We are in More Danger Because Obama Didn't Believe in Missile Defense


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
We all remember this moment

Article is from July 2012

Open Microphone: What’s Behind President Obama’s Missile Defense Comments

Abstract: During the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, President Obama, in an exchange with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, stated: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this can be solved, but it’s important for him [incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin] to give me space.” “This is my last election,” he continued. “After my election I have more flexibility.” These comments have resulted in a media firestorm, and people with both liberal and conservative leanings have weighed in on their possible meaning. Is President Obama stating the obvious and simply admitting that he will enjoy more flexibility in the realm of foreign policy after he is reelected? Or has he revealed more than meets the eye and actually plans on capitulating to Russian demands?

Kim R. Holmes, PhD: We’ve heard many jokes about open or live microphones over the past week, including from President Barack Obama. The incident that gave rise to that joke is why we are here today.

What I am referring to are the comments the President made in a recent meeting with President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia. They gave us a rare, unexpected, and perhaps rather disturbing peek into what President Obama is thinking, not only about U.S.–Russian relations, but also about missile defense. You’ll recall that, when he thought the microphone was off, he leaned over and quietly told the president of Russia that he would have more flexibility to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the November elections. He said it would be his last election, and all these issues could be solved if President Putin gives him some political space.

President Obama would have us believe that what he really meant by that was that there would simply be more opportunity to focus generally on foreign policy after the election. Of course, it could also mean something more than that, and that’s what we are here to discuss. It is possible, indeed, that this is not the time to postpone moving forward seriously with missile defense, given what the North Koreans and Iranians are up to. If his comments are in fact signaling that something more is going on behind the scenes about what he has in mind, we should consider what that might be. We have with us today three experts who can help us dive deeply into this question, to look at what those possibilities might be.

Open Microphone: What’s Behind President Obama’s Missile Defense Comments?
President Donald Trump late Wednesday retweeted two posts blaming former President Barack Obama for North Korea's nuclear capabilities, remaining silent on Pyongyang's notice that it is developing a plan to strike Guam.

Here are the posts:

John Bolton


Our country & civilians are vulnerable today because @BarackObama did not believe in national missile defense. Let’s never forget that.


"@POTUS being unpredictable is a big asset, North Korea knew exactly what President Obama was going to do."- @jessebwatters

John Bolton was United Nations ambassador in the George W. Bush administration. Jesse Watters is a Fox News host.

The retweets came after North Korea said Thursday it would have a plan for striking Guam by mid-August and dictator Kim Jong Un would make the final decision.

Trump Retweets Posts Ripping Obama on NKorea
What is also interesting is how the MSM is playing Trump's words as a bigger danger then NK actually developing and threatening to use nuclear weapons against the US.

What is wrong with those people?
President Donald Trump late Wednesday retweeted two posts blaming former President Barack Obama for North Korea's nuclear capabilities, remaining silent on Pyongyang's notice that it is developing a plan to strike Guam.

Here are the posts:

John Bolton


Our country & civilians are vulnerable today because @BarackObama did not believe in national missile defense. Let’s never forget that.


"@POTUS being unpredictable is a big asset, North Korea knew exactly what President Obama was going to do."- @jessebwatters

John Bolton was United Nations ambassador in the George W. Bush administration. Jesse Watters is a Fox News host.

The retweets came after North Korea said Thursday it would have a plan for striking Guam by mid-August and dictator Kim Jong Un would make the final decision.

Trump Retweets Posts Ripping Obama on NKorea

HACK ^^^

Date: 06 Feb 2003

For those sceptical about the justification for a US-led war against Iraq - and surveys across the world suggest they are numerous - this week's testimony by a senior US official concerning North Korea made interesting reading.

'Of course we're going to have direct talks with the North Koreans,' Assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage told a US Congress fearful of a growing nuclear threat. 'There's no question about it.'

Mr Armitage's expression of faith in the power of diplomacy came despite his fresh warnings of North Korea's nuclear programme and its potential to sell material to terrorists or rogue states. Even though he did state that the country's motivation may be economic survival compared to Iraq's desire to 'dominate and intimidate', he nevertheless described North Korea as a potentially worse proliferator of weapons.
The ultimate failure of diplomacy

Pointing fingers at President Obama who was handed a plate full of crises, from our collapsed economy to two shooting wars and a hostile Republican opposition is typical of Trump. All of Trump's problems are the product of his alone, and his propensity to exacerbate a problem into a crisis by bombastic speeches and Tweets - on issues he is too lazy to study, or lacks the intelligence to think panoptically (i.e. seeing all essential parts of a problem) about - suggests he is unfit and incapable of serving in the capacity to which he has been elected.

There is one and only one remedy, and that is for the Adults in the Republican Party - which holds the power - to invoke the 25th Amendment and replace Trump with his Vice President. For Pence and the Republican Leadership to not do so, is cowardice.
The only real remedy is to excommunicate all democrats from the halls of both justice and politics.
President Donald Trump late Wednesday retweeted two posts blaming former President Barack Obama for North Korea's nuclear capabilities, remaining silent on Pyongyang's notice that it is developing a plan to strike Guam.

Here are the posts:

John Bolton


Our country & civilians are vulnerable today because @BarackObama did not believe in national missile defense. Let’s never forget that.


"@POTUS being unpredictable is a big asset, North Korea knew exactly what President Obama was going to do."- @jessebwatters

John Bolton was United Nations ambassador in the George W. Bush administration. Jesse Watters is a Fox News host.

The retweets came after North Korea said Thursday it would have a plan for striking Guam by mid-August and dictator Kim Jong Un would make the final decision.

Trump Retweets Posts Ripping Obama on NKorea

HACK ^^^

Date: 06 Feb 2003

For those sceptical about the justification for a US-led war against Iraq - and surveys across the world suggest they are numerous - this week's testimony by a senior US official concerning North Korea made interesting reading.

'Of course we're going to have direct talks with the North Koreans,' Assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage told a US Congress fearful of a growing nuclear threat. 'There's no question about it.'

Mr Armitage's expression of faith in the power of diplomacy came despite his fresh warnings of North Korea's nuclear programme and its potential to sell material to terrorists or rogue states. Even though he did state that the country's motivation may be economic survival compared to Iraq's desire to 'dominate and intimidate', he nevertheless described North Korea as a potentially worse proliferator of weapons.
The ultimate failure of diplomacy

Pointing fingers at President Obama who was handed a plate full of crises, from our collapsed economy to two shooting wars and a hostile Republican opposition is typical of Trump. All of Trump's problems are the product of his alone, and his propensity to exacerbate a problem into a crisis by bombastic speeches and Tweets - on issues he is too lazy to study, or lacks the intelligence to think panoptically (i.e. seeing all essential parts of a problem) about - suggests he is unfit and incapable of serving in the capacity to which he has been elected.

There is one and only one remedy, and that is for the Adults in the Republican Party - which holds the power - to invoke the 25th Amendment and replace Trump with his Vice President. For Pence and the Republican Leadership to not do so, is cowardice.

Thanks for the comic relief
We all remember this moment

Article is from July 2012

Open Microphone: What’s Behind President Obama’s Missile Defense Comments

Abstract: During the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, President Obama, in an exchange with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, stated: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this can be solved, but it’s important for him [incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin] to give me space.” “This is my last election,” he continued. “After my election I have more flexibility.” These comments have resulted in a media firestorm, and people with both liberal and conservative leanings have weighed in on their possible meaning. Is President Obama stating the obvious and simply admitting that he will enjoy more flexibility in the realm of foreign policy after he is reelected? Or has he revealed more than meets the eye and actually plans on capitulating to Russian demands?

Kim R. Holmes, PhD: We’ve heard many jokes about open or live microphones over the past week, including from President Barack Obama. The incident that gave rise to that joke is why we are here today.

What I am referring to are the comments the President made in a recent meeting with President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia. They gave us a rare, unexpected, and perhaps rather disturbing peek into what President Obama is thinking, not only about U.S.–Russian relations, but also about missile defense. You’ll recall that, when he thought the microphone was off, he leaned over and quietly told the president of Russia that he would have more flexibility to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the November elections. He said it would be his last election, and all these issues could be solved if President Putin gives him some political space.

President Obama would have us believe that what he really meant by that was that there would simply be more opportunity to focus generally on foreign policy after the election. Of course, it could also mean something more than that, and that’s what we are here to discuss. It is possible, indeed, that this is not the time to postpone moving forward seriously with missile defense, given what the North Koreans and Iranians are up to. If his comments are in fact signaling that something more is going on behind the scenes about what he has in mind, we should consider what that might be. We have with us today three experts who can help us dive deeply into this question, to look at what those possibilities might be.

Open Microphone: What’s Behind President Obama’s Missile Defense Comments?

Honestly one of his better moves there. Got Russia to back off on the subject. Then we all know January of 2013 just after he won his re-election he began heavy testing out of Vandenburg air base, and started putting the Thaad system anywhere he could.
President Donald Trump late Wednesday retweeted two posts blaming former President Barack Obama for North Korea's nuclear capabilities, remaining silent on Pyongyang's notice that it is developing a plan to strike Guam.

Here are the posts:

John Bolton


Our country & civilians are vulnerable today because @BarackObama did not believe in national missile defense. Let’s never forget that.


"@POTUS being unpredictable is a big asset, North Korea knew exactly what President Obama was going to do."- @jessebwatters

John Bolton was United Nations ambassador in the George W. Bush administration. Jesse Watters is a Fox News host.

The retweets came after North Korea said Thursday it would have a plan for striking Guam by mid-August and dictator Kim Jong Un would make the final decision.

Trump Retweets Posts Ripping Obama on NKorea

HACK ^^^

Date: 06 Feb 2003

For those sceptical about the justification for a US-led war against Iraq - and surveys across the world suggest they are numerous - this week's testimony by a senior US official concerning North Korea made interesting reading.

'Of course we're going to have direct talks with the North Koreans,' Assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage told a US Congress fearful of a growing nuclear threat. 'There's no question about it.'

Mr Armitage's expression of faith in the power of diplomacy came despite his fresh warnings of North Korea's nuclear programme and its potential to sell material to terrorists or rogue states. Even though he did state that the country's motivation may be economic survival compared to Iraq's desire to 'dominate and intimidate', he nevertheless described North Korea as a potentially worse proliferator of weapons.
The ultimate failure of diplomacy

Pointing fingers at President Obama who was handed a plate full of crises, from our collapsed economy to two shooting wars and a hostile Republican opposition is typical of Trump. All of Trump's problems are the product of his alone, and his propensity to exacerbate a problem into a crisis by bombastic speeches and Tweets - on issues he is too lazy to study, or lacks the intelligence to think panoptically (i.e. seeing all essential parts of a problem) about - suggests he is unfit and incapable of serving in the capacity to which he has been elected.

There is one and only one remedy, and that is for the Adults in the Republican Party - which holds the power - to invoke the 25th Amendment and replace Trump with his Vice President. For Pence and the Republican Leadership to not do so, is cowardice.


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