Wave propagation.... not something you equate with climate..


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Wave propagation.... not something you equate with climate, generally speaking. But here it is...

Magnetism and the Coriolis effect creates a conduit at the equator and drives changes in our climate globally.. This can be affected by SOLAR OUTPUT and minor changes in solar modulation (magnetic output) can have devastating effects on earth while not changing TSI (Total Solar Ir-radiance) because it affects wave formation at the equator... Its an interesting hypothesis..

Identifying individual atmospheric equatorial waves from a total flow field


"Owing to the opposite vertical orientation with respect to the plane of Earth’s rotation across the equator from the Southern Hemisphere to Northern Hemisphere, the equator serves as a waveguide that houses a zoo of all kinds of atmospheric waves propagating along the west-east direction, which are referred to as “equatorial waves”. Equatorial waves are generated from spatially non-uniform diabatic heating fields, including latent heating releases from convective storms. These equatorial waves in turn initiate and organize new convections as they propagate out of their genesis locations, triggering a new set of equatorial waves propagating both eastwards and westwards along the equator. As a result, equatorial waves play important roles in organizing large-scale circulation disturbances and regulating large-scale diabatic heating patterns in tropics."

Weird science: ‘the equator serves as a waveguide that houses a zoo of all kinds of atmospheric waves’

Once again the Sun becomes the primary driver of earths climate and everything they claim CO2 could drive is proven to be driven by....... (wait for it)

Something else...

Equatorial wave expansion of instantaneous flows for diagnosis of equatorial waves from data: Formulation and illustration
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Nothing there is invalid science, but unfortunately it points at nature rather than man as being the driving force in any climate change, and we will not hear any of that!
When you dig into the paper and look at their methods and models they prove that a very minute changes in magnetic wave frequency from the sun can totally change how atmospheric waves form at the equator..

In the last fifteen years the frequency has decreased in the VLF bands hitting the earth and correlated decrease in sever storms followed.

They modeled 10 years and the first two of that period have been 99% on track with formation of storms and storm strengths.. The next 8 will be fun to watch as it either will empirically show their model good or it deviates showing the model failed..

The long term is gong to be interesting.. I will be watching with great interest.
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When you dig into the paper and look at their methods and models they prove that a very minute changes in magnetic wave frequency from the sun can totally change how atmospheric waves form at the equator..

In the last fifteen years the frequency has decreased in the VLF bands hitting the earth and correlated decrease in sever storms followed.

They modeled 10 years and the first two of that period have been 99% on track with formation of storms and storm strengths.. The next 8 will be fun to watch as it either will empirically show their model good or it deviates showing the model failed..

The long term is gong to be interesting.. I will be watching with great interest.

Without even reading the article I can tell you that the solar magnetic waves, it is the interaction of their varying rates of change with the conductive magnetic body of the Earth which is moving at its fastest at the equator that sets up complex field currents of millions of amperes as one huge generator. All weather begins at the equator and moves out to the poles in a magnetohydrodynamic system that we are only beginning to understand.
When you dig into the paper and look at their methods and models they prove that a very minute changes in magnetic wave frequency from the sun can totally change how atmospheric waves form at the equator..

In the last fifteen years the frequency has decreased in the VLF bands hitting the earth and correlated decrease in sever storms followed.

They modeled 10 years and the first two of that period have been 99% on track with formation of storms and storm strengths.. The next 8 will be fun to watch as it either will empirically show their model good or it deviates showing the model failed..

The long term is gong to be interesting.. I will be watching with great interest.

Without even reading the article I can tell you that the solar magnetic waves, it is the interaction of their varying rates of change with the conductive magnetic body of the Earth which is moving at its fastest at the equator that sets up complex field currents of millions of amperes as one huge generator. All weather begins at the equator and moves out to the poles in a magnetohydrodynamic system that we are only beginning to understand.
For years they have been looking at the sun and wondering how the sun could be influencing our climate when the TSI shows so little variation (the reaction is fairly stable). However, recently they have been looking into the small changes in the background. SO those waves we monitor to see what is coming in the next solar cycle are telling us much more than what is coming from the sun in the future, its actually having an effect in the present day.. If the reaction on the sun remains calm for decades it could very well place us into an ice age.

Our position in the galaxy could be having an effect on our suns reaction and that could be the whole of the driving factors on earth.

Science on earth is in its infancy... And many are to arrogant to admit it..
When you dig into the paper and look at their methods and models they prove that a very minute changes in magnetic wave frequency from the sun can totally change how atmospheric waves form at the equator..

In the last fifteen years the frequency has decreased in the VLF bands hitting the earth and correlated decrease in sever storms followed.

They modeled 10 years and the first two of that period have been 99% on track with formation of storms and storm strengths.. The next 8 will be fun to watch as it either will empirically show their model good or it deviates showing the model failed..

The long term is gong to be interesting.. I will be watching with great interest.

Without even reading the article I can tell you that the solar magnetic waves, it is the interaction of their varying rates of change with the conductive magnetic body of the Earth which is moving at its fastest at the equator that sets up complex field currents of millions of amperes as one huge generator. All weather begins at the equator and moves out to the poles in a magnetohydrodynamic system that we are only beginning to understand.
For years they have been looking at the sun and wondering how the sun could be influencing our climate when the TSI shows so little variation (the reaction is fairly stable). However, recently they have been looking into the small changes in the background. SO those waves we monitor to see what is coming in the next solar cycle are telling us much more than what is coming from the sun in the future, its actually having an effect in the present day.. If the reaction on the sun remains calm for decades it could very well place us into an ice age.

Our position in the galaxy could be having an effect on our suns reaction and that could be the whole of the driving factors on earth.

Science on earth is in its infancy... And many are to arrogant to admit it..

The Sun runs generally on an 11 year cycle of solar activity along with other cycles, and the Earth runs on THREE main cycles, the first is the 100,000 year orbital eccentricity of the Earth's as a sort an oscillation between oblateness and prolateness, probably left over from the impactor that created the Moon, the second is the 41,000 year variation of the Earth's axial tilt towards and away from the Sun, and the third is the 23,000 cycle of the directional wobble of the Earth's axis like a top as a Precession of the Equinoxes that causes the axis of the Earth to point in different directions. Right now it points towards Polaris (North Star), eventually it will point towards Vega (alpha Lyrae), then back again.

The combination of these three add up to what are called your Milankovitch Cycles, and it is the adding up and lining up of these cycles that has far more impact on the Earth's climate, ice age, global warming, etc., as the variation of the amount of energy we get from the Sun than anything we could ever do. The Sun imparts roughly 82 trillion kilowatt hours of energy to the Earth each hour or about 2 quadrillion kilowatts of energy per day.

That is equal to about 7.2 X 10^21 power joules of energy, 6.8 X 10^18 power BTUs, about 2 exawatts, 2.68 quintillion horsepower, or 1.7 quadrillion tons of TNT (1.7 billion megatons). Or the equal of 34 MILLION 50-megaton H-Bombs. Each day.

Remember, the Sun is a giant hydrogen fusion bomb the size of 1.3 million Earths. The Earth is a grain of sand next to the Sun.

That is what is hitting us on a good day. Does anyone really suppose that mankind can approach even a small fraction of that in his industrial and civil output? Anyone is welcome to try to do the math. The Earth gets a variation of that amount on a daily basis year round and a big volcano only makes a slight variation in climate that damps out in a year or two. This is why it is laughable when people claim that mankind is pushing the Earth over the edge of extinction beyond the Earth's ability to come back with just our cars and factories puffing a little gas, but you can never make them believe it.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... an' when the sun anna moon, anna earth align durin' the eclipse...

... all dem waves gonna propagate an' add up together...

... an' overflow onna land...

... an' cause the weight o' the earth to shift...

... like all the Chinese rushin' to one side...

... to make the earth wobble outta it's orbit...

... an' den we all gonna go flingin' out into space...

... an' den we all gonna die - cause it's the end times."
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... an' when the sun anna moon, anna earth align durin' the eclipse...

... all dem waves gonna propagate an' add up together...

... an' overflow onna land...

... an' cause the weight o' the earth to shift...

... like all the Chinese rushin' to one side...

... to make the earth wobble outta it's orbit...

... an' den we all gonna go flingin' out into space...

... an' den we all gonna die - cause it's the end times."
I think that it is Guam that all need to run to the opposite side to keep it from flipping over... As I recall
The combination of these three add up to what are called your Milankovitch Cycles, and it is the adding up and lining up of these cycles that has far more impact on the Earth's climate, ice age, global warming, etc., as the variation of the amount of energy we get from the Sun than anything we could ever do.
While this is true, we did not understand the mechanism by which it made cyclical changes. If magnetic interference or lack of interference on the sun causes it to slow its reaction and thus the frequencies it emits, then every thing we see in changes can be predicted with great precision in earths systems...

This and many other papers out in the last few years place so much doubt on CO2 as a driver of anything I don't see how they can even run with that lie any more..

Most of the people on this board wouldn't understand the paper I cited. Somehow I think you would...
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When you dig into the paper and look at their methods and models they prove that a very minute changes in magnetic wave frequency from the sun can totally change how atmospheric waves form at the equator..

In the last fifteen years the frequency has decreased in the VLF bands hitting the earth and correlated decrease in sever storms followed.

They modeled 10 years and the first two of that period have been 99% on track with formation of storms and storm strengths.. The next 8 will be fun to watch as it either will empirically show their model good or it deviates showing the model failed..

The long term is gong to be interesting.. I will be watching with great interest.

Without even reading the article I can tell you that the solar magnetic waves, it is the interaction of their varying rates of change with the conductive magnetic body of the Earth which is moving at its fastest at the equator that sets up complex field currents of millions of amperes as one huge generator. All weather begins at the equator and moves out to the poles in a magnetohydrodynamic system that we are only beginning to understand.
One of the writers of the paper equate the suns influence as someone tapping the side of an aluminum can and watching the waves form in the liquid. The faster the tap the smaller the waves until it reaches a harmonic where the waves double. During warmer periods they see this harmonic and larger wave creation at earths equator. this results in massive storm generation. During cooling they see the harmonic dissipate and the waves fight each other (wave cancellation-reflection), slowing their propagation and resulting in smaller storms and weak energy in the atmosphere as we have been seeing for about 16 years now. (IE: hurricanes staying near the equator and being very weak)

I used this science every day when I worked for a telecommunications company years ago dealing with closed CATV systems and QAM signal stacks.. Now comparing the earths magnetic conduit to that system, it makes perfect sense in what they have observed.
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When you dig into the paper and look at their methods and models they prove that a very minute changes in magnetic wave frequency from the sun can totally change how atmospheric waves form at the equator..

In the last fifteen years the frequency has decreased in the VLF bands hitting the earth and correlated decrease in sever storms followed.

They modeled 10 years and the first two of that period have been 99% on track with formation of storms and storm strengths.. The next 8 will be fun to watch as it either will empirically show their model good or it deviates showing the model failed..

The long term is gong to be interesting.. I will be watching with great interest.

Without even reading the article I can tell you that the solar magnetic waves, it is the interaction of their varying rates of change with the conductive magnetic body of the Earth which is moving at its fastest at the equator that sets up complex field currents of millions of amperes as one huge generator. All weather begins at the equator and moves out to the poles in a magnetohydrodynamic system that we are only beginning to understand.
For years they have been looking at the sun and wondering how the sun could be influencing our climate when the TSI shows so little variation (the reaction is fairly stable). However, recently they have been looking into the small changes in the background. SO those waves we monitor to see what is coming in the next solar cycle are telling us much more than what is coming from the sun in the future, its actually having an effect in the present day.. If the reaction on the sun remains calm for decades it could very well place us into an ice age.

Our position in the galaxy could be having an effect on our suns reaction and that could be the whole of the driving factors on earth.

Science on earth is in its infancy... And many are to arrogant to admit it..

^^ That, exactly (well except for the missing O).

We haven't an iota of the required perspective to make absolute statements.
The paper didn't talk about magnetism at all, or make or imply any of the crazy things that Billy and the WUWT howler monkeys claim.

Most deniers don't know that, because they didn't look at the paper. They saw some propaganda they liked, so they shut down their brains and BELIEVED. After all, if they engaged in fact-checking, they wouldn't be deniers.

Billy, of course, just predicted an imminent ice age. Again. The last thousand failures of the predictions of an ice age hasn't had any effect on deniers. Their doomsday cult says the HolyIceAge will arrive RealSoonNow, so they BELIEVE.
The paper didn't talk about magnetism at all, or make or imply any of the crazy things that Billy and the WUWT howler monkeys claim.

Most deniers don't know that, because they didn't look at the paper. They saw some propaganda they liked, so they shut down their brains and BELIEVED. After all, if they engaged in fact-checking, they wouldn't be deniers.

Billy, of course, just predicted an imminent ice age. Again. The last thousand failures of the predictions of an ice age hasn't had any effect on deniers. Their doomsday cult says the HolyIceAge will arrive RealSoonNow, so they BELIEVE.

Showing your pure ignorance.. I know the paper is behind a paywall and your too ignorant of science to understand it.. But posting your crap answer is too funny.. You don't have even the slightest clue about what it says or implies..

Enjoy your ignorance.. Tell me again how many of your alarmist predictions have come to pass?
Showing your pure ignorance.. I know the paper is behind a paywall and your too ignorant of science to understand it.. But posting your crap answer is too funny.. You don't have even the slightest clue about what it says or implies..

The paper says nothing about magnetism.

You're lying to our faces again. It's what you do. It's all you do.
Showing your pure ignorance.. I know the paper is behind a paywall and your too ignorant of science to understand it.. But posting your crap answer is too funny.. You don't have even the slightest clue about what it says or implies..

The paper says nothing about magnetism.

You're lying to our faces again. It's what you do. It's all you do.
You don't have a damn clue...
Showing your pure ignorance.. I know the paper is behind a paywall and your too ignorant of science to understand it.. But posting your crap answer is too funny.. You don't have even the slightest clue about what it says or implies..

The paper says nothing about magnetism.

You're lying to our faces again. It's what you do. It's all you do.
You don't have a damn clue...

Guess the hairball thinks that the earth's magnetic field is just a quasi interesting "accessory" that doesn't actually have an effect on anything.
Wave propagation.... not something you equate with climate, generally speaking. But here it is...

Magnetism and the Coriolis effect creates a conduit at the equator and drives changes in our climate globally.. This can be affected by SOLAR OUTPUT and minor changes in solar modulation (magnetic output) can have devastating effects on earth while not changing TSI (Total Solar Ir-radiance) because it affects wave formation at the equator... Its an interesting hypothesis..

Identifying individual atmospheric equatorial waves from a total flow field


"Owing to the opposite vertical orientation with respect to the plane of Earth’s rotation across the equator from the Southern Hemisphere to Northern Hemisphere, the equator serves as a waveguide that houses a zoo of all kinds of atmospheric waves propagating along the west-east direction, which are referred to as “equatorial waves”. Equatorial waves are generated from spatially non-uniform diabatic heating fields, including latent heating releases from convective storms. These equatorial waves in turn initiate and organize new convections as they propagate out of their genesis locations, triggering a new set of equatorial waves propagating both eastwards and westwards along the equator. As a result, equatorial waves play important roles in organizing large-scale circulation disturbances and regulating large-scale diabatic heating patterns in tropics."

Weird science: ‘the equator serves as a waveguide that houses a zoo of all kinds of atmospheric waves’

Once again the Sun becomes the primary driver of earths climate and everything they claim CO2 could drive is proven to be driven by....... (wait for it)

Something else...

Equatorial wave expansion of instantaneous flows for diagnosis of equatorial waves from data: Formulation and illustration
LOL The sun has always been a driver of the climate. No one is denying that. Should the output change in either direction by 5%, the result would be catastrophic. However, in the last solar cycle, the TSI has been declining slightly, while the temperature has had the warmest years on record worldwide. However, the increase in GHGs has retained much more of the heat than was the case previously. And that is why we are seeing the record heat in the atmosphere and oceans.

Scientists like Jenifer Francis have been pointing out the connection between the actions of the atmosphere and the warming for a long time. And chaos theory has long pointed out the 'butterfly' effect. Nothing in this paper says that GHGs are not the primary factor in the present warming of this planet.
When you dig into the paper and look at their methods and models they prove that a very minute changes in magnetic wave frequency from the sun can totally change how atmospheric waves form at the equator..

In the last fifteen years the frequency has decreased in the VLF bands hitting the earth and correlated decrease in sever storms followed.

They modeled 10 years and the first two of that period have been 99% on track with formation of storms and storm strengths.. The next 8 will be fun to watch as it either will empirically show their model good or it deviates showing the model failed..

The long term is gong to be interesting.. I will be watching with great interest.

Without even reading the article I can tell you that the solar magnetic waves, it is the interaction of their varying rates of change with the conductive magnetic body of the Earth which is moving at its fastest at the equator that sets up complex field currents of millions of amperes as one huge generator. All weather begins at the equator and moves out to the poles in a magnetohydrodynamic system that we are only beginning to understand.
For years they have been looking at the sun and wondering how the sun could be influencing our climate when the TSI shows so little variation (the reaction is fairly stable). However, recently they have been looking into the small changes in the background. SO those waves we monitor to see what is coming in the next solar cycle are telling us much more than what is coming from the sun in the future, its actually having an effect in the present day.. If the reaction on the sun remains calm for decades it could very well place us into an ice age.

Our position in the galaxy could be having an effect on our suns reaction and that could be the whole of the driving factors on earth.

Science on earth is in its infancy... And many are to arrogant to admit it..

The Sun runs generally on an 11 year cycle of solar activity along with other cycles, and the Earth runs on THREE main cycles, the first is the 100,000 year orbital eccentricity of the Earth's as a sort an oscillation between oblateness and prolateness, probably left over from the impactor that created the Moon, the second is the 41,000 year variation of the Earth's axial tilt towards and away from the Sun, and the third is the 23,000 cycle of the directional wobble of the Earth's axis like a top as a Precession of the Equinoxes that causes the axis of the Earth to point in different directions. Right now it points towards Polaris (North Star), eventually it will point towards Vega (alpha Lyrae), then back again.

The combination of these three add up to what are called your Milankovitch Cycles, and it is the adding up and lining up of these cycles that has far more impact on the Earth's climate, ice age, global warming, etc., as the variation of the amount of energy we get from the Sun than anything we could ever do. The Sun imparts roughly 82 trillion kilowatt hours of energy to the Earth each hour or about 2 quadrillion kilowatts of energy per day.

That is equal to about 7.2 X 10^21 power joules of energy, 6.8 X 10^18 power BTUs, about 2 exawatts, 2.68 quintillion horsepower, or 1.7 quadrillion tons of TNT (1.7 billion megatons). Or the equal of 34 MILLION 50-megaton H-Bombs. Each day.

Remember, the Sun is a giant hydrogen fusion bomb the size of 1.3 million Earths. The Earth is a grain of sand next to the Sun.

That is what is hitting us on a good day. Does anyone really suppose that mankind can approach even a small fraction of that in his industrial and civil output? Anyone is welcome to try to do the math. The Earth gets a variation of that amount on a daily basis year round and a big volcano only makes a slight variation in climate that damps out in a year or two. This is why it is laughable when people claim that mankind is pushing the Earth over the edge of extinction beyond the Earth's ability to come back with just our cars and factories puffing a little gas, but you can never make them believe it.
You have Milancovic Cycles partially right. The rest of your post shows a remarkable lack of logic. By the Milankovic Cycles we should be cooling. Instead we are rapidly warming. And, at present, the TSI is in a slight decline. And, still, we are warming.

We know from the past geological ages that when the GHGs are at a high level in the atmosphere, the planet is warm. And we also know, from past geological ages, that when there is rapid warming or cooling, that we see extinction events. In most of these rapid warming or cooling periods we have evidence that the cause was the rapid increase, P-T extinction, or decrease, Ordivician extinction, in GHGs.
Showing your pure ignorance.. I know the paper is behind a paywall and your too ignorant of science to understand it.. But posting your crap answer is too funny.. You don't have even the slightest clue about what it says or implies..

The paper says nothing about magnetism.

You're lying to our faces again. It's what you do. It's all you do.
You don't have a damn clue...

Guess the hairball thinks that the earth's magnetic field is just a quasi interesting "accessory" that doesn't actually have an effect on anything.

Quickly erupted volcanic sections of the Steens Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Group: Secular variation, tectonic rotation, and the Steens Mountain reversal Nicholas A. Jarboe and Robert S. Coe Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, California 95064, USA ([email protected]) Paul R. Renne Berkeley Geochronology Center, 2455 Ridge Road, Berkeley, California 94709, USA Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA Jonathan M. G. Glen and Edward A. Mankinen U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, Mail Stop 989, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA [1] The Steens Basalt, now considered part of the Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG), contains the earliest eruptions of this magmatic episode. Lava flows of the Steens Basalt cover about 50,000 km2 of the Oregon Plateau in sections up to 1000 m thick. The large number of continuously exposed, quickly erupted lava flows (some sections contain over 200 flows) allows for small loops in the magnetic field direction paths to be detected. For volcanic rocks, this detail and fidelity are rarely found outside of the Holocene and yield estimates of eruption durations at our four sections of 2.5 ka for 260 m at Pueblo Mountains, 0.5 to 1.5 ka for 190 m at Summit Springs, 1–3 ka for 170 m at North Mickey, and 3 ka for 160 m at Guano Rim. That only one reversal of the geomagnetic field occurred during the eruption of the Steens Basalt (the Steens reversal at approximately 16.6 Ma) is supported by comparing 40Ar/39Ar ages and magnetic polarities to the geomagnetic polarity timescale. At Summit Springs two 40Ar/39Ar ages from normal polarity flows (16.72 ± ± 0.29 Ma (16.61) and 16.92 ± ± 0.52 Ma (16.82); ± ± equals 2s error) place their eruptions after the Steens reversal, while at Pueblo Mountains an 40Ar/39Ar age of 16.72 ± ± 0.21 Ma (16.61) from a reverse polarity flow places its eruption before the Steens reversal. Paleomagnetic field directions yielded 50 nontransitional directional-group poles which, combined with 26 from Steens Mountain, provide a paleomagnetic pole for the Oregon Plateau of 85.7N, 318.4E, K = 15.1, A95 = 4.3. Comparison of this new pole with a reference pole derived from CRBG flows from eastern Washington and a synthetic reference pole for North America derived from global data implies relative clockwise rotation of the Oregon Plateau of 7.4 ± 5.0 or 14.5 ± 5.4, respectively, probably due to northward decreasing extension of the basin and range


No evidence during this period of any effect by the flipping magnetic fields on life or climate.
When you dig into the paper and look at their methods and models they prove that a very minute changes in magnetic wave frequency from the sun can totally change how atmospheric waves form at the equator..

In the last fifteen years the frequency has decreased in the VLF bands hitting the earth and correlated decrease in sever storms followed.

They modeled 10 years and the first two of that period have been 99% on track with formation of storms and storm strengths.. The next 8 will be fun to watch as it either will empirically show their model good or it deviates showing the model failed..

The long term is gong to be interesting.. I will be watching with great interest.

Without even reading the article I can tell you that the solar magnetic waves, it is the interaction of their varying rates of change with the conductive magnetic body of the Earth which is moving at its fastest at the equator that sets up complex field currents of millions of amperes as one huge generator. All weather begins at the equator and moves out to the poles in a magnetohydrodynamic system that we are only beginning to understand.
And I can tell that you are a silly flap yapper without the slightest idea of what you are saying. I do believe I will read the articles by real scientists in scientific journals for my take on the interaction of the Earth's magnetic field and weather.

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