We must BELIEVE the women!

The laws of the OT have been negated by the life of Jesus.

I agree. But, to compare PAST aggressions with the continual support of murder don't make sense. IMO

Trump's sins are not in the past. He lies on practically a daily basis. His words towards others are non stop. His cheating others have never stopped.
I was speaking of adultery. But thanks.
I'm most appreciating Bidens choice of Harris Smart and can handle anyone giving her a hard time We all know what trumps relationship is with women 3 wives ,prostitutes grabbing snatches a real ladies man AND who do you all think are our largest voting block?? Women

Then creepy Joe has lots to be worried about....

" Eight women, including Reade, have accused Biden of touching them inappropriately or invading their personal space in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. "


" Biden released a two-minute video after the initial allegations were made public in April 2019, but he was criticized for giving what critics deemed a "non-apology apology," in which he said he would try to do better moving forward. He later said he's "not sorry for anything that I've ever done."

And 25-30 accused rtump and I bet it was more than patting their backs
The laws of the OT have been negated by the life of Jesus.

"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." -- Matthew 5:18

God's Laws are perfect ... it is Man who has failed ...

I know I know I know ... turtles doves are hard to come by in Wisconsin during winter ... maybe a chicken is good enough for a merciful God ... even just shoveling snow in your neighbor's driveway as a traspass offering ... next time try not to back into his Chevy Pick-up ...

Political pandering is not a true position. It's using people.

Being pro-life is far, far more than just seeing that someone gets born. It does not end there. Or at least it shouldn't but sadly does for many.
Name one politician who hasn't. I'll wait...
While the "family values" and "rule of law" Republicans nominate a pussy-grabber ... smart, real smart ...

True and even worse is you have people like Franklin Graham defending Trump. I am unable to understand that at any level.

It's no worse than the party that was supposed to be against war not condemn a president that started new wars and carried our are failed wars all during his either years.
You expect a Christian to support someone who believes in abortion? SMH

How about a "Christian" support the Bible?

Franklins dad warned about aligning yourself with a politician.

And why is it OK to then support a serial cheater? A liar? Someone that constantly calls people names?

I'm not asking Franklin to support Biden.
No one is perfect. It's the reason we need God in the first place. Everyone has sinned. But a true Christian should never support abortion period.

Did I claim he should?


I claimed he should quit defending Trump's many sins.

Besides, Trump isn't pro-life.
But those supposed religious stalwarts like Pelosi, Lewis and others who threw the God deity out of the party are pro choice.
The laws of the OT have been negated by the life of Jesus.

I agree. But, to compare PAST aggressions with the continual support of murder don't make sense. IMO

Trump's sins are not in the past. He lies on practically a daily basis. His words towards others are non stop. His cheating others have never stopped.
I was speaking of adultery. But thanks.

Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
While the "family values" and "rule of law" Republicans nominate a pussy-grabber ... smart, real smart ...

True and even worse is you have people like Franklin Graham defending Trump. I am unable to understand that at any level.

It's no worse than the party that was supposed to be against war not condemn a president that started new wars and carried our are failed wars all during his either years.
You expect a Christian to support someone who believes in abortion? SMH

How about a "Christian" support the Bible?

Franklins dad warned about aligning yourself with a politician.

And why is it OK to then support a serial cheater? A liar? Someone that constantly calls people names?

I'm not asking Franklin to support Biden.
No one is perfect. It's the reason we need God in the first place. Everyone has sinned. But a true Christian should never support abortion period.

Did I claim he should?


I claimed he should quit defending Trump's many sins.

Besides, Trump isn't pro-life.
But those supposed religious stalwarts like Pelosi, Lewis and others who threw the God deity out of the party are pro choice.

I do not support Pelosi. I believe the Dems were fools for putting her back in power.

Political pandering is not a true position. It's using people.

Being pro-life is far, far more than just seeing that someone gets born. It does not end there. Or at least it shouldn't but sadly does for many.
Name one politician who hasn't. I'll wait...

Many do. That doesn't make it OK.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

I love the smell of desperation in the morning. Smells like bacon.
We're prepared for all the feces they'll be throwing up against a wall The BS starts Monday when the scums convention starts Can't wait to see how many Generals and reputable people speak up for them ,how many more lies will be told

Can't be any worse than the clown show you guys stunk up the airwaves with....

So what's stopping Republicans from having a hearing? Go for it.

Political pandering is not a true position. It's using people.

Being pro-life is far, far more than just seeing that someone gets born. It does not end there. Or at least it shouldn't but sadly does for many.
Name one politician who hasn't. I'll wait...

Many do. That doesn't make it OK.
Never said it did.
The laws of the OT have been negated by the life of Jesus.

"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." -- Matthew 5:18

God's Laws are perfect ... it is Man who has failed ...

I know I know I know ... turtles doves are hard to come by in Wisconsin during winter ... maybe a chicken is good enough for a merciful God ... even just shoveling snow in your neighbor's driveway as a traspass offering ... next time try not to back into his Chevy Pick-up ...

I'm not sure your point. The Bible notes that the laws of the OT would be negated by Jesus. Or if you have another point you'll have to make it.
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
I'm most appreciating Bidens choice of Harris Smart and can handle anyone giving her a hard time We all know what trumps relationship is with women 3 wives ,prostitutes grabbing snatches a real ladies man AND who do you all think are our largest voting block?? Women

Then creepy Joe has lots to be worried about....

" Eight women, including Reade, have accused Biden of touching them inappropriately or invading their personal space in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. "


" Biden released a two-minute video after the initial allegations were made public in April 2019, but he was criticized for giving what critics deemed a "non-apology apology," in which he said he would try to do better moving forward. He later said he's "not sorry for anything that I've ever done."

And 25-30 accused rtump and I bet it was more than patting their backs

“Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.
“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.
“Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe," an unnamed agent told Kessler. "But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”

I'll take the word of SS agents over the manufactured bimbo's you assholes come up with...
WARNING No drinking game for Repub convention You have a drink after each lie you'll be out of it in the first 10 minutes
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
I'm most appreciating Bidens choice of Harris Smart and can handle anyone giving her a hard time We all know what trumps relationship is with women 3 wives ,prostitutes grabbing snatches a real ladies man AND who do you all think are our largest voting block?? Women

Then creepy Joe has lots to be worried about....

" Eight women, including Reade, have accused Biden of touching them inappropriately or invading their personal space in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. "


" Biden released a two-minute video after the initial allegations were made public in April 2019, but he was criticized for giving what critics deemed a "non-apology apology," in which he said he would try to do better moving forward. He later said he's "not sorry for anything that I've ever done."

And 25-30 accused rtump and I bet it was more than patting their backs

“Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.
“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.
“Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe," an unnamed agent told Kessler. "But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”

I'll take the word of SS agents over the manufactured bimbo's you assholes come up with...

Hey j mac believe this BAT SHIT CRAZY
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“Hannity Has Said to Me More Than Once, 'He's ... - Vanity Fair
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2 days ago - Inside the network staffers are cringing, and even Trump's “shadow chief of staff” has his doubts. “If you were hearing what I'm hearing, you'd be ...

Sean Hannity called Trump 'bats--t crazy' behind his back ...
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20 hours ago - Trump is a bats--t crazy person,” Fox News host Sean Hannity, one of the president's biggest supporters, has reportedly said behind closed ...

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