"We Control America..."

Oh yes he must be thinking of running for Pres. Anyone who is all kissy face with Israel is wanting to run for Pres. or move up in congress. He is a neocon like McCain, and they put little skits on in Congress which if one is fortunate enough one can have the pleasure of witnessing on Cspan as they are quite hilarious, for two grown men to act so childish. He is a hawk and believes a Preemptive strike on Iran (when it comes to Israel his nose is brown) would teach Iran a lesson. Heaven help us, time for him and McCain to retire.
If it were one or two senators we could shrug it off but AIPAC does own the Congress lock stock and barrel,
and the UN and entire world wants a two state solution to the 67 lines, even our President trying to protect us is incapable of bucking the money machine that Israel directs through AIPAC!

The fact that republicans will again control all of congress is testimony to America first & also growing support for Israel & all our allies against radical Islamists including Palestinian terrorist supporters like you. Repeat after me --- God Bless America!
Now if MJ actually meant that, I would love his patriotism...MJ has spent the last 20 years 24/7 for Israel and the expulsion of Palestinians from the West Bank...

This is the deceit we Americans live with...A moneyed minority that controls our destiny for a foreign power.

Thanks for your treachery MJ...
the key word is "allegedly".

Video? Audio? Transcripts?

I do love it when Jew-haters lie out their fat asses and then get caught for it.

I added allegedly...So what is Jew hating got to do with telling the truth that Lindsey Graham confirms? Do you like living in a world where Americans are targeted for terrorists attacks even in our own country because of our lopsided support for Israel despite the condemnation of the UN and entire world?

AIPAC and Israel control our country not by our beliefs but by MONEY and we pay in blood!

What "truth" did Sen. Graham confirm and what does that have to do with a statement you allege?

You need to take a step back from your meds and think some.
You have to let it go in one ear and out the other with Pbel. He had been posting this faux Sharon quote for years even when he was told that the reporter admitted she never hear Sharon say it. Now he has another thing that he will be posting about for years. He really doesn't care about the Palestinians. He just uses them as an excuse to rant about the Jews.
I see Y'all drinking too much hooch again...Hope Y'all didn't fall asleep in the outhouse again?...But seriously how is my rant preaching for a two state solution be against the Jews? The entire world endorses this solution...

The problem with you is hooch and your hate for Islam and the Palestinians who resist an occupation...Though you serve in the US Military your allegiance is clearly to a foreign power, Israel...I don't understand how the military allows dual loyalties? It seems like treachery

My loyalties lie with America, not to a foreign power that has dragged this nation into ME wars that bring back terrorism to our shores...Your Rants against Islam for Israel endangers Americans!.

slow day on the Hamas front, what? I mean, what's a good Jihadist to do when no one is killing anyone for a couple of hours??
What is an IDF soldier doing when not shooting at stone throwers. I imagine they are bored and out instigating a riot of some sort.
I fully support Israel and the Jewish people. God bless 'em. No other people on earth would have shown 1/10th the compassion or restraint the Israelis have with the Palestinians.

And let's face it....Americans would have wiped the Palestinians off the face of the Earth the first day rockets started falling on Washington or New York.

Unfortunately Israel is the one who started the fighting, stealing land, so Israel would of been wiped off.
the key word is "allegedly".

Video? Audio? Transcripts?

I do love it when Jew-haters lie out their fat asses and then get caught for it.

I added allegedly...So what is Jew hating got to do with telling the truth that Lindsey Graham confirms? Do you like living in a world where Americans are targeted for terrorists attacks even in our own country because of our lopsided support for Israel despite the condemnation of the UN and entire world?

AIPAC and Israel control our country not by our beliefs but by MONEY and we pay in blood!

What "truth" did Sen. Graham confirm and what does that have to do with a statement you allege?

You need to take a step back from your meds and think some.
You have to let it go in one ear and out the other with Pbel. He had been posting this faux Sharon quote for years even when he was told that the reporter admitted she never hear Sharon say it. Now he has another thing that he will be posting about for years. He really doesn't care about the Palestinians. He just uses them as an excuse to rant about the Jews.
I see Y'all drinking too much hooch again...Hope Y'all didn't fall asleep in the outhouse again?...But seriously how is my rant preaching for a two state solution be against the Jews? The entire world endorses this solution...

The problem with you is hooch and your hate for Islam and the Palestinians who resist an occupation...Though you serve in the US Military your allegiance is clearly to a foreign power, Israel...I don't understand how the military allows dual loyalties? It seems like treachery

My loyalties lie with America, not to a foreign power that has dragged this nation into ME wars that bring back terrorism to our shores...Your Rants against Islam for Israel endangers Americans!.
It certainly looks like your dosage should be upped on your meds, Phillip. It seems you can't get enough about ranting about the Jews. This has been your modus operandi for years and years when you weren't taking out your crayons or writing your stupid poems about other posters even when they had stopped posting for a long time. By the way, did you ever go to your proctologist to pick up your head? It doesn't look like you did. Try to pick it up after the holidays. Also, Phillip, nobody hates Muslims in general. They hate the Islamic terrorists who are even busy murdering their fellow Muslims. Maybe you have no problem with what they are doing because you can't blame the Jews.
Oh yes he must be thinking of running for Pres. Anyone who is all kissy face with Israel is wanting to run for Pres. or move up in congress. He is a neocon like McCain, and they put little skits on in Congress which if one is fortunate enough one can have the pleasure of witnessing on Cspan as they are quite hilarious, for two grown men to act so childish. He is a hawk and believes a Preemptive strike on Iran (when it comes to Israel his nose is brown) would teach Iran a lesson. Heaven help us, time for him and McCain to retire.
If it were one or two senators we could shrug it off but AIPAC does own the Congress lock stock and barrel,
and the UN and entire world wants a two state solution to the 67 lines, even our President trying to protect us is incapable of bucking the money machine that Israel directs through AIPAC!

The fact that republicans will again control all of congress is testimony to America first & also growing support for Israel & all our allies against radical Islamists including Palestinian terrorist supporters like you. Repeat after me --- God Bless America!
Now if MJ actually meant that, I would love his patriotism...MJ has spent the last 20 years 24/7 for Israel and the expulsion of Palestinians from the West Bank...

This is the deceit we Americans live with...A moneyed minority that controls our destiny for a foreign power.

Thanks for your treachery MJ...

So you would prefer to see pinko liberals and neo marxists in power handing control to the ISLAMONAZI's
What is an IDF soldier doing when not shooting at stone throwers. I imagine they are bored and out instigating a riot of some sort.

No he will be checking over his gear ready for the next riot started by hamas.
I fully support Israel and the Jewish people. God bless 'em. No other people on earth would have shown 1/10th the compassion or restraint the Israelis have with the Palestinians.

And let's face it....Americans would have wiped the Palestinians off the face of the Earth the first day rockets started falling on Washington or New York.

Unfortunately Israel is the one who started the fighting, stealing land, so Israel would of been wiped off.

LINKS ? from a non partisan source please
I'm getting tired of that pbel, can't you find somewhere else to complain melodramatically on Jews running America? This is a conflict related section when people DISCUSS CIVILIZED ABOUT THEIR OPINIONS REGARDING THIS SUBJECT..
the key word is "allegedly".

Video? Audio? Transcripts?

I do love it when Jew-haters lie out their fat asses and then get caught for it.

I added allegedly...So what is Jew hating got to do with telling the truth that Lindsey Graham confirms? Do you like living in a world where Americans are targeted for terrorists attacks even in our own country because of our lopsided support for Israel despite the condemnation of the UN and entire world?

AIPAC and Israel control our country not by our beliefs but by MONEY and we pay in blood!

What "truth" did Sen. Graham confirm and what does that have to do with a statement you allege?

You need to take a step back from your meds and think some.
You have to let it go in one ear and out the other with Pbel. He had been posting this faux Sharon quote for years even when he was told that the reporter admitted she never hear Sharon say it. Now he has another thing that he will be posting about for years. He really doesn't care about the Palestinians. He just uses them as an excuse to rant about the Jews.
I see Y'all drinking too much hooch again...Hope Y'all didn't fall asleep in the outhouse again?...But seriously how is my rant preaching for a two state solution be against the Jews? The entire world endorses this solution...

The problem with you is hooch and your hate for Islam and the Palestinians who resist an occupation...Though you serve in the US Military your allegiance is clearly to a foreign power, Israel...I don't understand how the military allows dual loyalties? It seems like treachery

My loyalties lie with America, not to a foreign power that has dragged this nation into ME wars that bring back terrorism to our shores...Your Rants against Islam for Israel endangers Americans!.

slow day on the Hamas front, what? I mean, what's a good Jihadist to do when no one is killing anyone for a couple of hours??
I'm getting tired of that pbel, can't you find somewhere else to complain melodramatically on Jews running America? This is a conflict related section when people DISCUSS CIVILIZED ABOUT THEIR OPINIONS REGARDING THIS SUBJECT..
Its tiring to read your ZioNazi posts too...The World is not going to allow you to take by force what isn't yours and the Islamists will never surrender...Get used to it and sue for peace.
Is there any doubt to the truth by Sharon when he allegedly told Peres, "Don't worry about what the Americans will say: We Control America..."

Lindsey Graham to Netanyahu GOP-Controlled Congress Has Your Back

Lindsey Graham to Netanyahu: GOP-Controlled Congress 'Has Your Back'

Saturday, 27 Dec 2014 05:14 PM

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham Saturday pledged unwavering support to Israel in its conflicts with Hamas and Iran and vowed that the new Republican-controlled Congress would approve legislation to re-impose sanctions on Tehran should it not agree to limitations on its nuclear arsenal.

"The United States Congress, above all entities in America, has your back in a very bipartisan way," Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a joint news conference in Jerusalem. "The Congress clearly sees the difference between the tactics of Hamas and the democracy called Israel, and the international community seems to be a bit confused."
Special: The Top 4 Signs That You're Already Prediabetic

Graham said he agreed with Netanyahu that "the Hamas regime does everything they can to kill children," while the Israeli Defense Forces "does everything they can to avoid killing Palestinian children.

"They fire rockets and hope they land in schools; you attack the enemy trying to avoid collateral damage to civilians," the senator said.

He also praised the prime minister for his warning about Iran and its quest to obtain nuclear weapons: "Beware of the Iranians. They lie, they cheat. This regime for years has been deceiving the international community — and has been trying to pursue, in my view, a nuclear weapon."

Graham added that while he backed the Obama administration's efforts to "try to bring this to a peaceful conclusion," he added that Netanyahu "above all others, has said that sanctions are what got Iran to the table, and it will be the only thing that brings them to a deal that we can all live with."

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/Lindsey-Graham-Netanyahu-GOP-Congress/2014/12/27/id/615193/#ixzz3NCSX2ZYT
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Goyim want a pork treat?
Who said anything about the Islamists surrendering Pbel ?
Israel wants the Palestinians to surrender E. Jerusalem and parts of the West Bank taken by force by Israel even though those acts are deemed illegal by International Law.
Fair enough?
Last edited:
I added allegedly...So what is Jew hating got to do with telling the truth that Lindsey Graham confirms? Do you like living in a world where Americans are targeted for terrorists attacks even in our own country because of our lopsided support for Israel despite the condemnation of the UN and entire world?

AIPAC and Israel control our country not by our beliefs but by MONEY and we pay in blood!

What "truth" did Sen. Graham confirm and what does that have to do with a statement you allege?

You need to take a step back from your meds and think some.
You have to let it go in one ear and out the other with Pbel. He had been posting this faux Sharon quote for years even when he was told that the reporter admitted she never hear Sharon say it. Now he has another thing that he will be posting about for years. He really doesn't care about the Palestinians. He just uses them as an excuse to rant about the Jews.
I see Y'all drinking too much hooch again...Hope Y'all didn't fall asleep in the outhouse again?...But seriously how is my rant preaching for a two state solution be against the Jews? The entire world endorses this solution...

The problem with you is hooch and your hate for Islam and the Palestinians who resist an occupation...Though you serve in the US Military your allegiance is clearly to a foreign power, Israel...I don't understand how the military allows dual loyalties? It seems like treachery

My loyalties lie with America, not to a foreign power that has dragged this nation into ME wars that bring back terrorism to our shores...Your Rants against Islam for Israel endangers Americans!.

slow day on the Hamas front, what? I mean, what's a good Jihadist to do when no one is killing anyone for a couple of hours??
I'm getting tired of that pbel, can't you find somewhere else to complain melodramatically on Jews running America? This is a conflict related section when people DISCUSS CIVILIZED ABOUT THEIR OPINIONS REGARDING THIS SUBJECT..
Its tiring to read your ZioNazi posts too...The World is not going to allow you to take by force what isn't yours and the Islamists will never surrender...Get used to it and sue for peace.

Peace is a two way street and the palestininians have to be the ones to sue for peace after they denied all peace talks and refused to talk unless their illegal pre conditions were met
Who said anything about the Islamists surrendering Pbel ?
Israel wants the Palestinians to surrender E. Jerusalem and parts of the West Bank taken by force by Israel even though those acts are deemed illegal by International Law.
Fair enough?

Didnt the palestinians not do the same thing in 1948 when they took by force the Corpus Seperatum and evicted all the Jews
What "truth" did Sen. Graham confirm and what does that have to do with a statement you allege?

You need to take a step back from your meds and think some.
You have to let it go in one ear and out the other with Pbel. He had been posting this faux Sharon quote for years even when he was told that the reporter admitted she never hear Sharon say it. Now he has another thing that he will be posting about for years. He really doesn't care about the Palestinians. He just uses them as an excuse to rant about the Jews.
I see Y'all drinking too much hooch again...Hope Y'all didn't fall asleep in the outhouse again?...But seriously how is my rant preaching for a two state solution be against the Jews? The entire world endorses this solution...

The problem with you is hooch and your hate for Islam and the Palestinians who resist an occupation...Though you serve in the US Military your allegiance is clearly to a foreign power, Israel...I don't understand how the military allows dual loyalties? It seems like treachery

My loyalties lie with America, not to a foreign power that has dragged this nation into ME wars that bring back terrorism to our shores...Your Rants against Islam for Israel endangers Americans!.

slow day on the Hamas front, what? I mean, what's a good Jihadist to do when no one is killing anyone for a couple of hours??
I'm getting tired of that pbel, can't you find somewhere else to complain melodramatically on Jews running America? This is a conflict related section when people DISCUSS CIVILIZED ABOUT THEIR OPINIONS REGARDING THIS SUBJECT..
Its tiring to read your ZioNazi posts too...The World is not going to allow you to take by force what isn't yours and the Islamists will never surrender...Get used to it and sue for peace.

Peace is a two way street and the palestininians have to be the ones to sue for peace after they denied all peace talks and refused to talk unless their illegal pre conditions were met
What illegal pre-conditions, provide a link?
You have to let it go in one ear and out the other with Pbel. He had been posting this faux Sharon quote for years even when he was told that the reporter admitted she never hear Sharon say it. Now he has another thing that he will be posting about for years. He really doesn't care about the Palestinians. He just uses them as an excuse to rant about the Jews.
I see Y'all drinking too much hooch again...Hope Y'all didn't fall asleep in the outhouse again?...But seriously how is my rant preaching for a two state solution be against the Jews? The entire world endorses this solution...

The problem with you is hooch and your hate for Islam and the Palestinians who resist an occupation...Though you serve in the US Military your allegiance is clearly to a foreign power, Israel...I don't understand how the military allows dual loyalties? It seems like treachery

My loyalties lie with America, not to a foreign power that has dragged this nation into ME wars that bring back terrorism to our shores...Your Rants against Islam for Israel endangers Americans!.

slow day on the Hamas front, what? I mean, what's a good Jihadist to do when no one is killing anyone for a couple of hours??
I'm getting tired of that pbel, can't you find somewhere else to complain melodramatically on Jews running America? This is a conflict related section when people DISCUSS CIVILIZED ABOUT THEIR OPINIONS REGARDING THIS SUBJECT..
Its tiring to read your ZioNazi posts too...The World is not going to allow you to take by force what isn't yours and the Islamists will never surrender...Get used to it and sue for peace.

Peace is a two way street and the palestininians have to be the ones to sue for peace after they denied all peace talks and refused to talk unless their illegal pre conditions were met
What illegal pre-conditions, provide a link?

Right of return

Right of return - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

By contrast the right of return has not passed into customary international law, although it remains an important aspirational human right. Instead, international law gives each country the right to decide for itself to whom it will give citizenship:[
What does the US really want for Palestine - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

The US and other countries repeatedly say they support the idea but prefer that it is accomplished in a different way.
To prove their point, the US put pressure on African allies, specifically Nigeria, not to vote in favour of the resolution even though this oil-producing African country recognised Palestine and until half an hour before the vote reaffirmed it would favour it. So having flexed its muscles and accomplished its goal of rendering the Palestinian resolution's defeat, why did the US continue to oppose a resolution the substance of which it says it supports?
Why couldn't the US just follow the example of its European ally Britain and abstain? An abstention would not have changed anything but it would have sent a clear message to all parties that when it can, the US is willing to show that it is an honest broker.

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