We Can Thank China for Covid, a Recession and Biden

You know...trump could have been re-elected if he had shown any degree of competence and empathy. All he had to do was to say, COVID is real and it is a danger. He knew that as early as December 2019. But he was more interested in his political future than he was in the well being of Americans. So...he lied and he denied and people died. Simple as that.

COVID may have started in China, but the denial and lies that trump made sealed the fate of thousands of Americans. History books will remember trump as the president who denied a deadly pandemic which resulted in the deaths of thousands.

You had to cheat in the tens of millions column to "win"!

Democrats worked with their ccp counterparts to bring the virus to America and spread it. I wonder how many people died because they went to Chinatown like Nance Nancy Pelosi told them to back when this all started.
Americans know very little about China, other than the fearmongering promoted by our failed criminal government and MSM.

China has built an enormous infrastructure in just the last 20 years such as...High speed rail system criss crosses the country allowing Chinese citizens tremendous mobility that all can afford to use. Enormous new cities have sprung up over night giving people affordable new housing. Numerous massive bridges have been built. Numerous new power plants extending electricity to citizens nationwide, for the first time.

The nation’s growth has been phenomenal.
Yes and we haven’t because since reagan we’ve ignored our falling apart infrastructure and instead have given tax breaks to rich people who don’t need them
I am still waiting for the trickle down plan to begin making me wealthy. I expect it to happen any day now. RR assured us that it would. And who can you believe if you can't believe a B movie star? That would be as ridiculous as believing a reality TV star...MY...MY....how far as the QOP fallen?

You are blaming your current financial situation on Reagan? I know you democrats like to avoid personal responsibility, but this is really a stretch.
Coming from a guy who’s only making as much as you are because you’re in a fucking union.

Reagan was the first president to start breaking unions. Since him union membership has declined from 35% of our workforce to 10%. And since then wages haven’t kept up with inflation but non union ceos are making more than ever.

Can new teachers today make as much As you do? No? Do they get pensions like you do? no? Then blame reagaan.

And you should thank your union you ungrateful loser
I told you that you need to stop guessing, dumb ass.
Where was I wrong? You didn’t answer one question
Americans know very little about China, other than the fearmongering promoted by our failed criminal government and MSM.

China has built an enormous infrastructure in just the last 20 years such as...High speed rail system criss crosses the country allowing Chinese citizens tremendous mobility that all can afford to use. Enormous new cities have sprung up over night giving people affordable new housing. Numerous massive bridges have been built. Numerous new power plants extending electricity to citizens nationwide, for the first time.

The nation’s growth has been phenomenal.
Yes and we haven’t because since reagan we’ve ignored our falling apart infrastructure and instead have given tax breaks to rich people who don’t need them
I am still waiting for the trickle down plan to begin making me wealthy. I expect it to happen any day now. RR assured us that it would. And who can you believe if you can't believe a B movie star? That would be as ridiculous as believing a reality TV star...MY...MY....how far as the QOP fallen?

You are blaming your current financial situation on Reagan? I know you democrats like to avoid personal responsibility, but this is really a stretch.
Coming from a guy who’s only making as much as you are because you’re in a fucking union.

Reagan was the first president to start breaking unions. Since him union membership has declined from 35% of our workforce to 10%. And since then wages haven’t kept up with inflation but non union ceos are making more than ever.

Can new teachers today make as much As you do? No? Do they get pensions like you do? no? Then blame reagaan.

And you should thank your union you ungrateful loser
I told you that you need to stop guessing, dumb ass.
Where was I wrong? You didn’t answer one question
You’re wasting your time. He doesn’t understand English.
Americans know very little about China, other than the fearmongering promoted by our failed criminal government and MSM.

China has built an enormous infrastructure in just the last 20 years such as...High speed rail system criss crosses the country allowing Chinese citizens tremendous mobility that all can afford to use. Enormous new cities have sprung up over night giving people affordable new housing. Numerous massive bridges have been built. Numerous new power plants extending electricity to citizens nationwide, for the first time.

The nation’s growth has been phenomenal.
Yes and we haven’t because since reagan we’ve ignored our falling apart infrastructure and instead have given tax breaks to rich people who don’t need them
I am still waiting for the trickle down plan to begin making me wealthy. I expect it to happen any day now. RR assured us that it would. And who can you believe if you can't believe a B movie star? That would be as ridiculous as believing a reality TV star...MY...MY....how far as the QOP fallen?

You are blaming your current financial situation on Reagan? I know you democrats like to avoid personal responsibility, but this is really a stretch.
Coming from a guy who’s only making as much as you are because you’re in a fucking union.

Reagan was the first president to start breaking unions. Since him union membership has declined from 35% of our workforce to 10%. And since then wages haven’t kept up with inflation but non union ceos are making more than ever.

Can new teachers today make as much As you do? No? Do they get pensions like you do? no? Then blame reagaan.

And you should thank your union you ungrateful loser
I told you that you need to stop guessing, dumb ass.
Where was I wrong? You didn’t answer one question

You are wrong every time you guess and make an ass of yourself.
Americans know very little about China, other than the fearmongering promoted by our failed criminal government and MSM.

China has built an enormous infrastructure in just the last 20 years such as...High speed rail system criss crosses the country allowing Chinese citizens tremendous mobility that all can afford to use. Enormous new cities have sprung up over night giving people affordable new housing. Numerous massive bridges have been built. Numerous new power plants extending electricity to citizens nationwide, for the first time.

The nation’s growth has been phenomenal.
Yes and we haven’t because since reagan we’ve ignored our falling apart infrastructure and instead have given tax breaks to rich people who don’t need them
I am still waiting for the trickle down plan to begin making me wealthy. I expect it to happen any day now. RR assured us that it would. And who can you believe if you can't believe a B movie star? That would be as ridiculous as believing a reality TV star...MY...MY....how far as the QOP fallen?

You are blaming your current financial situation on Reagan? I know you democrats like to avoid personal responsibility, but this is really a stretch.
Coming from a guy who’s only making as much as you are because you’re in a fucking union.

Reagan was the first president to start breaking unions. Since him union membership has declined from 35% of our workforce to 10%. And since then wages haven’t kept up with inflation but non union ceos are making more than ever.

Can new teachers today make as much As you do? No? Do they get pensions like you do? no? Then blame reagaan.

And you should thank your union you ungrateful loser
I told you that you need to stop guessing, dumb ass.
Where was I wrong? You didn’t answer one question
You’re wasting your time. He doesn’t understand English.

If you devote the rest of your life to trying, you will never understand English as well as I do. Try another line of argument, you anarchist buffoon.
China wins with all three. The map to China's world domination and the decline of the West is clear. They are a brilliant people, you've got to give them that.
There are plenty of things for which to criticize China, but some folks will always look for someone else to blame rather than honestly acknowledging their own responsibility.

Claiming that the pandemic was "under control! and that "Everybody!s getting better!" before leading the U.S. to #1 nation on earth in confirmed cases and deaths was not China's doing.

Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 10.45.25 AM.png

Trump Praises Xi
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We can also "thank" our corrupt Globalist-Dem-SurveillanceTech-PermanentAdministrativeState-LameStreamMedia elites for spreading Fear and exploiting a seasonal virus into an Existential Moral Panic...as a pretext to turn the U.S. into Marxist Shithole.
China wins with all three. The map to China's world domination and the decline of the West is clear. They are a brilliant people, you've got to give them that.
There are plenty of things for which to criticize China, but some folks will always look for someone else to blame rather than honestly acknowledging their responsibiity.

Claiming that the pandemic was "under control! and that "Everybody!s getting better!" before leading the U.S. to #1 nation on earth in confirmed cases and deaths was not China's doing.

You have no clue as to what's happening in Europe right now, and they don't even have Trump or Cuomo to lay it on. It's a fucking pandemic in which a lot of older people have died all over the world.

The right wing's boogie man du jour.
Nothing new.

Marvel Comic 's release of the series of comics known as Yellow Claw in 1950 featured a one hundred and fifty year old Chinese super villain with ties to the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China. Yellow Claw's main objectives were the destruction of the western democracies and world domination.
Fat Fong's Fortune Cookies were a sinister plot to undermine conservative moral values.
Nothing new.

Marvel Comic 's release of the series of comics known as Yellow Claw in 1950 featured a one hundred and fifty year old Chinese super villain with ties to the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China. Yellow Claw's main objectives were the destruction of the western democracies and world domination. Fat Fong's Fortune Cookies were a sinister plot to undermine conservative moral values.
Did the Yellow Claw attempt to wipe out the Uyghurs through genocide by mass sterilization?
Did the Yellow Claw establish a gulag of work camps, prisons and hospitals all devoted to wiping
out any resistance to China's one party authoritarian rule?
Did Yellow Claw absorb Hong Kong illegally and now is threatening the same for Taiwan?
Does India, Australia and Japan all happen to be paranoid extremists or do they all have reason
to fear China's expansionist threats and bullying?
Is the Covid pandemic not getting through to you? Or do you not pay attention to what China does
and wants to do?

While it's true virtually no one pays attention to your absurd blather the sort of head in the sand
failure to heed real and serious threats, and indeed, play them down even with asinine posts,
represents a real danger to the West.

When people fall asleep they are the easiest to take over and control.
Nothing new.

Marvel Comic 's release of the series of comics known as Yellow Claw in 1950 featured a one hundred and fifty year old Chinese super villain with ties to the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China. Yellow Claw's main objectives were the destruction of the western democracies and world domination. Fat Fong's Fortune Cookies were a sinister plot to undermine conservative moral values.
Did the Yellow Claw attempt to wipe out the Uyghurs through genocide by mass sterilization?
Did the Yellow Claw establish a gulag of work camps, prisons and hospitals all devoted to wiping
out any resistance to China's one party authoritarian rule?
Did Yellow Claw absorb Hong Kong illegally and now is threatening the same for Taiwan?
Does India, Australia and Japan all happen to be paranoid extremists or do they all have reason
to fear China's expansionist threats and bullying?
Is the Covid pandemic not getting through to you? Or do you not pay attention to what China does
and wants to do?

While it's true virtually no one pays attention to your absurd blather the sort of head in the sand
failure to heed real and serious threats, and indeed, play them down even with asinine posts,
represents a real danger to the West.

When people fall asleep they are the easiest to take over and control.
As I had clearly stated, "There are plenty of things for which to criticize China, but some folks will always look for someone else to blame rather than honestly acknowledging their own responsibility."
As I had clearly stated, "There are plenty of things for which to criticize China, but some folks will always look for someone else to blame rather than honestly acknowledging their own responsibility."
Tell the Uyghers or the people at Tienanmen Square that. How would you advise average Western citizens to
take responsibility for that?
Nothing new.

Marvel Comic 's release of the series of comics known as Yellow Claw in 1950 featured a one hundred and fifty year old Chinese super villain with ties to the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China. Yellow Claw's main objectives were the destruction of the western democracies and world domination. Fat Fong's Fortune Cookies were a sinister plot to undermine conservative moral values.
Did the Yellow Claw attempt to wipe out the Uyghurs through genocide by mass sterilization?
Did the Yellow Claw establish a gulag of work camps, prisons and hospitals all devoted to wiping
out any resistance to China's one party authoritarian rule?
Did Yellow Claw absorb Hong Kong illegally and now is threatening the same for Taiwan?
Does India, Australia and Japan all happen to be paranoid extremists or do they all have reason
to fear China's expansionist threats and bullying?
Is the Covid pandemic not getting through to you? Or do you not pay attention to what China does
and wants to do?

While it's true virtually no one pays attention to your absurd blather the sort of head in the sand
failure to heed real and serious threats, and indeed, play them down even with asinine posts,
represents a real danger to the West.

When people fall asleep they are the easiest to take over and control.
As I had clearly stated, "There are plenty of things for which to criticize China, but some folks will always look for someone else to blame rather than honestly acknowledging their own responsibility."
You should be thanking China for giving you Biden.
Tell the Uyghers or the people at Tienanmen Square that. How would you advise average Western citizens to
take responsibility for that?
Tell them "There are plenty of things for which to criticize China"?

Don't you think they already know that far better than you?
You should be thanking China for giving you Biden.
Just because some blame Russia for inflicting Trump upon the U.S. does not mean that most of the American electorate puts China's interested ahead of their own.
You should be thanking China for giving you Biden.
Just because some blame Russia for inflicting Trump upon the U.S. does not mean that most of the American electorate puts China's interested ahead of their own.
China not only inflicted Biden on the US, but a pandemic on the world. I understand you are grateful for their help on electing Biden, but for killing millions of people in the world?

WTF is wrong with you?
Tell them "There are plenty of things for which to criticize China"?

Don't you think they already know that far better than you?
It's not the people suffering under the boot heels of China that I think need a reality check.
It's the people who call China "the right wings' boogie man du jour" and then you chime in
with Yellow Claw idiocy.

YOU are the people who seem disinterested with the world's worst human right violators the same way
people in the thirties couldn't be bothered to oppose the Nazis.

It's still true that all that's needed for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing.
But I'm not sure at all that you and your post amigo are "good people".
I think you hate conservatism more than you dislike Communist authoritarians, and there's
nothing "good" about that.
Thank Obama for funding the Coronvirus research at Wuhan in the first place
Boot licking dotard Joe Biden is the one who has given our support back to the lackeys in the WHO
that do China's bidding.
Not that more proof were needed but what could be more clear than Joe Biden's allegiance to the butchers in Bejing?

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