WAYNE ROOT: Here’s Your Proof of a Rigged and Stolen 2020 Presidential Election.

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MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Ever since this Usurper was installed along with his non natural born Citizen VP, this country has gone to shit. Everything is a disaster. Wayne Root is completely spot on with his assessment.

:thankusmile: Indeed.:thup: Root is one of the most intelligent men in the world as well,he exhaustively does research on stuff like this before he makes these kinds of statements.

waits for our resident trolls of USMB to post a laughing smiley.
Ever since this Usurper was installed along with his non natural born Citizen VP, this country has gone to shit. Everything is a disaster. Wayne Root is completely spot on with his assessment.

You think the country is going to shit and feel that the elections were stolen? Then leave. Go to Russia.

I hear Putin is looking for cannon fodders. Buh-bye. :bye1:
Ever since this Usurper was installed along with his non natural born Citizen VP, this country has gone to shit. Everything is a disaster. Wayne Root is completely spot on with his assessment.

If this doesn't belong in the conspiracy forum or badlands, I don't know what does???

My oh my, you got that right wing inspired Hatred festering rot, all down pat in one single article..... :rolleyes:
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Ever since this Usurper was installed along with his non natural born Citizen VP, this country has gone to shit. Everything is a disaster. Wayne Root is completely spot on with his assessment.

Democrats are taking a page out of the Commie election strategy book. It doesn't matter if the election is fair as long as the crooked media can convince the people it is, and it doesn't matter who is voted for, it matters who counts the votes.
It was absolutely stolen & it doesn't take a genius to recognize it.
The UNiparty is now in control & the illusions of fair elections they maintained for decades has been replaced with blatant fraud & globalist approved selections.

We are in a post-republic nation being herded towards a reset by the worst people on the planet & 909% of the sheeple are still clueless
It just doesn't stop.

Even when they know that Fox has been lying to them.
No matter how much NWO shillbots/NPCs try to gaslight Americans about 2020 being clean and pure, the amount of Americans that believe that continues to drop.

When the NWO finds their shillbots/NPCs to be ineffective, they will move to ban and block sites like this from Americans.
I have coped with election losses, I will not hold with the theft of 2020 and neither will many others.
Nothing was stolen. You can cry about it all you want, but there is absolutely no evidence to even remotely suggest that there was any widespread voter fraud.
Or..you can continue to whine about it..and lost the next election..and the next..and the next....
Nothing was stolen. You can cry about it all you want, but there is absolutely no evidence to even remotely suggest that there was any widespread voter fraud.
Or..you can continue to whine about it..and lost the next election..and the next..and the next....
Keep your head in the sand attitude and look the other way all you want the mess in GA, PA. WIS, NEV with video of votes suddenly being pulled out of carts in Fulton county GA, GOP pollwatchers being ejected in Philly all have been documented, the refusal of the courts to hear this evidence is telling of itself. The deep stooges the GOP and the group of asshole left wingers funded by Soros etc are all bottom feeding maggots. You want to back that garbage go ahead I hope you and rest of them choke on it. If Biden had won a straight up election okay fine, I think he is one of the crookest low life SOBs to hold public office but if he won a straight election I would accept it. As it stands the Democrat party as a whole along with the Bush/Cheney/McConnell crowd are scum bags. You deserve each other.
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