Biden Green push collapsing all over

Libby von H

Platinum Member
Nov 10, 2023
So now I see the pride of Biden's programs just died as much of it is

New York Cancels Three Major Offshore Wind Projects, Joe Biden Hardest Hit​

By Bob Hoge | 8:44 PM on April 20, 2024

Europe EV market is collapsing

Electric Car Demand Plunges Across Europe​


18 APRIL 2024 1:00 PM


On Bloomberg

India’s Plans to Double Coal Production Ignore Climate Threat​

The south Asian giant is setting new targets to use more coal

China doubles down on coal with rapid roll-out of new railway track to the world’s largest deposit​

  • 257km line from Zhundong open pit to Urumqi will increase the mine’s transport capacity to more than 100 million tonnes a year
I see where it happended. Biden let horrors go, real horrors, just to get a climate treaty and that singnaled to the whole world that he had no backbone about human rights. Uyghur roundups, Organ Harvesting, Attacks on Falun Gong, Christian persecution..,.

John Kerry sidesteps China’s human rights violations, says it’s ‘not my lane’​

Not exactly sure why EV demand in Europe or coal use in Asia is Biden's fault. But then again, I'm not on heroin like the OP is.
C'mon , everrybody, he uses this all the time and won't stop until someone says "How clever !! not on heroin like the OP"

C'mon, I am getting tired of seeing that said on here
Not exactly sure why EV demand in Europe or coal use in Asia is Biden's fault. But then again, I'm not on heroin like the OP is.
Well, you don't readl much I've noticed.

EU becomes the planet’s biggest NIMBY over US climate bill​

Brussels should stop complaining about Joe Biden’s subsidies plan and ‘get its act together,’ says European Investment Bank boss.
Well, you don't readl much I've noticed.

EU becomes the planet’s biggest NIMBY over US climate bill​

Brussels should stop complaining about Joe Biden’s subsidies plan and ‘get its act together,’ says European Investment Bank boss.
EU...Brussels...European investment banker?

None of this has to do with President Biden...your president.
Besides religion "Climate Change" (in whatever form it takes at any given moment) is the greatest hoax ever foisted upon mankind.
You have such a hyperbolic way of speaking, it reveals you to be nothng more than a dumb assss
So now I see the pride of Biden's programs just died as much of it is

New York Cancels Three Major Offshore Wind Projects, Joe Biden Hardest Hit​

By Bob Hoge | 8:44 PM on April 20, 2024

Europe EV market is collapsing

Electric Car Demand Plunges Across Europe​


18 APRIL 2024 1:00 PM


On Bloomberg

India’s Plans to Double Coal Production Ignore Climate Threat​

The south Asian giant is setting new targets to use more coal

China doubles down on coal with rapid roll-out of new railway track to the world’s largest deposit​

  • 257km line from Zhundong open pit to Urumqi will increase the mine’s transport capacity to more than 100 million tonnes a year
I see where it happended. Biden let horrors go, real horrors, just to get a climate treaty and that singnaled to the whole world that he had no backbone about human rights. Uyghur roundups, Organ Harvesting, Attacks on Falun Gong, Christian persecution..,.

John Kerry sidesteps China’s human rights violations, says it’s ‘not my lane’​

Lot's of bombastic big print, no substance. Links to redstate and such are uselessly biased and prove nothing,
Prove me wrong.....Religion has racked-up the largest body count.
You are a fool, always have been
There is a Professor in Hawaii who kept track of atheist killing of their own citizens just in the last 100 or so years


4. 61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State
5. 35,236,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese
6. 20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State
7. 10,214,000 Murdered: The Depraved Nationalist Regime


Now let's go to the BBC for the Inquisition which you claim killed millions

The 1994 BBC/A&E production, "The Myth of the Spanish Inquisition"

HERE Watch it you hate-filled moron

  • Inquisitors were not fanatical priests as they are often portrayed. In fact, many of them were not priests at all but legal experts trained in Spanish schools.
  • Contrary to popular belief, torture was rarely used. It was used less by the Inquisition than it was in the tribunals of other countries throughout Europe at the time.
  • Stories about cruel torture methods used by the Inquisitors and the terrible conditions in which prisoners were kept were completely falsified. The Inquisition actually had the best jails in Spain.
  • Prisoners of secular courts would actually blaspheme so that they could be transferred to Inquisition prisons and escape the maltreatment of the secular prisons.
  • Persecuting witchcraft was a craze in Europe at the time, and secular courts were not tolerant of these kinds of offenses. The accused were often burned at the stake. The Inquisition, on the other hand, declared witchcraft a delusion. No one could be tried for it or burned at the stake.
  • The Inquisition was virtually powerless in rural areas.
  • In the entire sixteenth century, the Inquisition in Spain executed only about 50 people, which is contrary to the “Black Legend,” which numbers the executions in the hundreds of thousands.
  • Of all the Inquisitions together throughout Europe, scholars estimate that the number of people executed ranged somewhere between 3,000 and 5,000. That averages, at most, about fourteen people per year throughout the entire continent over a period of 350 years.
Atheists don't count as it's not a religion and not a part of the discussion....Unless you mean the climate change freaks that support depopulation.

I'm talking religion on religion or religion on the "unaffiliated" death counts.

Oh here's a good one:

Death Estimates for the Crusades​

Atheists don't count as it's not a religion and not a part of the discussion....Unless you mean the climate change freaks that support depopulation.

I'm talking religion on religion or religion on the "unaffiliated" death counts.

Oh here's a good one:

Death Estimates for the Crusades​

YOU ARE A MORON. THe book on the Crusades of course is

The Occitan War: A Military and Political History of the Albigensian Crusade, 1209-1218 by Laurence W. Marvin (2008-03-06) Hardcover​

by Laurence W. Marvin (Author)
4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 10 ratings

and by a non-Catholic Rodney Stark

God's Battalions: The Case for the Crusades​

Rodney Stark
4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 841 ratings

Hugely popular and very scholarly and completely in disagreement with you , you fat stupid bigot

In God’s Battalions, distinguished scholar Rodney Stark puts forth a controversial argument that the Crusades were a justified war waged against Muslim terror and aggression.

Take issue with anything Stark says and we can debate, you moron
Leave it to Dems to try to control the sun and the solar system.
They're currently blocking out the sun in select cities.

''Earlier this month, scientists from the University of Washington gathered in semi-clandestine fashion on the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier in San Francisco Bay.

Leading an experiment that was intentionally kept under the radar to minimize public backlash, the team started up a high-powered spraying machine and shot microscopic salt aerosol particles hundreds of feet into the morning air.''
YOU ARE A MORON. THe book on the Crusades of course is

The Occitan War: A Military and Political History of the Albigensian Crusade, 1209-1218 by Laurence W. Marvin (2008-03-06) Hardcover​

by Laurence W. Marvin (Author)
4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 10 ratings

and by a non-Catholic Rodney Stark

God's Battalions: The Case for the Crusades​

Rodney Stark
4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 841 ratings

Hugely popular and very scholarly and completely in disagreement with you , you fat stupid bigot

In God’s Battalions, distinguished scholar Rodney Stark puts forth a controversial argument that the Crusades were a justified war waged against Muslim terror and aggression.

Take issue with anything Stark says and we can debate, you moron
Lot's of bombastic big print, no substance. Links to redstate and such are uselessly biased and prove nothing,
Yet if you KNEW the opposite to be true you would not have replied that way, like a fool does

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