We all knew it would happen: Trump apparently throws Giuliani into the trash heap.

There were 2,500 affidavits submitted. The chances that all of them are cridlble is small
The chance that any of them are credible is zero. The chance that any two of them are consistent with each other is zero. They are freakish lies submitted by apoplectic Trump cultists on a Trump fundraising website. Lying freaks that chose to go to the orange pile of shit's moneygrab site instead of the authorities. The affifavits are being ridiculed by a judge and the grifter fraud lawyers are likely going to face sanctions over them.10 to 1 one of them is from you.
What a dumb motherfucker you are. I'd like to see you tell your hospital "you didn't cure my cancer so I'm not paying you". Rudy was hired to represent Donny Douchebag in court.
When you go the hospital, you sign a paper saying you’ll pay what they bill.

Apparently Rudy didn’t do that. I believe he said something along the lines of “they’ll figure it out later”.
Still team trump. Still zero evidence.
It was a different kind of case towards ballot counting machines...Rudy needed to have more data but Dominion refused to give it to him and the courts wouldn't order them to....you are purposely and intentionally confusing the two...which shows us all how disingenuous you are....and what a board troll you have become....go away...do us all a favor and leave....
When you go the hospital, you sign a paper saying you’ll pay what they bill.
Apparently Rudy didn’t do that. I believe he said something along the lines of “they’ll figure it out later”.
Did Rudy win his cases in court? Since the answer is no, he can't complain about Trump not paying his bills.
Salon????? :auiqs.jpg:

Yes that's right.
Trump is a narcissistic sociopath and uses people until they are useless. Just like he did with all Republicans who supported him but they wouldn't realise it. He'll never use the money to chase justice on a stolen election that wasn't stolen. He knows you all fell for it. He'll trouser the lot of it and while ever they keep giving it to him, let him rip them off.

Giuliani was hoping for some retirement benefits for his support of trump. It appears it won't be long coming but not quite as luxurious as he expected.
It couldn't happen to a more deserved grub.
“Donald Trump is continuing to rake in the cash from supporters while shrugging his shoulders at the people who failed to secure him a second term.

Despite boasting a war chest of more than $100 million, Trump is reportedly refusing to extend any help to his former personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who is now struggling under a mountain of legal fees that could leave the former New York mayor entirely broke. According to The New York Times, Trump raised a whopping $102 million in the first half of 2021. Salon reported last month that he has been relatively frugal in his spending habits, opting to not direct any of the money toward his election conspiracy efforts, including the GOP-backed recounts in Georgia, Pennsylvania, or Arizona.”

Trump continues to take his minions for millions while he throws his biggest supporter under the bus. Giuliani is ostensibly near broke and seeking a helping hand from Trump. Fat chance, Rudy! The Donald needs that money for his own debts.

Of course, any fool knows that Trump only cares for himself. Everyone else is disposable, especially Trump’s own supporters.
You are an evil liar. Left people kept Republicans from voting. Left people used rigged voting Machines, and tampered with mail in ballots. Left people had dead people vote. Rudi Giuliani is right about Hillary, and Obama. Left people hate people who are right. Left people who attack cartoon characters, slandering them, will have truth in them? There cannot be any truth in people like that. An evil spirit will not a have any truth in them.
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You are an evil liar. Left people kept Republicans from voting. Left people used rigged voting Machines, and tampered with mail in ballots. Left people had dead people vote. Rudi Giuliani is right about Hillary, and Obama. Left people hate people who are right. Left people who attack cartoon characters, slandering them, will have truth in them? There cannot be any truth in people like that. An evil spirit will not a have any truth in them.
Bitter much olde white man?
You are an evil liar. Left people kept Republicans from voting. Left people used rigged voting Machines, and tampered with mail in ballots. Left people had dead people vote. Rudi Giuliani is right about Hillary, and Obama. Left people hate people who are right. Left people who attack cartoon characters, slandering them, will have truth in them? There cannot be any truth in people like that. An evil spirit will not a have any truth in them.

No one kept Republicans from voting. What an outrageous lie.

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