Wave of bomb threats causes evacuations, anxiety nationwide

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
You think maybe the Hildebeast is trying to extort some money, the old fashioned way after her WORLD TOUR ended up a huge bust with tickets being scalped for just $6 each?

A wave of bomb threats were reported Thursday against businesses, schools, hospitals and other places across the country — causing panic and evacuations, although all appeared to be hoaxes.

Police in cities nationwide reported threats, some emailed, some phoned in.

The FBI in a statement said they were "aware of the recent bomb threats made in cities around the country, and we remain in touch with our law enforcement partners to provide assistance. As always, we encourage the public to remain vigilant and to promptly report suspicious activities which could represent a threat to public safety."

Authorities in New York City were monitoring “multiple bomb threats that have been sent electronically to various locations throughout the city,” the New York Police Department’s counterterrorism bureau said on Twitter.

“These threats are also being reported to other locations nationwide & are NOT considered credible at this time,” the NYPD said.

Read more at nbcnews.com ...

One of my friends got this today in email....

Hello. I write you to inform you that my recruited person has hidden a bomb (tronitrotoluene) in the building where your business is located. My recruited person assembled an explosive device according to my instructions. It can be hidden anywhere because of its small size, it can not destroy the supporting building structure, but there will be many wounded people if it explodes. My recruited person keeps the building under the control. If any strange activity, panic or cop is noticed he will power the device. I can withdraw my recruited person if you pay. You pay me $20'000 in Bitcoin and the device will not explode, but do not try to cheat -I ensure you that I will call off my man solely after 3 confirmations in blockchain.

Here is my BTC address : 1LVZqNEUHnhGxZ2qgJApd3qbHWZtpMhkAo

You must transfer bitcoins by the end of the workday. If you are late with the transaction the bomb will detonate. Nothing personal this is just a business, if I do not receive the money and the explosive device explodes, next time other companies will pay me more bitcoins, because it isnt a one-time action. For security and anonymity , I will no longer enter this email account. I check my address every 30 minutes and if I see the transaction I will order my person to get away.

If an explosion occurred and the authorities notice this email: We arent a terrorist society and do not assume liability for acts of terrorism in other places.
Gee all I got was 50 robo phone calls telling me my SSN has been flagged and call them to avoid arrest.

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