We knew President Reagan, Mr. Obama you’re no President Reagan!


Jul 26, 2011
There is a reason that president Barry Hussein Soetoro invokes the name Ronald Wilson Reagan so often. President Reagan above all else was a statesman. Reagan loved America and put America and American ideas first. In president Soetoro’s own words, Reagan was a “transformative figure” in modern politics. Reagan was able to speak to our nation that was on the brink of economic decline and lead it back to a path of economic recovery.

That is what president Soetoro wishes to do. He wants to speak to the nation like Reagan but instead of leading us back to a path of economic recovery, he wishes to use the image of Reagan to lead us away from the things of American greatness. Read more... Creating Orwellian Worldview
lol, ya bed time for Bonzo was a Lot like Obama, you right wing fools just like to live in a fantasy world.

Fact is Obama has raised the debt ceiling less that Bed time for Bonzo. sup with dat?

A question for you Bed tome for Bonzo lovers. How did he take over an economy that was the largest exporter of good in the world and by the time he left office we were the largest importers of goods in the world. Huge swing form producers to consumers while he was in charge. before you have a circle jerk about conservative politics I would like an answer. thank you in advance.
You are right...Obama hasn't sold arms illegally to facist rebels who kill nuns in Central America....yet.

Obama hasn't sent large numbers of troops to a civil war ravaged country and set them all up in one nice central location to be blown up and then cuts and runs...yet.

Obama hasn't offered unconditional amnesty to millions of illegals....yet.
Reagan was a horrible president.

Even the right would hate him if they didnt pretend he did other than he really did.
Who is Barry?

And Reagan was a lying treasonous lawbreaking son of a bitch that violated the constitution and wrecked the economy.

True story!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHXq8TRejow]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]
You are right...Obama hasn't sold arms illegally to facist rebels who kill nuns in Central America....yet.

Obama hasn't sent large numbers of troops to a civil war ravaged country and set them all up in one nice central location to be blown up and then cuts and runs...yet.

Obama hasn't offered unconditional amnesty to millions of illegals....yet.

Not only killed the nuns..who were American...but raped them first.


Gotta love em.
Yeah, Obama hasn't raised taxes 11 times or the debt ceiling 17. Obama hasn't increased government spending by 60% or granted amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

Yeah, you're absolutely right...Obama is no Reagan.
Yeah, Obama hasn't raised taxes 11 times or the debt ceiling 17. Obama hasn't increased government spending by 60% or granted amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

Yeah, you're absolutely right...Obama is no Reagan.

Yeah - Obama is doing such a wonderful job !

Pull your nose out of his ass, moron.

He makes Jimmy Carter look good.
We knew President Reagan, Mr. Obama you’re no President Reagan!

True enough.

And if Reagan was POTUS today he would not be the Reagan of the 80's either.

Different circumstances demand different responses.

lol, dude was in a movie called bed time for Bonzo, totally not my fault. I find it funny, maybe cause it is!
lol, ya bed time for Bonzo was a Lot like Obama, you right wing fools just like to live in a fantasy world.

Fact is Obama has raised the debt ceiling less that Bed time for Bonzo. sup with dat?

A question for you Bed tome for Bonzo lovers. How did he take over an economy that was the largest exporter of good in the world and by the time he left office we were the largest importers of goods in the world. Huge swing form producers to consumers while he was in charge. before you have a circle jerk about conservative politics I would like an answer. thank you in advance.

You got your facts twisted as your kind usually does. Obama took over the economy Reagan lowered taxes and got the government out of the way.

Obama should have tried that instead of buying the Auto industry and taking over Healthcare and spending more money than any previous President in the history of the Constitutional Republic.

Funny Barry respects Reagan and attempts to emulate his politics albeit in his own warped corrupted way. Your obvious disdain show that Obama is at least smarter than one person.
Yeah, Obama hasn't raised taxes 11 times or the debt ceiling 17. Obama hasn't increased government spending by 60% or granted amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

Yeah, you're absolutely right...Obama is no Reagan.

Yeah - Obama is doing such a wonderful job !

Pull your nose out of his ass, moron.

He makes Jimmy Carter look good.

In light of the economy he has inherited and the historic and unprecedented obstruction he has experienced...he ain't doing too bad...

What the fuck has Obama done so far?
There is a reason that president Barry Hussein Soetoro invokes the name Ronald Wilson Reagan so often. President Reagan above all else was a statesman. Reagan loved America and put America and American ideas first. In president Soetoro’s own words, Reagan was a “transformative figure” in modern politics. Reagan was able to speak to our nation that was on the brink of economic decline and lead it back to a path of economic recovery.

That is what president Soetoro wishes to do. He wants to speak to the nation like Reagan but instead of leading us back to a path of economic recovery, he wishes to use the image of Reagan to lead us away from the things of American greatness. Read more... Creating Orwellian Worldview

Raygun was a company man. Raygun benefitted from the hard choices made during the Carter years by Volker. He was truly the greatest pseudo-conservative of the age.

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