'We haven't got the country we had when I was raised': 100-year-old veteran worried about America


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May 12, 2022

'We haven't got the country we had when I was raised': 100-year-old veteran worried about America​

Carl Dekle a brave World War II veteran …has seen lot in his life and he is a man to listen to.

Our country is going to shit. It’s bad with all of the race division , no upward mobility for the middle class like there used to be. We have men competing in women’s sports taking away scholarships from women …we have a Poor economic and foreign policy ….. mostly brought to us from the far left Democrats.

It’s on us Americans to take this country back and we will because in the end America prevails.
My mother died two months after 9/11. She was born in 1927. Lived through the depression and the attack on Pearl harbor. I asked her, weeks before she died, which was worse, 9/11 or Pearl Harbor? She said, 9/11 was the worst attack on America. I ask the same question of an elderly neighbor that ACTUALY WAS at Pearl harbor attack in 1941. Which was worse? He said, point blank, 9/11 was worse. History isn't in books or the internet. Its in us, we live this.
My mother died two months after 9/11. She was born in 1927. Lived through the depression and the attack on Pearl harbor. I asked her, weeks before she died, which was worse, 9/11 or Pearl Harbor? She said, 9/11 was the worst attack on America. I ask the same question of an elderly neighbor that ACTUALY WAS at Pearl harbor attack in 1941. Which was worse? He said, point blank, 9/11 was worse. History isn't in books or the internet. Its in us, we live this.
According to lefties J6 is worse than 9/11.
My mother died two months after 9/11. She was born in 1927. Lived through the depression and the attack on Pearl harbor. I asked her, weeks before she died, which was worse, 9/11 or Pearl Harbor? She said, 9/11 was the worst attack on America. I ask the same question of an elderly neighbor that ACTUALY WAS at Pearl harbor attack in 1941. Which was worse? He said, point blank, 9/11 was worse. History isn't in books or the internet. Its in us, we live this.

They are right. Pearl Harbor was a military institution far from the territory of the USA in those days. It was attacked from a clear enemy - who was on the other side not able to reach the USA. 9/11 was an attack against the political power, military power and economic power of the USA made directly within the daily life of all US-Americans in their own country. The real astonishing thing is that "you" analyzed this totally wrong and you gave a nearly totally wrong answer to this attack.

"History isn't in books or the internet. Its in us, we live this." is by the way a very wonderful sentence. So it is. Everyone is also always an answer to everything what had happened before.

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'We haven't got the country we had when I was raised': 100-year-old veteran worried about America​

Carl Dekle a brave World War II veteran …has seen lot in his life and he is a man to listen to.

Our country is going to shit. It’s bad with all of the race division , no upward mobility for the middle class like there used to be. We have men competing in women’s sports taking away scholarships from women …we have a Poor economic and foreign policy ….. mostly brought to us from the far left Democrats.

It’s on us Americans to take this country back and we will because in the end America prevails.

Uh huh. I bet the country was a lot skinner when he grew up too.

"All around the country, states are rushing to approve laws to address a supposed problem that, in reality, doesn’t actually exist.

Has there even been a case where a transgender athlete actually stole a college scholarship or gained an unfair competitive advantage?

That sound you hear is crickets.

Seriously, if folks are so concerned about the state of women’s athletics, there are no shortage of inequities they could turn their attention to.

For starters, the NCAA basketball tournaments.

Instead, states like Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee prefer to focus on transgender athletes, demonizing them as some sort of spurious group plotting the downfall of women’s sports.

What a bunch of nonsense.

And dangerous nonsense, at that.

Transgender people already face a barrage of discrimination, incessant bullying and ridicule, and even occasional acts of violence for simply trying to be true to themselves.

A few years ago, it was those ridiculous, demeaning bathroom laws — another case of a solution in search of a problem that was merely floating around in the minds of bigots.

Now, they’ve taken up a new cause — stopping those glory-seeking transgender athletes.

Other than an oft-cited pair of transgender runners in Connecticut, who combined to win 15 championships and sparked a lawsuit, we couldn’t find even the hint of a threat to the integrity of women’s sports.

But, judging from what’s happening in at least 20 states around the country, transgender athletes are roughly akin to a giant meteor hurtling toward Earth, threatening to destroy our very way of life.

First, let’s check in on Arkansas, which you might remember from its attempts in the 1950s to keep black kids from attending white schools.

Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed a law Thursday banning trans women and girls from competing on school sports teams that match their gender identity.

“This will help promote and maintain fairness in women’s sporting events,” Hutchinson said in an eye-rolling statement.

Next, let’s move to Mississippi, another state that’s never been known as a citadel of social justice.

It took the Magnolia State more than a century to purge the racist Confederate battle emblem from its official flag, but it moved much more quickly to keep transgender athletes from taking part in female sports.

Gov. Tate Reeves said the state was merely reacting to — and this might sound familiar to those who lived through the civil rights movement — the overreach of the federal government.

Reeves said Mississippi had to act after President Biden signed an executive order on the day he took office banning discrimination based on gender identity in school sports and elsewhere.

Reeves claimed that Biden’s order “encourages transgenderism amongst our young people” — as though it’s nothing more than a lifestyle choice.

Of course, none of the debate has included any actual examples of transgender athletes gaining a dishonest edge in women’s sports.

“Legislators in Mississippi have not provided any examples of Mississippi transgender athletes gaming the system for a competitive advantage because none exist,” said Alphonso David, president of the LGBTQ civil rights organization Human Rights Campaign.
I don't want to go back to like 1890 or anything but I would like to see our countries society go back a little bit.

I mean that in terms of a country that took pride in itself, we loved and celebrated our country, criminals were treated like criminals, we weren't raising generations of weak willed pansies that cry over having to work a 40 hour week pouring coffee, where men were men and women were women, where we didn't how to foriegn nations, our freedoms were important, we believed in the constitution, people worked hard and were rewarded with their own home on some land and a new car every 8 years and vacations and a retirement they didn't go into afraid of going broke, we made stuff and it was good, we weren't full of illegals, and so on.

America is a very young country compared to other countries but our values, morals, standards and beliefs made us shoot up to a world super power other countries feared and respected. We used to be the shining example a billion people in other countries wanted to be a part of. We got that way for a reason and soon as we started to abandon those reasons we started going down hill. We're losing the American dream.

'We haven't got the country we had when I was raised': 100-year-old veteran worried about America​

Carl Dekle a brave World War II veteran …has seen lot in his life and he is a man to listen to.

Our country is going to shit. It’s bad with all of the race division , no upward mobility for the middle class like there used to be. We have men competing in women’s sports taking away scholarships from women …we have a Poor economic and foreign policy ….. mostly brought to us from the far left Democrats.

It’s on us Americans to take this country back and we will because in the end America prevails.

It’s a shame his sacrifice is shit on by xiden and demofks! They have no idea about country
I don't want to go back to like 1890 or anything but I would like to see our countries society go back a little bit.

I mean that in terms of a country that took pride in itself, we loved and celebrated our country, criminals were treated like criminals, we weren't raising generations of weak willed pansies that cry over having to work a 40 hour week pouring coffee, where men were men and women were women, where we didn't how to foriegn nations, our freedoms were important, we believed in the constitution, people worked hard and were rewarded with their own home on some land and a new car every 8 years and vacations and a retirement they didn't go into afraid of going broke, we made stuff and it was good, we weren't full of illegals, and so on.

America is a very young country compared to other countries but our values, morals, standards and beliefs made us shoot up to a world super power other countries feared and respected. We used to be the shining example a billion people in other countries wanted to be a part of. We got that way for a reason and soon as we started to abandon those reasons we started going down hill. We're losing the American dream.
through hard work and determination we will remain the best. It takes fighting ultra feminists it takes fighting the marijuana industry and it takes fighting back against consumerism we see on Instagram and TikTok …people spend all their day on the phones looking at the same stuff because of the algorithm flooding their minds ruining them.

Our food was a lot better back in the day it’s been shown even apples have been genetically modified they’re filled with a lot more sugar. I recommend folks to the carnivore diet. it puts on muscle that’s how you become a strong man. we should tell young men if you want to get the beautiful woman you gotta work hard you got to reject marijuana which has been clinically proven to make men weak. We’re going in a horrible direction we can reverse it.

Marijuana lowers testosterone. It also makes women feel like men. It’s a disaster.

The biggest thing of all it’s a recognize who the enemy is. The enemy is those who want to make us weak, those millionaire blacks and whites to get on television and claim that white people are born privilege that there’s racist problems in America. No wonder it’s rich people trying to divide the middle class they want the middle class to be fighting each other to be on dope all the time, to just watch porn all the time.

There are young men in this country that have “platonic friendships” with women. A terrible sight. They’re not getting sex from the women. It’s just ridiculous. But what really gets us are the sites of for example a man literally living with a woman who’s not his girlfriend they’re just like platonic friends. Very bizarre stuff it was never meant to be like that and scientifically it’s been shown those situations are bad for society.

You can see another thing the wealthy class of today it’s just not like it used to be. The great man like Andrew Carnegie, John D Rockefeller and Henry Ford the men who built America… we need men like that in this country today.

We have a situation today where for example you could have three guys living with one women. It’s disgusting. And the three men could say that they’re not gay and yet they’re live with a woman. You have cases where you have two men living with one women. What the hell is that. you have a case where is a boyfriend and a girlfriend and some random guy living there or like a friend of a couple. This would’ve never happened in the American past.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for older couples married for 50 years and just older couples in general. When you go out and about to a restaurant for example and you see an older couple they are into each other. They’re really paying attention to each other they love each other. You look at some of the younger couples they got these metrosexual weak men some of them controlled by their women their simps… and they’re on their phone when they’re on dates they’re literally texting they’re on their phone on Instagram at the restaurant. What a terrible trend that is we got a fix that my friend

We need to oppose those who want men to be feminine and to be a “stay at home boyfriend. Those who think it’s OK to just call people racist with absolutely no evidence. In order to be strong we must stand up the Black Lives Matter and you must stand up to every person in this country well the few of them direction powerful but there’s a few of them and they’ve been able to brainwash perhaps 10% of our country...

There are democrat government officials telling young couples you can’t afford to have kids just have a dog. Look at that site of weakness “oh play with your doggy take pictures of your doggy” my goodness you know what amazing all of these dogs were forced to be put into this ridiculous outfits for Facebook pictures.. they don’t want that. They want to be free they want to roam… sure a dog is a man’s best friend but they want to be treated with respect I just think that dogs are babied too much by men these days and that creates weakness

“ oh look at the doogie” “he’s so adorable.” OK that’s how a woman talks but not a man and we have too many men talking like that in this country right now. It’s a small percentage but it’s on us to make this country better let’s influence many men as we can to get the carnivore diet eat a bunch of meat put on a bunch of muscle. Get a good job get a union job. Be proud.
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We are far worse off today and then we were in American past. You know we might be living in the present time but let’s pay respect to our ancestors. Just because we live in an era of technology doesn’t make us better. Our society is not as good as it was we don’t have as many high-paying job for people in the middle class.

We got a high divorce rate. You can’t get a good steel job out of high school and we have selfish greedy materialistic rich people telling us oh “it’s a different era those jobs ain’t coming back.”

Oh really ?

Why is it that steel is still used all over the world. Oil is being used all over the world. Well we got a bunch of trash nonunion jobs in this country from Tesla and Amazon. All they do is put out bad products that’s what they do. Let’s bring back Ford Motor Company , General Motors and republic steel. …. those jobs made men and women strong and put a lot of money in their pocket. But now we have some Americans a few of them saying well it’s good that companies are able to outsource jobs so we can buy products cheaply. Oh that’s not good at all. It’s not a good thing to send jobs to China

Again we had to resources right here in America we could build up more factories bringing union jobs with benefits. Like you talk about we can bring back jobs where people are set for life.

But we have people in this country saying “it’s not like it was in the past anymore you can’t work one job for 30 years you have to get numerous jobs”

^That is a losers mentality

We have the resources in this country to bring back a system where we can benefit so many people and bring them up into the middle class but we have horrible leadership in this country that doesn’t care about American jobs. They are all about getting millions of dollars and talking about nonsense stuff like “service industry jobs “that offer no job protection no upward mobility

Or “ tech jobs”

When you have poor Americans even or even people who are kind of in a minute in the middle class who have been brainwashed by Rich politicians who have told them you can’t get a union job anymore. That’s what losing looks like winning is win American men break out of that slave mentality and they realize we can get better jobs back we can get pensions back that’s what made America great

Look at our food today. Look up at Walmart target in his mask corporations put out they even have a grocery department with all sorts of process food. They got chemically engineered foods. Gotta watch out for the stuff that’s what makes people weak and subservient

We got grocery stores putting out all the junk food telling folks eat your Oreo cookies ear your chips ahoy. They’re able to get people happy that they’re getting a dollar off of their large pack of Oreo cookies.

^This is what losing looks like

Get your little 10% discount on DoorDash so you can feel like a winner. That’s not winning.

Winning is having a strong body having a healthy diet and Being proud of American history
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