racism, rebellion, hatred, treason, etc.? Why not give the South a unifying symbol in exchange?

I think this is a good idea. A symbol of pride for the South that is also a symbol of pride for everyone else. Why not Kitty Hawk.

Because the day after, if the South resists the slightest bit against your lefty agenda, you will be back to demonizing them, and the whole process would be revealed as a complete waste of time and effort.
Because the day after, if the South resists the slightest bit against your lefty agenda, you will be back to demonizing them, and the whole process would be revealed as a complete waste of time and effort.
I disagree that it would be a waste of time and effort. It would reveal/confirm improper motives, as this thread has done by accident.
Most Southerners who resist the movement to remove and suppress the Army of Northern Virginia Battle Flag do so because it is the only "uniform" symbol of Southern Pride.
Most of America believes the Battle Flag is a symbol of pride, not racism.

Taking away the symbol of Southern Pride is an attack on good Southerners who are not racist, but generous, peaceful, and loving. Why alienate the good guys without giving them an alternative?

If we are going to take away the one emblem that distinguishes Southerners and gives them a sense of belonging, should we not replace it? If the real goal is to remove emblems of hatred, why not give ALL Southerners (not just white) a NEW symbol of Southern Pride that does NOT represent oppression, racism, rebellion, hatred, treason, etc.? Why not give the South a unifying symbol in exchange?

I think this is a good idea. A symbol of pride for the South that is also a symbol of pride for everyone else. Why not Kitty Hawk.

Because the day after, if the South resists the slightest bit against your lefty agenda, you will be back to demonizing them, and the whole process would be revealed as a complete waste of time and effort.

Sheltered life? Many lefties born and raised in the south and remain lefties today. You want to separate again no problem. Like I said the American flag should be enough. As I typed this I realized the division now, you want North vs South again.
Most Southerners who resist the movement to remove and suppress the Army of Northern Virginia Battle Flag do so because it is the only "uniform" symbol of Southern Pride.
Most of America believes the Battle Flag is a symbol of pride, not racism.

Taking away the symbol of Southern Pride is an attack on good Southerners who are not racist, but generous, peaceful, and loving. Why alienate the good guys without giving them an alternative?

If we are going to take away the one emblem that distinguishes Southerners and gives them a sense of belonging, should we not replace it? If the real goal is to remove emblems of hatred, why not give ALL Southerners (not just white) a NEW symbol of Southern Pride that does NOT represent oppression, racism, rebellion, hatred, treason, etc.? Why not give the South a unifying symbol in exchange?

I think this is a good idea. A symbol of pride for the South that is also a symbol of pride for everyone else. Why not Kitty Hawk.

I think maybe the South needs an invitation to rejoin the rest of the country.

Well the wannabeKlan guys seem to want to have their own country, with the blacks moving elsewhere. I'm not sure how many of those guys actually live in the South thoughl
I have never seen a proud Southerner try to snatch away the Confederate flag from the KKK or other white supremacists.

You can add cowardice and silent (if not vocal) assent to their list of proud achievements.

I've never seen anyone trying to snatch an American flag off of them either.

What does that tell you?
Here is something from Charlottesville. Just for you and WillHaftawaite .

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Most Southerners who resist the movement to remove and suppress the Army of Northern Virginia Battle Flag do so because it is the only "uniform" symbol of Southern Pride.
Most of America believes the Battle Flag is a symbol of pride, not racism.

Taking away the symbol of Southern Pride is an attack on good Southerners who are not racist, but generous, peaceful, and loving. Why alienate the good guys without giving them an alternative?

If we are going to take away the one emblem that distinguishes Southerners and gives them a sense of belonging, should we not replace it? If the real goal is to remove emblems of hatred, why not give ALL Southerners (not just white) a NEW symbol of Southern Pride that does NOT represent oppression, racism, rebellion, hatred, treason, etc.? Why not give the South a unifying symbol in exchange?

This one would work:

I have never seen a proud Southerner try to snatch away the Confederate flag from the KKK or other white supremacists.

You can add cowardice and silent (if not vocal) assent to their list of proud achievements.

I've never seen anyone trying to snatch an American flag off of them either.

What does that tell you?
Here is another one. Just for you and WillHaftawaite.

Now what was that you cowards were saying?

The Confederate flag stands for the perpetuation of slavery. Otherwise the good old boys would be snatching it away from the KKK.

Since they do not, they have condoned the Confederate flag as a symbol of hatred and racism.
Most Southerners who resist the movement to remove and suppress the Army of Northern Virginia Battle Flag do so because it is the only "uniform" symbol of Southern Pride.
Most of America believes the Battle Flag is a symbol of pride, not racism.

Taking away the symbol of Southern Pride is an attack on good Southerners who are not racist, but generous, peaceful, and loving. Why alienate the good guys without giving them an alternative?

If we are going to take away the one emblem that distinguishes Southerners and gives them a sense of belonging, should we not replace it? If the real goal is to remove emblems of hatred, why not give ALL Southerners (not just white) a NEW symbol of Southern Pride that does NOT represent oppression, racism, rebellion, hatred, treason, etc.? Why not give the South a unifying symbol in exchange?

This one would work:

This seems a bit insincere. No offense.

Slavery started under the American Flag. Most founders who first flew that flag viewed their race as superior to all others. They were also traitors to the British Crown. They were rebels, just like the South. If the motivation is to remove symbols of hate/racism/rebellion, ol' glory needs to go too. It is certainly not a symbol that unties.

In fact, many of those who hate the battle flag also hate the American flag.

We need something new. Allow it to be South specific and represent all Southerners and unifies people of all races and backgrounds who are Southern. In other words, invite the white dude to put down the battle flag and join with the black dude in hoisting a flag that represents heritage they both can be proud of together.
Most Southerners who resist the movement to remove and suppress the Army of Northern Virginia Battle Flag do so because it is the only "uniform" symbol of Southern Pride.
Most of America believes the Battle Flag is a symbol of pride, not racism.

Taking away the symbol of Southern Pride is an attack on good Southerners who are not racist, but generous, peaceful, and loving. Why alienate the good guys without giving them an alternative?

If we are going to take away the one emblem that distinguishes Southerners and gives them a sense of belonging, should we not replace it? If the real goal is to remove emblems of hatred, why not give ALL Southerners (not just white) a NEW symbol of Southern Pride that does NOT represent oppression, racism, rebellion, hatred, treason, etc.? Why not give the South a unifying symbol in exchange?

I think this is a good idea. A symbol of pride for the South that is also a symbol of pride for everyone else. Why not Kitty Hawk.

Because the day after, if the South resists the slightest bit against your lefty agenda, you will be back to demonizing them, and the whole process would be revealed as a complete waste of time and effort.

Sheltered life? Many lefties born and raised in the south and remain lefties today. You want to separate again no problem. Like I said the American flag should be enough. As I typed this I realized the division now, you want North vs South again.

1. I am well aware the South is not a monolithic bloc. Thanks for stating the obvious.

2. Nothing I have said justifies your idiocy about "separate again".

3. YOu and yours are the ones tearing this nation apart. You should be ashamed.
Most Southerners who resist the movement to remove and suppress the Army of Northern Virginia Battle Flag do so because it is the only "uniform" symbol of Southern Pride.
Most of America believes the Battle Flag is a symbol of pride, not racism.

Taking away the symbol of Southern Pride is an attack on good Southerners who are not racist, but generous, peaceful, and loving. Why alienate the good guys without giving them an alternative?

If we are going to take away the one emblem that distinguishes Southerners and gives them a sense of belonging, should we not replace it? If the real goal is to remove emblems of hatred, why not give ALL Southerners (not just white) a NEW symbol of Southern Pride that does NOT represent oppression, racism, rebellion, hatred, treason, etc.? Why not give the South a unifying symbol in exchange?

This one would work:

This seems a bit insincere. No offense.

Slavery started under the American Flag. Most founders who first flew that flag viewed their race as superior to all others. They were also traitors to the British Crown. They were rebels, just like the South. If the motivation is to remove symbols of hate/racism/rebellion, ol' glory needs to go too. It is certainly not a symbol that unties.

In fact, many of those who hate the battle flag also hate the American flag.

We need something new. Allow it to be South specific and represent all Southerners and unifies people of all races and backgrounds who are Southern. In other words, invite the white dude to put down the battle flag and join with the black dude in hoisting a flag that represents heritage they both can be proud of together.

THAT flag can unite us all as it did at Iwo Jima. That flag flew when evil was defeated in WW1 and 2. THAT flag stands for freedom. THAT flag stands for the Union of US ALL. Not just some southern BS that they think they need to be proud of.
Southern Pride didn't bother anyone until Barry Hussein declared his African pride. Lefties seem to tolerate everything from burning the Stars and Stripes in the streets and using it for toilet paper to forcing young girls to wear Burkahs to defending confused men who want to powder their noses in the ladies room. Leftie activists worked for freaking decades to force Americans to accept porno and dykes on bikes. Why can't they accept the results of the presidential election without burning cars and smashing windows and threatening the life of the President?
Most Southerners who resist the movement to remove and suppress the Army of Northern Virginia Battle Flag do so because it is the only "uniform" symbol of Southern Pride.
Most of America believes the Battle Flag is a symbol of pride, not racism.

Taking away the symbol of Southern Pride is an attack on good Southerners who are not racist, but generous, peaceful, and loving. Why alienate the good guys without giving them an alternative?

If we are going to take away the one emblem that distinguishes Southerners and gives them a sense of belonging, should we not replace it? If the real goal is to remove emblems of hatred, why not give ALL Southerners (not just white) a NEW symbol of Southern Pride that does NOT represent oppression, racism, rebellion, hatred, treason, etc.? Why not give the South a unifying symbol in exchange?

This one would work:

This seems a bit insincere. No offense.

Slavery started under the American Flag. Most founders who first flew that flag viewed their race as superior to all others. They were also traitors to the British Crown. They were rebels, just like the South. If the motivation is to remove symbols of hate/racism/rebellion, ol' glory needs to go too. It is certainly not a symbol that unties.

In fact, many of those who hate the battle flag also hate the American flag.

We need something new. Allow it to be South specific and represent all Southerners and unifies people of all races and backgrounds who are Southern. In other words, invite the white dude to put down the battle flag and join with the black dude in hoisting a flag that represents heritage they both can be proud of together.

THAT flag can unite us all as it did at Iwo Jima. That flag flew when evil was defeated in WW1 and 2. THAT flag stands for freedom. THAT flag stands for the Union of US ALL. Not just some southern BS that they think they need to be proud of.

You allow the marxist deconstructionalist to marginalize the South and their heritage, and tomorrow they will start in on the American Flag, and American history.

You see it already with their constant ridicule of patriotism and their attempt to conflate ALL nationalism with Nazism.
Most Southerners who resist the movement to remove and suppress the Army of Northern Virginia Battle Flag do so because it is the only "uniform" symbol of Southern Pride.
Most of America believes the Battle Flag is a symbol of pride, not racism.

Taking away the symbol of Southern Pride is an attack on good Southerners who are not racist, but generous, peaceful, and loving. Why alienate the good guys without giving them an alternative?

If we are going to take away the one emblem that distinguishes Southerners and gives them a sense of belonging, should we not replace it? If the real goal is to remove emblems of hatred, why not give ALL Southerners (not just white) a NEW symbol of Southern Pride that does NOT represent oppression, racism, rebellion, hatred, treason, etc.? Why not give the South a unifying symbol in exchange?

This one would work:

This seems a bit insincere. No offense.

Slavery started under the American Flag. Most founders who first flew that flag viewed their race as superior to all others. They were also traitors to the British Crown. They were rebels, just like the South. If the motivation is to remove symbols of hate/racism/rebellion, ol' glory needs to go too. It is certainly not a symbol that unties.

In fact, many of those who hate the battle flag also hate the American flag.

We need something new. Allow it to be South specific and represent all Southerners and unifies people of all races and backgrounds who are Southern. In other words, invite the white dude to put down the battle flag and join with the black dude in hoisting a flag that represents heritage they both can be proud of together.

THAT flag can unite us all as it did at Iwo Jima. That flag flew when evil was defeated in WW1 and 2. THAT flag stands for freedom. THAT flag stands for the Union of US ALL. Not just some southern BS that they think they need to be proud of.

You allow the marxist deconstructionalist to marginalize the South and their heritage, and tomorrow they will start in on the American Flag, and American history.

You see it already with their constant ridicule of patriotism and their attempt to conflate ALL nationalism with Nazism.

Yep, if it wasn't the statues or the flags they would just move onto something else. You want to piss them off? Take down the flags and hide the statues for awhile, they will move on.
Since far more southerners have fought for this country under the banner of the American flag than the Confederate flag,

why don't you people just use the former?
Since far more southerners have fought for this country under the banner of the American flag than the Confederate flag,

why don't you people just use the former?
That's the next step. We need to mend the bonds with our neighbors first. Let's take down the harmful symbols and put up new ones that build some common allegiance in the South first.

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