We don’t need to go into an economic depression


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
To avoid an economic depression the government needs to grant money to businesses so they can make rent, basic op expenses and pay employees. The gov also needs to provide funds to the unemployed so they can pay rent and bills. If they do this we avoid a depression. To do this a much larger “stimulus” bill needs to be passed. We also need to coordinate with allied countries. If done correctly there should not be mass lay offs or any businesses shutting down... and there should not be a recession/depression beyond the life of the virus shit down.

What’s wrong with my theory? Can anybody explain why it would not work?
To avoid an economic depression the government needs to grant money to businesses so they can make rent, basic op expenses and pay employees. The gov also needs to provide funds to the unemployed so they can pay rent and bills. If they do this we avoid a depression. To do this a much larger “stimulus” bill needs to be passed. We also need to coordinate with allied countries. If done correctly there should not be mass lay offs or any businesses shutting down... and there should not be a recession/depression beyond the life of the virus shit down.

What’s wrong with my theory? Can anybody explain why it would not work?
The cons call that socialism it is bad, let businesses fail, people starve and the market to adjust itself. Most if them are waiting for their food stamps and government checks in their trailer parks.
And why not just shut everything down for 2 months, everything put on hold. No stimulus paid to anyone. Then open it all back up, people go back to their jobs and pay a little each month to catch up for the 2 months down.

Extreme strategy but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. I doubt anyone would agree to it either.
And why not just shut everything down for 2 months, everything put on hold. No stimulus paid to anyone. Then open it all back up, people go back to their jobs and pay a little each month to catch up for the 2 months down.

Extreme strategy but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. I doubt anyone would agree to it either.
Millions of people can’t afford to Just hit pause for two months. Without the stimulus people can’t afford rent bills and food.... employees get laid off, Businesses shut down, and all kinds of bad things happen. We are already seeing it happen now. The money needs to get out STAT to stop the bleeding. Problem is not enough is being sent out.
And why not just shut everything down for 2 months, everything put on hold. No stimulus paid to anyone. Then open it all back up, people go back to their jobs and pay a little each month to catch up for the 2 months down.

Extreme strategy but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. I doubt anyone would agree to it either.
Millions of people can’t afford to Just hit pause for two months. Without the stimulus people can’t afford rent bills and food.... employees get laid off, Businesses shut down, and all kinds of bad things happen. We are already seeing it happen now. The money needs to get out STAT to stop the bleeding. Problem is not enough is being sent out.

If everything...and I do mean EVERYTHING shut down......that would include those bills...……..what's there to afford??? During such a shut down, any bills incurred or not paid during the shut down would be added to your normal billing cycle but on a payment plan like adding an additional amount to the normal payment, paid back when shut down is over & everything back up & running. Limiting the time to pay it back to within a year or 2 at most.
To avoid an economic depression the government needs to grant money to businesses so they can make rent, basic op expenses and pay employees. The gov also needs to provide funds to the unemployed so they can pay rent and bills. If they do this we avoid a depression. To do this a much larger “stimulus” bill needs to be passed. We also need to coordinate with allied countries. If done correctly there should not be mass lay offs or any businesses shutting down... and there should not be a recession/depression beyond the life of the virus shit down.

What’s wrong with my theory? Can anybody explain why it would not work?

From where do you think all that money is going to come, that you want government to be handing out?

LIbErals don't understand even the basics of economics.
If everything...and I do mean EVERYTHING shut down......that would include those bills...……..what's there to afford??? During such a shut down, any bills incurred or not paid during the shut down would be added to your normal billing cycle but on a payment plan like adding an additional amount to the normal payment, paid back when shut down is over & everything back up & running. Limiting the time to pay it back to within a year or 2 at most.

If everything is shut down, that wouldn't just mean the exchange of money; it would mean the production and distribution of food, medicines, utilities, services—everything.

What are people supposed to eat, when they cannot get food? What are people supposed to drink, when the supply of tap water stops flowing? What will happen to sanitation, when the sewers back up? Of course, you'll also have no electricity or gas with which to heat or cool your home, or to operate any appliances.

When there are far more people trying to survive under what, in effect, are stone-age conditions, with no technology, than the land can come anywhere close to supporting without modern technology, how many will survive?
And why not just shut everything down for 2 months, everything put on hold. No stimulus paid to anyone. Then open it all back up, people go back to their jobs and pay a little each month to catch up for the 2 months down.

Extreme strategy but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. I doubt anyone would agree to it either.
Millions of people can’t afford to Just hit pause for two months. Without the stimulus people can’t afford rent bills and food.... employees get laid off, Businesses shut down, and all kinds of bad things happen. We are already seeing it happen now. The money needs to get out STAT to stop the bleeding. Problem is not enough is being sent out.

If everything...and I do mean EVERYTHING shut down......that would include those bills...……..what's there to afford??? During such a shut down, any bills incurred or not paid during the shut down would be added to your normal billing cycle but on a payment plan like adding an additional amount to the normal payment, paid back when shut down is over & everything back up & running. Limiting the time to pay it back to within a year or 2 at most.

Actually, for loan purposes for those with mortgages, auto & credit cards that can get too spendy to be paid in that fashion...….so for those types of accounts just extend those loans term by 2 months, so no extra need be paid. Things like utilities could be paid as earlier suggested
If everything...and I do mean EVERYTHING shut down......that would include those bills...……..what's there to afford??? During such a shut down, any bills incurred or not paid during the shut down would be added to your normal billing cycle but on a payment plan like adding an additional amount to the normal payment, paid back when shut down is over & everything back up & running. Limiting the time to pay it back to within a year or 2 at most.

If everything is shut down, that wouldn't just mean the exchange of money; it would mean the production and distribution of food, medicines, utilities, services—everything.

What are people supposed to eat, when they cannot get food? What are people supposed to drink, when the supply of tap water stops flowing? What will happen to sanitation, when the sewers back up? Of course, you'll also have no electricity or gas with which to heat or cool your home, or to operate any appliances.

When there are far more people trying to survive under what, in effect, are stone-age conditions, with no technology, than the land can come anywhere close to supporting without modern technology, how many will survive?

NO...…..most utilities are digital or computerized and would still remain available. Any employees needed to keep it running would have to venture out for that purpose, but only the absolute neccessary to do so.

Any and all foods, medicines, or supplies be purchased in advance (may have to go on the future payment plan to do so).

No production would be needed, if it's prepared for in advance. The biggest issue would be healthcare related.......anyone with existing serious health issues, in hospitals or other facilities....that's where it could be the biggest problem
And why not just shut everything down for 2 months, everything put on hold. No stimulus paid to anyone. Then open it all back up, people go back to their jobs and pay a little each month to catch up for the 2 months down.

Extreme strategy but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. I doubt anyone would agree to it either.
Millions of people can’t afford to Just hit pause for two months. Without the stimulus people can’t afford rent bills and food.... employees get laid off, Businesses shut down, and all kinds of bad things happen. We are already seeing it happen now. The money needs to get out STAT to stop the bleeding. Problem is not enough is being sent out.

If everything...and I do mean EVERYTHING shut down......that would include those bills...……..what's there to afford??? During such a shut down, any bills incurred or not paid during the shut down would be added to your normal billing cycle but on a payment plan like adding an additional amount to the normal payment, paid back when shut down is over & everything back up & running. Limiting the time to pay it back to within a year or 2 at most.
Everything can’t shut down. Emergency services, medical, agriculture, grocery stores, deliveries, law enforcement, utilities etc all need to be maintained.

I think you drastically underestimate many people’s ability to afford to not make money for a couple of months while taking on the debt for those expenses. What we are seeing happen right now with job loss is proof that your plan would not work.
Why are you so against the government stimulus? It’s all Monopoly money anyways
To avoid an economic depression the government needs to grant money to businesses so they can make rent, basic op expenses and pay employees. The gov also needs to provide funds to the unemployed so they can pay rent and bills. If they do this we avoid a depression. To do this a much larger “stimulus” bill needs to be passed. We also need to coordinate with allied countries. If done correctly there should not be mass lay offs or any businesses shutting down... and there should not be a recession/depression beyond the life of the virus shit down.

What’s wrong with my theory? Can anybody explain why it would not work?

From where do you think all that money is going to come, that you want government to be handing out?

LIbErals don't understand even the basics of economics.
We along with the rest of the worlds major countries control the world currencies... we have the ability to do whatever we want.

explain how spending whatever it takes to keep our businesses open and people employed is a worse plan than allowing millions to lose their jobs and sink our economy into a depression that will take a decade to recover from.
And why not just shut everything down for 2 months, everything put on hold. No stimulus paid to anyone. Then open it all back up, people go back to their jobs and pay a little each month to catch up for the 2 months down.

Extreme strategy but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. I doubt anyone would agree to it either.
Millions of people can’t afford to Just hit pause for two months. Without the stimulus people can’t afford rent bills and food.... employees get laid off, Businesses shut down, and all kinds of bad things happen. We are already seeing it happen now. The money needs to get out STAT to stop the bleeding. Problem is not enough is being sent out.

If everything...and I do mean EVERYTHING shut down......that would include those bills...……..what's there to afford??? During such a shut down, any bills incurred or not paid during the shut down would be added to your normal billing cycle but on a payment plan like adding an additional amount to the normal payment, paid back when shut down is over & everything back up & running. Limiting the time to pay it back to within a year or 2 at most.

Actually, for loan purposes for those with mortgages, auto & credit cards that can get too spendy to be paid in that fashion...….so for those types of accounts just extend those loans term by 2 months, so no extra need be paid. Things like utilities could be paid as earlier suggested
I appreciate that you are trying to provide a counter argument but clearly haven’t thought this through... or you seriously lack understanding of how our economy works
If everything...and I do mean EVERYTHING shut down......that would include those bills...……..what's there to afford??? During such a shut down, any bills incurred or not paid during the shut down would be added to your normal billing cycle but on a payment plan like adding an additional amount to the normal payment, paid back when shut down is over & everything back up & running. Limiting the time to pay it back to within a year or 2 at most.

If everything is shut down, that wouldn't just mean the exchange of money; it would mean the production and distribution of food, medicines, utilities, services—everything.

What are people supposed to eat, when they cannot get food? What are people supposed to drink, when the supply of tap water stops flowing? What will happen to sanitation, when the sewers back up? Of course, you'll also have no electricity or gas with which to heat or cool your home, or to operate any appliances.

When there are far more people trying to survive under what, in effect, are stone-age conditions, with no technology, than the land can come anywhere close to supporting without modern technology, how many will survive?

NO...…..most utilities are digital or computerized and would still remain available. Any employees needed to keep it running would have to venture out for that purpose, but only the absolute neccessary to do so.

Any and all foods, medicines, or supplies be purchased in advance (may have to go on the future payment plan to do so).

No production would be needed, if it's prepared for in advance. The biggest issue would be healthcare related.......anyone with existing serious health issues, in hospitals or other facilities....that's where it could be the biggest problem
you're a loon. You need cops to protect against criminals who obviously won’t be following the rules. You need firemen to put out fires. Utility company’s are not digital, and need workers in the field. Crops and food goes bad if it’s not maintained.... I could keep going but I think you get the point. If you don’t then you are an idiot... and you still haven’t explained why it’s not a better idea for the government to just pay all the bills during the shut down
There is another question - what should we do in the next outbreak of any other infection - flu, AIDS, CoViD-22 or anything else?
And why not just shut everything down for 2 months, everything put on hold. No stimulus paid to anyone. Then open it all back up, people go back to their jobs and pay a little each month to catch up for the 2 months down.

Extreme strategy but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. I doubt anyone would agree to it either.
Millions of people can’t afford to Just hit pause for two months. Without the stimulus people can’t afford rent bills and food.... employees get laid off, Businesses shut down, and all kinds of bad things happen. We are already seeing it happen now. The money needs to get out STAT to stop the bleeding. Problem is not enough is being sent out.

If everything...and I do mean EVERYTHING shut down......that would include those bills...……..what's there to afford??? During such a shut down, any bills incurred or not paid during the shut down would be added to your normal billing cycle but on a payment plan like adding an additional amount to the normal payment, paid back when shut down is over & everything back up & running. Limiting the time to pay it back to within a year or 2 at most.
Everything can’t shut down. Emergency services, medical, agriculture, grocery stores, deliveries, law enforcement, utilities etc all need to be maintained.

I think you drastically underestimate many people’s ability to afford to not make money for a couple of months while taking on the debt for those expenses. What we are seeing happen right now with job loss is proof that your plan would not work.
Why are you so against the government stimulus? It’s all Monopoly money anyways

IF a 2 month shut down were planned for in advance and everyone complied with it, most of those services wouldn't be needed. Other than for healthcare or to keep utilities running and also diary & livestock operations...…..yeah there are some points that couldn't be shut down, and no it's not a perfect plan either.

But for peoples ability to afford it...….as I said any loans, or lines of credit would be extended for that amount of time, and the only increase of payments would be for utilities. The bills for your power, water, sewer, etc would be broke down to include an additional amount each month over a 1 or 2 year period so it wouldn't be too much of a burden.

As I said it wouldn't be a popular option because it's extreme...........but we wouldn't be saddled with trillions of additional debt either AND there wouldn't be the human losses we are currently and will be experiencing from the pandemic. The virus would be no more. Plus the added jobs of those manufacturers of products that will be made in the US, instead of China......and don't forget added construction & other jobs to create the factories to house those productions. Many current low wage earners would have a chance for better paying jobs, that would pay back anything held during the shutdown.
INFLATION could do us in.....?? or the Nation's children in?

A full day's work, for a loaf of bread.

is how it is described in bible prophesy

there really is not much of a choice though, but to bail everyone out....
It is time to seriously re-think economics from the most fundamental starting point. The present system inflicts victim-hood on the majority, sometimes physical, always moral.
It must be realized upon what all value is based. It is not money or anything else material.
And why not just shut everything down for 2 months, everything put on hold. No stimulus paid to anyone. Then open it all back up, people go back to their jobs and pay a little each month to catch up for the 2 months down.

Extreme strategy but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. I doubt anyone would agree to it either.
Millions of people can’t afford to Just hit pause for two months. Without the stimulus people can’t afford rent bills and food.... employees get laid off, Businesses shut down, and all kinds of bad things happen. We are already seeing it happen now. The money needs to get out STAT to stop the bleeding. Problem is not enough is being sent out.

If everything...and I do mean EVERYTHING shut down......that would include those bills...……..what's there to afford??? During such a shut down, any bills incurred or not paid during the shut down would be added to your normal billing cycle but on a payment plan like adding an additional amount to the normal payment, paid back when shut down is over & everything back up & running. Limiting the time to pay it back to within a year or 2 at most.
Everything can’t shut down. Emergency services, medical, agriculture, grocery stores, deliveries, law enforcement, utilities etc all need to be maintained.

I think you drastically underestimate many people’s ability to afford to not make money for a couple of months while taking on the debt for those expenses. What we are seeing happen right now with job loss is proof that your plan would not work.
Why are you so against the government stimulus? It’s all Monopoly money anyways
Just place a moratorium on all debt payments.

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